Psicologia Educação Formação Longo da Vida II

6 ECTS / Semestral / Português
  1. To study and analyse the educational and teaching-learning processes as fundamental human processes that occur throughout the life cycle and in different contexts;
  2. Be informed on how educational system and adult training in Portugal is organized, understanding their mode of operation;
  3. To characterize the intervention of the psychologist on adult education and training, in a perspective of cooperation with other different professionals;
  4. To characterize and distinguish training systems, trainers’ skills and their role in various educational contexts;
  5. To prepare, develop and evaluate training actions;
  6. To reflect about training systems through the organization of proposals, which could contribute to the improvement of training systems at technical, pedagogical and organizational levels.


Professor(a) Auxiliar Convidado(a) / Investigador(a)
Marisa Simões Carvalho concluiu a licenciatura em Psicologia na Universidade do Porto, mestrado em Psicologia Escolar e doutoramento em Psicologia Vocacional…