Sérgio Sousa

Professor(a) Auxiliar Convidado(a)


Doutorado em Gestão (Univ. de Lisboa), Mestre em Psicologia (Coventry University) e Pós Graduado em Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (University of Hertfordshire). Chartered Psychologist pela British Psychological Society, Fellow da Higher Education Academy e do Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, tem sido Professor Convidado no domínio dos Recursos Humanos por mais de 25 anos. Tem desenvolvido a sua investigação em diversos aspectos na intersecção da psicologia organizacional, social e educacional, tais como adolescent bullying, aggression, disruptive workplace behaviours, e organisational culture. Paralelamente, tem desenvolvido actividade profissional em várias empresas multinacionais listadas no FTSE100 e Fortune 500, ocupando cargos de direcção no espaço da gestão de recursos humanos desde 1995.

The effectiveness of school-based interventions in the prevention and reduction of adolescents’ bullying behaviours: A qualitative evidence synthesis using meta-ethnography

Sérgio Sousa (with Sergio Sousa). 2025. Manuscript in preparation

The effectiveness of learning strategies for Human Resource Management working students

Sérgio Sousa (with Sergio Sousa). 2024. Manuscript in preparation

Incorporating AI Technology in the Service Sector: Innovations in Creating Knowledge, Improving Efficiency, and Elevating Quality of Life

Sérgio Sousa (with Sergio Sousa). 2023.

Organizational Culture and Quality Management Practices in the Hospital Sector

Sérgio Sousa 2019. Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Human resources management audits as an internal customer service continuous improvement process

Sérgio Sousa (with Sergio Sousa). 2014. IV Conferência em Investigação e Intervenção em RH

Knowledge Profiles Boosting Innovation

Sérgio Sousa 2013. Knowledge Management: An International Journal

HRM/IT - Integration Model Human Resource Management / Information Technologies

Sérgio Sousa (with Sergio Sousa). 2011.