Bárbara Cesar Machado

Professor(a) Auxiliar / Investigador(a)


Bárbara Cesar Machado é Psicóloga Clínica e Professora Auxiliar da Faculdade de Educação e Psicologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Porto). Docente da Licenciatura em Ciências da Nutrição da Escola Superior de Biotecnologia. Concluiu Mestrado e Doutoramento em Psicologia Clínica pela Escola de Psicologia da Universidade do Minho. É Investigadora no Centro de Investigação para o Desenvolvimento Humano (CEDH). Tem desenvolvido investigação no âmbito das perturbações do comportamento alimentar, perturbações da alimentação na infância, epidemiologia e etiopatologia e comportamentos multi-impulsivos. Experiência clínica com crianças, adolescentes e adultos e a sua área de interesse são as Perturbações da Alimentação e da Ingestão.


Non-suicidal self-injury in Portuguese college students

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Sónia Gonçalves). 2024. Current Psychology

Psychometric Properties of the Dimensional Yale Food Addiction Scale for Children 2.0 among Portuguese Adolescents

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Ana Matos). 2024. Nutrients

Appearance Comparisons, Affect, Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Pathology in Portuguese Female University Students

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Carol Coelho). 2023. Nutrients

Coping as a mediator and moderator between psychological distress and disordered eating behaviors and weight changes during the COVID-19 pandemic

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Elisa Veiga (with Machado, B. C.). 2023. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Food Addiction and Grazing—The Role of Difficulties in Emotion Regulation and Negative Urgency in University Students

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Andreia Ribeiro). 2023. Nutrients

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental and physical health and overall wellbeing of university students in Portugal

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva, Elisa Veiga, Bárbara Cesar Machado & Elisabete Pinto (with Bárbara Freire Brito César Machado Levy Osório). 2023. PLoS one

Loss of Control over Eating, Inhibitory Control, and Reward Sensitivity in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Sofia Marques Ramalho). 2023. Nutrients

Online holistic program to foster health amongst students: a pilot study in a Portuguese University during COVID-19 pandemic

Bárbara Cesar Machado, Elisa Veiga & Elisabete Pinto (with Elisa Veiga). 2023. Open Science Framework


Bárbara Cesar Machado, Pedro Dias, Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Ana Moreno (with Lucia Penalba-Sánchez). 2022. Psychology and Neuroscience

Are emotion regulation difficulties a moderator in the relationship between dating abuse and body investment in eating disorders?

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with S. Gonçalves). 2022. Revue Europeenne de Psychologie Appliquee

Are emotion regulation difficulties a moderator in the relationship between dating abuse and body investment in eating disorders?

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Goncalves, S.). 2022. Revue Europeene de Psychologie Appliquee

As dificuldades na regulação emocional são um moderador na relação entre abuso no namoro e investimento corporal nas perturbações do comportamento alimentar?

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Ana Isabel Vieira). 2022. The Psychologist Practice & Research Journal

Eating disorders and non-suicidal self-injury: Cluster analysis considering eating pathology, emotion dysregulation, and negative urgency

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Sónia Gonçalves). 2022. Análise Psicológica

Food addiction problems in college students

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Sónia Gonçalves). 2022. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Pandemia de COVID-19

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Elisa Veiga (with Joana Santos). 2022. The Psychologist Practice & Research Journal

Pandemia de COVID-19

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Elisa Veiga (with Sara Melo). 2022. The Psychologist Practice & Research Journal

Pandemia de COVID-19

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Joana Santos). 2022. The Psychologist Practice & Research Journal

Pandemia de COVID-19: riscos para a saúde mental nos estudantes universitários

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Joana Santos). 2022. The Psychologist: Practice & Research Journal

Psychometric properties and convergent and divergent validity of the Portuguese Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 (P-YFAS 2.0)

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Sónia Gonçalves). 2022. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity

Adult attachment in eating disorders mediates the association between perceived invalidating childhood environments and eating psychopathology

