Maria Raul Xavier

Professor(a) Auxiliar / Investigador(a)


Maria Raul Lobo Xavier é Professora Auxiliar na Faculdade de Educação e Psicologia (FEP) da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. É licenciada em Psicologia pela Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (1988) e doutorada em Ciências Biomédicas pelo Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto (2001). Na FEP-UCP, foi coordenadora da Clínica Universitária de Psicologia – CUP, coordenadora da Licenciatura em Psicologia da FEP (2008-2014) e Presidente do Conselho Pedagógico entre 2009 e 2012.


'Space to talk'

Maria Raul Xavier (with Filipa Fareleira). 2023. BMJ Open

A new psycho-educational group intervention for women and men on the waiting list for the first medically assisted reproduction cycle

Maria Raul Xavier (with Emanuela Lopes). 2023. 2023 IFFS World Congress, Athens, Greece, 10/09/23

Dialogues with parents

Maria Raul Xavier (with Ana Teresa Brito). 2023. 18th World Congress for the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Dublin, Ireland, 15/07/23

Dialogues with parents

Maria Raul Xavier (with Ana Teresa Brito). 2023. Frontiers in Education

Dialogues with parents

Maria Raul Xavier (with Ana-Teresa Brito). 2023. Infant Mental Health Journal

Grupo de intervisão em psicologia na PMA(GIPPMA)

Maria Raul Xavier (with Salomé Reis). 2023. XXXVIII Jornadas de Estudos da Reprodução, Aveiro, Portugal, 12/05/23

Working group and intervision in psychology in medically assisted procreation – GIPPMA

Maria Raul Xavier (with Emanuela Lopes). 2023. 2023 IFFS World Congress, Athens, Greece, 10/09/23

A psicologia em contexto de atuação na PMA

Maria Raul Xavier (with Emanuela Lopes). 2022. 8º Congresso Português de Medicina da Reprodução, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 12/05/22

Psicologia e procriação medicamente assistida

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 2022. The Psychologist Practice & Research Journal

A Compreensão Emocional da Morte pela Criança: Resposta ao Artigo de Silva et al

Maria Raul Xavier (with Miguel Julião). 2021. Acta Médica Portuguesa
Book Chapter

Álcool e gravidez

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 2021. Comportamentos aditivos

La Consommation d’Alcool durant la Grossesse

Maria Raul Xavier (with Margaux Fruscione). 2021. Revista Psicologia e Saúde

Medically assisted procreation

Maria Raul Xavier (with Iasmim Souza). 2021. Portuguese Language Group of the Marcé Society, Porto, Portugal, 2/12/21

Medically assisted procreation: psychological adjustment, sexuality and intimacy in men

Maria Raul Xavier (with Iasmim Souza). 2021. no IV Annual Meeting 2021 - Challenges in Perinatal Mental Health , Matosinhos, Portugal, 2/12/21

Parenting, child development and primary care - 'Crescer em Grande!' intervention (CeG!) based on the Touchpoints approach

Maria Raul Xavier (with Filipa Fareleira). 2021. BMJ Open

Sociodemographic characteristics, (in)fertility and psychological impact on women and men undergoing fertility treatments

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 2021. Portuguese Language Group of the Marcé Society, Porto, Portugal, 2/12/21

Sociodemographic characteristics, (in)fertility and psychological impact on women and men undergoing Fertility Treatments

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 2021. Portuguese Language Group of the Marcé Society, Porto, Portugal, 2/12/21

Working group and intervision in psychology in medically assisted procreation - GIPPMA

Maria Raul Xavier (with Emanuela Lopes). 2021. Portuguese Language Group of the Marcé Society, Porto, Portugal, 2/12/21

Perspectivas y experiencias sobre el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas durante el embarazo: estudio cualitativo con embarazadas de España, Francia y Portugal

Maria Raul Xavier 2020. ex aequo - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres

Alcohol Use During Pregnancy - A Portuguese Study

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 2019. 8th International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Vancouver, Canada, 6/03/19

