Pelos ‘jardins secretos’ de duas escolas com populações estudantes semelhantes, mas com resultados académicos diferentes. [Walking through the ‘secret gardens’ of two schools with similar student population, but different academic results]
Ilídia Cabral (with Amorim, Sílvia). 2017. 2nd International Seminar on Education, Territories and Human Development
Perceções sobre a formação em contexto de trabalho dos Cursos de Aprendizagem em Portugal: o que dizem formandos/as, tutores/as, e dirigentes de centros de formação profissional [Perceptions about training in the work context of Apprenticeship ...
(with Doroftei, Alexandra). 2017. XIX Congreso Internacional de Galicia e Norte de Portugal de Formación para o Traballo. A formación Profesional Dual: duos ou duetos?
PLGA nanoparticles as carrier of bioactive peptide
Portuguese Adaptation and Input for the Validation of the Views on Inpatient Care (VOICE) Outcome Measure to Assess Service Users Perceptions of Inpatient Psychiatric Care
Portuguese Adaptation and Input for the Validation of the Views on Inpatient Care (VOICE) Outcome Measure to Assess Service Users’ Perceptions of Inpatient Psychiatric Care