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Goncalves, Sonia). 2021. Current Psychology

Frequency and Correlates of Picky Eating And Overeating in School-aged Children: A Portuguese Population-based Study

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Bárbara Cesar Machado). 2021. Journal of Child and Family Studies

Eating Disorders in Males: A Case Series Study to Evaluate Putative Risk Factors

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Bárbara C. Machado). 2020. The Journal of Men’s Studies

Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Invalidating Childhood Environment Scale

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Vieira, Ana Isabel). 2020. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity

The CBCL/11/2-5'sDSM-ASD Scale: Confirmatory Factor Analyses Across 24 Societies

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Rescorla, Leslie A.). 2020. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

The CBCL/1½-5's DSM-ASD Scale: Confirmatory Factor Analyses Across 24 Societies.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Rescorla LA). 2020. Journal of autism and developmental disorders

The role of the perception of family environment in relation to body dissatisfaction, disordered eating and difficulties in close relationships

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Goncalves, Sonia). 2020. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity

Adult attachment in eating disorders mediates the association between perceived invalidating childhood environments and eating psychopathology

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2019. Current Psychology

Anorexia nervosa

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Sónia Gonçalves). 2019. Comportamento e saúde mental

Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder symptoms in children

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Sónia Gonçalves). 2019. Children's Health Care

Bulimia Nervosa

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Sónia Gonçalves). 2019. Comportamento e saúde mental

Eating Disorders in Males: A case series study to evaluate putative risk factors

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S. Vieira, A- I., Brandão, I., Buinhas, I., Granja, N., Cunha, M., Sá, J., Machado, J., Timóteo, S., Nunes, P). 2019. ECED / European Council on Eating Disorders - Eating disorders: A transdiciplinary approach to understanding and care

Frequency and Correlates of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder in a Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S., Antunes, H., Machado, B. C., & Freitas, A. ). 2019. 1º Encontro de Perturbações do Comportamento Alimentar do CMIN – (DES)Encontros nas Perturbações do Comportamento Alimentar

International comparisons of autism spectrum disorder behaviors in preschoolers rated by parents and caregivers/teachers.

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Rescorla LA). 2019. Autism : the international journal of research and practice

International Comparisons of Emotionally Reactive Problems in Preschoolers: CBCL/1½–5 Findings from 21 Societies

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Leslie A. Rescorla). 2019. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology

Obesidade e saúde mental

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Sónia Gonçalves). 2019. Comportamento e saúde mental

Perturbações da alimentação e da ingestão

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, B. C.). 2019. Comportamento e saúde mental

Putative risk factors for eating disorders in males

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, B. C., Vieira, A- I., Brandão, I., Buinhas, I., Granja, N., Cunha, M., Sá, J., Machado, J., Timóteo, S., Nunes,). 2019. 1º Encontro de Perturbações do Comportamento Alimentar do CMIN – (DES)Encontros nas Perturbações do Comportamento Alimentar

Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder symptoms in children: Associations with child and family variables.

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2018. Children's Health Care

Eating disorders and non-suicidal self-injury: Structural equation modelling of a conceptual model

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Ana Isabel Vieira). 2018. European Eating Disorders Review

Invalidating childhood environments, difficulties in establishing close romantic relationships and eating psychopathology: The role of attachment in eating disorders

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, B. C., Vieira, A. I., Rodrigues,T., Machado, P. P. Gonçalves, S., Brandão, I., Timóteo, S. & Nunes, P.). 2018. III Congresso Internacional do Núcleo de Doenças do Comportamento Alimentar / NDCA

Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Invalidating Childhood Environment Scale

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Ana Isabel Vieira). 2018. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity

Psychometric Properties of the Portuguese Version of the Invalidating Childhood Environment Scale