Alcohol use during pregnancy - a Portuguese study

Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Maria Xavier). 2019. 8th International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Vancouver, Canada, 6/03/19

Alcohol Use During Pregnancy - A Portuguese Study

Maria Raul Xavier (with Xavier, M. R.). 2019. 8th International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Research, Results and Relevance

Attitude vis-avis de la consommation d’alcool durant la grossesse

Maria Raul Xavier (with Xavier, M. R.). 2019. Revista Psicologia e Saúde- UCDB

Consumo do álcool durante a gravidez - perspetivas de um grupo de enfermeiros face ao fenómeno

Maria Raul Xavier (with Santos, Ana Paula dos). 2019.

Consumo do álcool durante a gravidez – perspetivas de um grupo de enfermeiros face ao fenómeno

Maria Raul Xavier (with Santos, A.P.). 2019. . V Congresso Ibero-Americano e LusoBrasileiro de Psicologia da Saúde, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal

Embarazo y alcohol: conocimientos, actitudes y opiniones de los profesionales sanitários

Maria Raul Xavier (with Baena, Belén Charro). 2019. Health and Addictions/Salud y Drogas

Embarazo y alcohol: estudio cualitativo sobre los conocimientos y actitudes de las mujeres gestantes en España, Francia y Portugal

Maria Raul Xavier (with Belén Charro). 2019. 8º Congresso Ibero-Americano em Investigação Qualitativa: Investigação Qualitativa na Saúde

Investigação transcultural (Portugal, França e Espanha) sobre o consumo de álcool durante a gravidez

Maria Raul Xavier (with Renata da Rocha Campos Franco). 2019. Anais do 9º Congresso Brasileiro de Avaliação Psicológica

Perceptions about alcohol use during pregnancy in France, Portugal and Spain

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 2019. 8th International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Vancouver, Canada, 6/03/19

Perceptions About Alcohol Use During Pregnancy in France, Portugal and Spain – A Cross-Cultural Qualitative Study

Maria Raul Xavier (with Xavier, M. R.). 2019. 8th International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Research, Results and Relevance

Perspetivas e experiências sobre o consumo de bebidas com álcool na gravidez – estudo qualitativo com grávidas de Espanha, França e Portugal

Maria Raul Xavier (with Franco, R.). 2019. Revista Ex aequo

PMA, relação diádica, ansiedade e depressão

Maria Raul Xavier (with M. Pinho). 2019. 7º Congresso Português de Medicina da Reprodução, Porto, Portugal, 8/05/19

PMA, relação diádica, ansiedade e depressão – considerações quanto ao género e número de ciclos

Maria Raul Xavier (with Pinho, M.). 2019. 7º Congresso Português de Medicina de Reprodução

Pregnant women's attitudes regarding alcohol use during pregnancy and accessibility and quality of information available

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 2019. 8th International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Vancouver, Canada, 6/03/19

Pregnant women´s attitudes regarding alcohol use during pregnancy and accessibility and quality of information available – a qualitative study

Maria Raul Xavier (with Xavier, M. R.). 2019. 8th International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Research, Results and Relevance

Abandono escolar e efundula

Maria Raul Xavier & Maria Carmo Carvalho (with Prudência Ndamonovanu). 2018. Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Educacional

Abandono escolar e Efundula – perceções de um grupo de jovens mães da província do Cunene, no sul de Angola

Maria Raul Xavier 2018. Revista Portuguesa se Investigação Educacional, Educação e Desenvolvimento Humano

Child development, parenting and primary health care role

Elisa Veiga & Maria Raul Xavier (with F. Fareleira). 2018. Infant Mental Health Journal

Child development, parenting and primary health care role: parents’ and family physicians’ perspectives

Elisa Veiga & Maria Raul Xavier (with Filipa Fareleira). 2018. 16th WAIMH World Congress, Roma, Italy, 26/05/18
Book Chapter