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Vieira, A.I., Rodrigues, T., Gonçalves, M., Machado, B.C., Machado, P. Brandão, I., Timóteo, S., Nunes, P., & Gonçalves,). 2018. 48th Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioral and Cogntive Therapies (EABCT)

The role of the perception of family environment in relation to body dissatisfaction, disordered eating and difficulties in close relationships

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Sónia Gonçalves). 2018. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity

The role of the perception of family environment in relation to body dissatisfaction, disordered eating and difficulties in close relationships

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S., Moreira, C., Gonçalves, M., Vieira, A. I. & Machado, B. C. ). 2018. III Congresso Internacional do Núcleo de Doenças do Comportamento Alimentar / NDCA
Book Chapter

Bateria ASEBA para os períodos pré-escolar e escolar

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2017. Psicologia clínica e da saúde

Maternal child-feeding practices and associations with maternal and child characteristics

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Sónia Gonçalves). 2017. Nutrition Today

Putative Risk Factors for Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Eating Disorders

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Vieira, Ana Isabel). 2017. European Eating Disorders Review

Putative Risk Factors for Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Eating Disorders.

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2017. European eating disorders review : the journal of the Eating Disorders Association

Risk factors for non-suicidal self-injury in eating disorders

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Vieira, A. I., Machado, B. C., Machado, P. P. P., Brandão, I., Roma-Torres, A. & Gonçalves, S. ). 2017. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society / EDRS

Romantic relationships and nonsuicidal self-injury among college students

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Eliana Silva). 2017. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology

Romantic relationships and nonsuicidal self-injury among college students: The mediating role of emotion regulation.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Silva, Eliana). 2017. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology

Anorexia nervosa versus bulimia nervosa: differences based on retrospective correlates in a case-control study

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, Barbara C.). 2016. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity

Comportamentos auto-flagelatórios e tentativas de suicídio na Obesidade.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, B. C.). 2016. II Congresso Internacional do NDCA.

História Reprodutiva, Evolução Clínica e Recuperação nas PCA

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Soares, F.). 2016. II Congresso Internacional do NDCA

Prevalence and correlates of picky eating in preschool-aged children: A population-based study

Bárbara Cesar Machado, Pedro Dias & Vânia Sousa Lima (with Machado, B.C.). 2016. Eating Behaviors

Prevalence and correlates of picky eating in preschool-aged children: A population-based study

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S., Machado, B. C., Dias, P., Lima, V. S. & Campos, J.). 2016. XXIInd Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society / EDRS

Retrospective Correlates for Bulimia Nervosa: A Matched Case-Control Study.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves S). 2016. European Eating Disorders Review

The Moderating Role of Purging Behaviour in the Relationship Between Sexual/Physical Abuse and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Eating Disorder Patients

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Goncalves, Sonia). 2016. European Eating Disorders Review

Viabilidade da monitorização da intervenção psicoterapêutica com adolescentes com recurso a aplicações móveis

Bárbara Cesar Machado, Elisa Veiga, Pedro Dias & Vânia Sousa Lima (with Dias, P.). 2016. Analise Psicologica

Anorexia nervosa versus bulimia nervosa: differences based on retrospective correlates in a case-control study.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado BC). 2015.
Book Chapter

Clínica Universitária de Psicologia: capítulos de um projecto

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with vânia sousa lima). 2015. Clínica Universitária de Psicologia - Contributos para a prática psicológica

Dysfunctional eating behavior, psychological well-being and adaptation to pregnancy: A study with women in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2015. Journal of Health Psychology,

Dysfunctional eating behaviour, psychological well-being and adaptation to pregnancy

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Sónia Gonçalves). 2015. Journal of Health Psychology

Dysfunctional eating behaviour, psychological well-being and adaptation to pregnancy: A study with women in the third trimester of pregnancy

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Goncalves, S.). 2015. Journal of Health Psychology

Fatores de Risco Associados ao Início Precoce das Perturbações do Comportamento Alimentar.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Cunha, M.). 2015. Dias da Psicologia@Católica.Porto.

História reprodutiva, evolução clínica e recuperação nas perturbações do comportamento alimentar.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Soares, F.). 2015. Dias da Psicologia@Católica.Porto.


Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2015. VI Congresso Internacional de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente, Lisboa, Portugal, 22/03/15


Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2015. 5th IFCU International Psychology Congress, Los Angeles, United States, 8/04/15

MIPA-Mobile: Monitorização da Intervenção Psicoterapêutica com Adolescentes com Recurso a Aplicações Móveis – Resultados Preliminares.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Dias, P.). 2015. VI Congresso Internacional de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente (CIPCA) - Tecnologia e Criatividade.

Prevalence and correlates of picky eating in early childhood

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, B. C.). 2015. 17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology.

Romantic relationships and nonsuicidal self-injury among Portuguese college students: The mediating role of emotion regulation.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Silva, E.). 2015. 17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology.

The moderating role of purging behavior in the relationship between sexual/physical abuse and self-injurious behavior in eating disorders patients.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Catia Silva). 2015. XXI Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society (EDRS).

The Moderating Role of Purging Behaviour in the Relationship Between Sexual/Physical Abuse and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Eating Disorder Patients.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves S). 2015.

Avaliação Qualitativa da Monitorização Psicoterapêutica com Adolescentes através de uma Aplicação Móvel: Resultados Preliminares dos Focus-Groups com Terapeutas

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2014. IX Congresso Iberoamericano de Psicologia e 2º Congresso das Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses

Dysregulated Behaviors in Bulimia Nervosa – A case-control study.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S.). 2014. Clinical Psychologist

Dysregulated behaviours in bulimia nervosa-A case-control study

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Goncalves, Sonia Ferreira). 2014. Clinical Psychologist

Eating and weight/shape criticism as a specific life-event related to bulimia nervosa: A case control study

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S.). 2014. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied

Manual de Psicologia Clínica da Criança e do Adolescente: Uma Abordagem Contextual. Coordenação científica da adaptação Portuguesa.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Ramalho, V.). 2014.

Manual do Sistema de Avaliação Empiricamente Validado (ASEBA) para o Período Pré-Escolar e Escolar

Bárbara Cesar Machado, Vânia Sousa Lima, Pedro Dias & Alexandra Carneiro (with vânia sousa lima). 2014. Psiquilíbrios Edições


Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2014. Actas do 5th International Psychology Congress


Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Pedro Dias). 2014. Actas do IX Congresso Iberoamericano de Psicologia/ II Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses


Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Pedro Dias). 2014. Actas do 5th International Psychology Congress


Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2014. Actas do IX Congresso Iberoamericano de Psicologia/ II Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses

MIPA-Mobile: Monitoring Psychotherapy with Adolescents using Mobile Applications

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Dias, P., Lima, V.S., Machado, B.C., Teixeira, L., Torres, N., Campos, J., & Lopes, L.). 2014. In FIUC (Coord.), Actas do 5th International Psychology Congress (on line)

MIPA-Mobile: Monitorização da Intervenção Psicoterapêutica com Adolescentes através de uma Aplicação Móvel.

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Dias, P.). 2014. IX Congresso Iberoamericano de Psicologia e 2º Congresso das Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses

Monitoring Psychotherapy with Adolescents using Mobile Applications

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, B. C.). 2014. Actas do 5th International Psychology Congress

Risk factors and antecedent life events in the development of anorexia nervosa: A Portuguese case-control study.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, B. C.). 2014. European Eating Disorders Review

Assessment of Psychopathology in Clinically Referenced Children with Portuguese Battery ASEBA: Cross-Informant Agreement

Alexandra Carneiro, Bárbara Cesar Machado, Lurdes Veríssimo, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2013. 1st World Congress on Children and Youth Health Behaviors, Viseu, Portugal, 23/05/13

Assessment of psychopathology in clinically referenced children with portuguese battery ASEBA: Cross-informant agreement-Abstract

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Dias, P.). 2013. Aténcion Primária

Assessment of psychopathology in clinically referenced children with portuguese battery ASEBA: Cross-informant agreement.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Dias, P.). 2013. 1st World Congress on Children and Youth Health Behaviors / 4th National Congress on Health Education.