Consumo de álcool durante a gravidez - Perceção de mulheres grávidas relativamente à informação disponível - Estudo exploratório qualitativo

Maria Raul Xavier 2018. Actas do 3º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Lisboa, 28 Setembro 2016 a 1 de Outubro 2016

Learning self-assessment

Luísa Mota Ribeiro & Maria Raul Xavier (with Ana Saltiel). 2018. Revista Electrónica de Investigação e Desenvolvimento

Moderation effect of family socioeconomic status in development

Alexandra Carneiro, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier, Pedro Dias, Marisa Costa & Mariana Negrão (with Elisa Veiga). 2018. Infant Mental Health Journal

Moderation Effect of Family socioeconomic status in development

Alexandra Carneiro, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Elisa Veiga). 2018. Infant Mental Health Journal

Moderation effect of family socioeconomic status in development

Alexandra Carneiro, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier & Mariana Negrão (with Elisa Veiga). 2018. 16th World Association for Infant Mental Health World Congress, Roma, Italy, 26/05/18

Moderation effect of family socioeconomic status in development

Alexandra Carneiro, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier, Pedro Dias & Mariana Negrão (with Elisa Veiga). 2018. 16th World Association for Infant Mental Health World Congress, Roma, Italy, 26/05/18

Moderation Effect of Family socioeconomic status in development: the case of premature pre-school children

Alexandra Carneiro, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier, Mariana Negrão & Pedro Dias (with Elisa Veiga). 2018. 16th World Association for Infant Mental Health World Congress, Roma, Italy, 26/05/18

Moderation Effect of Family socioeconomic status in development: the case of premature pre-school children

Alexandra Carneiro, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier & Mariana Negrão (with Elisa Veiga). 2018. 16th World Association for Infant Mental Health World Congress, Roma, Italy, 26/05/18

Newborn competences and transition to parenthood – Knowledge and practices of a group of portuguese nurses after touchpoints training

Elisa Veiga & Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 2018. Infant Mental Health Journal

Perspective des étudiants universitaires sur la transition vers le marché du travail dans le nord du Mozambique

Maria Raul Xavier (with João Amide). 2018. Revista Electrónica de Investigação e Desenvolvimento

Emotional and behavioral problems in children born prematurely

Mariana Negrão, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Elisa Veiga). 2016. Not available


Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Elisa Veiga). 2015. Not available

Alcohol use and attitudes thought pregnancy and motherhood during pregnancy in a group of Portuguese women

Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Maria Xavier). 2014. 14th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Babies: Their contributions – Our responsibilities


Maria Raul Xavier (with Elisa Veiga). 2014. 14th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Babies: Their contributions – Our responsibilities, Edimburgo, United Kingdom, 14/06/14


Maria Raul Xavier, Pedro Dias & Mariana Negrão (with Elisa Veiga). 2014. 14th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Babies: Their contributions – Our responsibilities, Edimburgo, United Kingdom, 14/06/14

Assessment of Psychopathology in Clinically Referenced Children with Portuguese Battery ASEBA: Cross-Informant Agreement

Alexandra Carneiro, Bárbara Cesar Machado, Lurdes Veríssimo, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2013. 1st World Congress on Children and Youth Health Behaviors, Viseu, Portugal, 23/05/13

Avaliação da Psicopatologia em Crianças Clinicamente Referenciadas Portuguesas com a Bateria ASEBA: Acordo Inter-informadores

Alexandra Carneiro, Bárbara Cesar Machado, Lurdes Veríssimo, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2013. VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia

Avaliação da Psicopatologia em Crianças Clinicamente Referenciadas Portuguesas com a Bateria ASEBA: Acordo Inter-informadores

Alexandra Carneiro, Bárbara Cesar Machado, Lurdes Veríssimo & Maria Raul Xavier (with Pedro Dias). 2013. VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Aveiro, Portugal, 20/06/13
Book Chapter

Género, Parentalidade e Inclusão Social - Um programa de intervenção em meio prisional

Maria Raul Xavier & Raquel Matos (with Raquel Maria Navais de Carvalho Matos). 2013. Violência, agressão e vitimação: Práticas para a intervenção.