Avaliação da Psicopatologia em Crianças Clinicamente Referenciadas Portuguesas com a Bateria ASEBA: Acordo Inter-informadores

Alexandra Carneiro, Bárbara Cesar Machado, Lurdes Veríssimo, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2013. VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia

Avaliação da Psicopatologia em Crianças Clinicamente Referenciadas Portuguesas com a Bateria ASEBA: Acordo Inter-informadores

Alexandra Carneiro, Bárbara Cesar Machado, Lurdes Veríssimo & Maria Raul Xavier (with Pedro Dias). 2013. VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Aveiro, Portugal, 20/06/13

Avaliação da Psicopatologia em Crianças Clinicamente Referenciadas Portuguesas com a Bateria ASEBA: Acordo Inter-informadores

Alexandra Carneiro, Bárbara Cesar Machado & Lurdes Veríssimo (with Pedro Dias). 2013. VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Aveiro, Portugal, 20/06/13

Dysregulated behaviours in bulimia nervosa-A case-control study


Risk factors and attachment organization in eating disorders: Preliminary results

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias 2013. Atención Primaria

Risk factors and attachment organization in eating disorders: Preliminary results-Abstract

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Dias, P.). 2013. Aténcion Primária

Risk factors and attachment organization in eating disorders: Preliminary results.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Dias, P.). 2013. 1st World Congress on Children and Youth Health Behaviors / 4th National Congress on Health Education.

Assessment of Psychopathology in children with the ASEBA battery: Preliminary psychometric data from the Portuguese population.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Dias, P.). 2012. 13th World Congress Babies in Mind - the Mind of Babies: A view from Africa.

Assessment of psychopathology in preschool children with the ASEBA battery: Preliminary psychometric data from the Portuguese population

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2012. Infant Mental Health Journal

Assessment of psychopathology in preschool children with the ASEBA battery: Preliminary psychometric data from the Portuguese population

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2012. Infant Mental Health Journal, Supplement, 33(3), 56-57.

Assessment of psychopathology in preschool children with the ASEBA battery: Preliminary psychometric data from the Portuguese population.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Dias, P.). 2012. Infant Mental Health Journal, Supplement,

Avaliação da Psicopatologia em Crianças e Adolescentes Portugueses com a Bateria ASEBA em Amostras Normativas e Clínicas: Estudo Preliminar.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Carneiro, A.). 2012. 1º Congresso da OPP Afirmar os Psicoólogos.

Behavioral / Emotional Problems of Preschoolers: Caregiver / Teacher Reports From 15 Societies.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Rescorla, L.). 2012. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders,

Behavioral/Emotional Problems of Preschoolers: Caregiver/Teacher Reports From 15 Societies

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Rescorla, L.A.). 2012. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Dysregulated Behaviors in Bulimia Nervosa – A case-control study.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S.). 2012. 18th Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society.

Eating disorders and treatment outcome - Preliminary results

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Machado, Bárbara César). 2012. 18th Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society.

Qualidade das Relações Íntimas e Ferimentos Autoinfligidos em Estudantes Universitários.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Silva, S.). 2012. II Simpósio de Investigação em Psicologia da Universidade do Minho.

Self-injurious behavior in a community sample of Portuguese adolescents.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S.). 2012. Psicothema,

Self-injurious behavior in Portuguese adolescents

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Goncalves, Sonia Ferreira). 2012. Psicothema

Self-injurious behavior in Portuguese adolescents | Conducta autolesiva en adolescentes portugueses

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S.F.). 2012. Psicothema

The Influence of Romantic Attachment and Intimate Partner Violence on Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Behavior among College Students.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Silva, E.). 2012. 3rd Joint Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research European and UK Chapters.

Antecedent life events in the development of anorexia nervosa: A case control study.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, B. C.). 2011. 2nd INTACT Symposium: Innovations in health services for patients with eating disorders.

Antecedent life events in the development of bulimia nervosa.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S.). 2011. 2nd INTACT Symposium: Innovations in health services for patients with eating disorders.

Assessment of psychopathology in Portuguese referred children: preliminar psychometric data with the ASEBA battery.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Dias, P.). 2011. 25th European Health Psychology Conference “Engaging with Other Health Professions: Challenges and Perspectives”.

International comparisons of behavioral and emotional problems in preschool children: parents' reports from 24 societies.

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Rescorla LA). 2011. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

International Comparisons of Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Preschool Children: Parents’ Reports from 24 Societies.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Rescorla, L.). 2011. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology

O papel dos factores socioculturais no desenvolvimento das perturbações do comportamento alimentar: Uma revisão da literatura

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2011. Psicologia Saúde & Doenças, 12(2): 280-297.

O papel dos factores socioculturais no desenvolvimento das perturbações do comportamento alimentar: Uma revisão da literatura.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S.). 2011. Psicologia Saúde & Doenças

Predictors of Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors in a Sample of Portuguese Preschool Children.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Dias, P.). 2011. SRCD Biennal Meeting.

Problemas de Internalização e de Externalização no Período Pré-escolar: Estudo Exploratório Acerca da Prevalência de Factores de Risco.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Santos, S.). 2011. da Psicologia@Católica.Porto.

Problemas de internalização e de externalização no período pré-escolar: Estudo exploratório sobre factores de risco

Bárbara Cesar Machado, Pedro Dias & Alexandra Carneiro (with Dias, Pedro). 2011. I Congresso Internacional de Psicologia do Desenvolvimento

Syndromes of Pre-Scool Psychopathology Reported by Teachers and Caregivers in 14 Societies Using the Caregiver Teacher Report Form (C-TRF)

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2011. Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology

Syndromes of Pre-Scool Psychopathology Reported by Teachers and Caregivers in 14 Societies Using the CaregiverTeacher Report Form (C-TRF)

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2011. Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology, 7, 99-116.

Utilização da bateria ASEBA na avaliação da psicopatologia em crianças e adolescentes.

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Alexandra Carneiro (with Lima, V. S.). 2011. 1º Seminário de Intervenção Psicológica com Crianças e Adolescentes: intervenções empiricamente validadas para a população portuguesa.

Factores de risco no desenvolvimento da anorexia nervosa

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2010. Universidade do Minho

Ferimentos auto-infligidos na adolescência.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S.). 2010. VII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia.

Temperamento e psicopatologia em crianças em idade pré-escolar.

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Alexandra Carneiro (with Rouxinol, F.). 2010. VII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia.

The mismatch between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa risk factors.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S.). 2010. International Conference on Eating Disorders.

Temperament and psychopathological symptoms in preschool children.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Dias, P.). 2009. International ASEBA Conference on Empirically Based Mental Health Knowledge.
Book Chapter

A unidade de psicologia clínica e da saúde para crianças e adolescentes do serviço de consulta psicológica e desenvolvimento humano do departamento de psicologia da Universidade do Minho

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Bárbara Figueiredo). 2008. Intervenção Psicológica no Ensino Superior
Book Chapter

A unidade de psicologia clínica e da saúde para crianças e adolescentes do serviço de consulta psicológica e desenvolvimento humano do departamento de psicologia da Universidade do Minho

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2008. Intervenção Psicológica no Ensino Superior (pp. 31-40).
Book Chapter

Consulta de perturbações do comportamento alimentar: Serviço de consulta psicológica e desenvolvimento humano

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Sónia Gonçalves). 2008. Intervenção Psicológica no Ensino Superior
Book Chapter

Consulta de perturbações do comportamento alimentar: Serviço de consulta psicológica e desenvolvimento humano

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2008. Intervenção Psicológica no Ensino Superior (pp. 41-52).

Questionário pediátrico de bem-estar, satisfação e qualidade de vida (QPBS): Estudo psicométrico com amostra não-clínica

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with M. G. Oliveira). 2008. Actas da XIII Conferência Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos

Questionário Pediátrico de Bem-Estar, Satisfação e Qualidade de Vida (QPBSQ): Estudo psicométrico com amostra não-clínica.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Oliveira, M. G.). 2008. XIII Conferência Internacional Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos.

Hospital inpatient admission in the first 6 months of outpatient treatment

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Roma-Torres, A.). 2007. 10th General Meeting of the European Council on Eating Disorders (ECED)

Risk factors and attachment organization in eating disorders: an exploratory study.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Dias, P.). 2007. International Attachment Conference 2007

The prevalence of eating disorders not otherwise specified

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, P. P.). 2007. International Journal of Eating Disorders

Anorexia nerviosa: Validez divergente de un prototipo narrativo

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, B. C.). 2006. Terapia Psicologica

Anorexia nerviosa: Validez divergente de un prototipo narrativo

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2006. Terapia Psicológica (Chile), 24, 99-104.

Anorexia nerviosa: Validez divergente de un prototipo narrativo

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, B. C.). 2006. Terapia Psicológica (Chile)

Anorexia Nervosa: Divergent validity of a prototype narrative among anorexia relatives

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, B. C.). 2006. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology

Ingestão alimentar compulsiva ou dieta? O que inicia o desenvolvimento da bulimia nervosa?

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S.). 2006. Encontro Ibero-Latino sobre Perturbações do Comportamento Alimentar

O tratamento cognitivo comportamental das perturbações do comportamento alimentar

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Paulo P.P. Machado). 2006. Revista Lusófona de Ciências da Mente e do Comportamento

O tratamento cognitivo comportamental das perturbações do comportamento alimentar

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2006. Revista Lusófona de Ciências da Mente e do Comportamento, 8 (1): 124 - 133.

“Binge eating or dieting? What initiates the development of bulimia nervosa? ”

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S.). 2006. 6th Internacional Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED) “Eating disorders throughout the world: Exploring similarities and differences”

“The eating disorder examination questionnaire: Reliability and norms for portuguese adolescent girls”.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, B. C.). 2006. 6th Internacional Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED) “Eating disorders throughout the world: Exploring similarities and differences”

Anorexia Nervosa e Construção de Significado: Validação divergente de uma narrativa protótipo

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2005. Comportamento Alimentar, (2) 4: 1 - 12.

Anorexia Nervosa e Construção de Significado: Validação divergente de uma narrativa protótipo

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, B. C.). 2005. Comportamento Alimentar

“Comportamento alimentar em adolescentes do sexo feminino”.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, P. P.). 2005. 1º Congresso Nacional “Saúde e Comportamento”

Eating Related Problems Amongst Iberian Female College Students

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Paulo P. P. Machado). 2004. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology

Eating Related Problems AmongstIberianFemaleCollege Students

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2004. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 4 (3): 495–504.

Risk factors for the development of bulimia nervosa in Portugal

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2004. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 35 (4): 432 - 433.

Risk factors for the development of bulimia nervosa in Portugal

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Paulo P. P. Machado). 2004. Abstract. International Journal of Eating Disorders

Risk factors for the development of bulimia nervosa in Portugal

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, P. P.). 2004. International Journal of Eating Disorders

Suicide attempts and clinical severity of eating disorders: An exploratory study

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2004. Terapia Psicológica(Chile), 22: 57-60.

Suicide attempts and clinical severity of eating disorders: An exploratory study

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Paulo P. P. Machado). 2004. Terapia Psicologica

Suicide attempts and clinical severity of eating disorders: An exploratory study

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, P. P.). 2004. Terapia Psicológica(Chile)

“As perturbações do comportamento alimentar no Ensino Secundário: Estudo epidemiológico nacional com EDE-Q”.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, P. P.). 2004. X Conferência Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica “Formas e Contextos”,

Anorexia nervosa: Validação divergente de uma narrativa protótipo

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2003. Universidade do Minho

“A Two Stage Epidemiological Study of Eating Disorders in Portugal”.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, B. C.). 2003. “Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society”

“Patterns of Symptomatic Change in the Treatment of Eating Disorders: Application of a Survival Analysis Methodology”.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, P. P.). 2003. “Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society”

“Risk Factors for the Development of Eating Disorders in Portugal”.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S.). 2003. “Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society”

Anorexia Nervosa: Validação Divergente de uma Narrativa Protótipo

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2002. Revista Internacional de Psicología Clínica y de la Salud, (2) 1: 91-109.

Anorexia Nervosa: Validação Divergente de uma Narrativa Protótipo

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Margarida Rangel-Henriques). 2002. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology

Anorexia Nervosa: Validação Divergente de uma Narrativa Protótipo

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Henriques, M. R.). 2002. Revista Internacional de Psicología Clínica y de la Salud

“Eating Disorders Patients and Multi-Impulsive Behaviour””.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S.). 2002. “2002 International Conference on Eating Disorders and Clinical Teaching day: New Aspects of Gender in Eating Disorders”

“Monitorização da Qualidade do Tratamento das Perturbações do Comportamento Alimentar no Hospital de São João”.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, P. P.). 2002. “Congresso Internacional de Psicologia da Saúde”

“The Course of Eating Disorders Treatment: Evaluation of 6 month treatment”.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, P. P.). 2002. “33 Annual International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research”

“Tratamento Cognitivo-Comportamental em Grupo para a Perturbação de Ingestão Alimentar Compulsiva”.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, P. P.). 2002. “1º Congresso Internacional de Lisboa – Doenças do Comportamento Alimentar”

Tratamento Cognitivo-Comportamental em grupo da Perturbação de Ingestão Alimentar Compulsiva

Bárbara Cesar Machado 2001. Revista Internacional de Psicología Clínica y de la Salud, (1) 2, 307-316.

Tratamento Cognitivo-Comportamental em grupo da Perturbação de Ingestão Alimentar Compulsiva

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Paulo P. P. Machado). 2001. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology

Tratamento Cognitivo-Comportamental em grupo da Perturbação de Ingestão Alimentar Compulsiva.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, P. P.). 2001. Revista Internacional de Psicología Clínica y de la Salud

“Eating Disorders Patients and Multi-Impulsive Behaviour””.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S.). 2001. Poster apresentado no Congresso Internacional “Percursos no Feminino: Saúde e Psicopatologia da Mulher”

“The comparation of eating pathology between patients with sexual abuse and patients without sexual abuse”.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Gonçalves, S.). 2001. “Society for Psychotherapy Research – joint meeting of the EU and UK chapters”

“Eating Disorders Treatment in Portugal: Patterns of Service Utilization”

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Machado, P. P.). 2000. Poster apresentado no SPR (Society for Psychotherapy Research)

“Eating Disorders Treatment in S. João Hospital, Porto: Patterns of Service Utilization”.

Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Roma-Torres, A.). 2000. “Oporto Regional Meeting – 175th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Oporto Royal School of Surgery - The heritage of the XXth century in the area of Neuropsychopharmacology”

Assessment of psychopathology in clinically referenced children with portuguese battery ASEBA: Cross-informant agreement

Bárbara Cesar Machado Aténcion Primária, 45(1):166.

Risk factors and attachment organization in eating disorders: Preliminary results

Bárbara Cesar Machado Aténcion Primária, 45(1):163.