Psychological impact of single and multiple courses of assisted reproductive treatments in couples: A comparative study

Maria Raul Xavier (with Reis, S.). 2013. European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology

Gravidez e depressão pós-parto

Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with vânia sousa lima). 2012. Not available

Gravidez e depressão pós-parto

Maria Raul Xavier, Pedro Dias & Mariana Negrão (with vânia sousa lima). 2012. Libro de resúmenes de los trabajos aceptados en el V Congreso Internacional y X Nacional de Psicología Clínica

Gravidez e depressão pós-parto: programa de intervenção cognitiva-narrativa e de intervenção de casal baseada na vinculação

Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier, Pedro Dias & Mariana Negrão (with Vânia Sousa Lima). 2012. V Congreso Internacional y X Nacional de Psicología Clínica
Book Chapter

Saúde e Desenvolvimento nos primeiros tempos de vida – uma questão social?

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Raúl Andrade Martins Lobo Xavier). 2012. Uma Jornada por Jornadas
Book Chapter

The protection factors' role in promoting resilience among adolescents (a case study)

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Raúl Andrade Martins Lobo Xavier). 2011. Interpersonal Acceptance and rejection - social, emotional and educational contexts
Book Chapter

The protection factors´role in promoting resilience among adolescents (a case study)

Maria Raul Xavier 2011. Interpersonal Acceptance and rejection - social, emotional and educational contexts

Contributo para o estudo da parentalidade

Elisa Veiga & Maria Raul Xavier (with M. Simões). 2010. VII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação Psicológica, Braga, Portugal, 4/02/10

Counseling children at risk in a resilient contextual perspective

Maria Raul Xavier (with Elias E. Kourkoutas). 2010. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
Book Chapter

Empowerment and resilience in children and adolescents with learning and psychosocial difficulties/disorders: School based interventions

Maria Raul Xavier 2010. Families of children with special difficulties and school inclusion
Book Chapter

Socorro!... Tenho um filho adolescente!

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Raúl Andrade Martins Lobo Xavier). 2010. Aprender a Educar. Guia para pais e educadores

Aquisição e Desenvolvimento da Linguagem: um estudo de caso com crianças dos 2 anos e meio aos 6 anos

Maria Raul Xavier 2009. Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Educacional, 8, 47-60.

Porque necessitamos de um modelo bioecológico–transaccional para pensar o futuro?

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 2008. Cadernos de Pedagogia Social

Resiliência num grupo de adolescentes de risco de uma escola secundária do grande Porto

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 2008. Cadernos de Pedagogia Social

Crianças exportas ao álcool e substâncias ilícitas durante a gestação – algumas reflexões

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 2006. Revista Cadernos de Estudo

Apresentação da Linha de Investigação Desenvolvimento e Risco no Desenvolvimento

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 2004. Revista Cadernos de Estudo

Crianças e risco ambiental – abordagem de um grupo de crianças

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 2004. Revista Cadernos de Estudo

Dialogues with Parents - welcoming, listening, empowering

Maria Raul Xavier (with Ana Teresa Brito). 2004. 2023 Congress of The World Association for Infant Mental Health , Dublin, Ireland, 15/07/23

Avaliação neurocomportamental dos primeiros tempos de vida de um grupo de crianças exposto a substâncias ilícitas durante a gestação

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 1999. Saber (e) Educar

Quando em vez de um bom começo há uma falsa partida… - Uma abordagem do risco

Elisa Veiga & Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 1999. Saber (e) Educar

Characteristics of children prenatally exposed to drugs

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 1998. Arquivos de Medicina

Early visual deprivation and early exposure to amphetamine

Maria Raul Xavier (with Liliana de Sousa). 1998. Arquivos de Medicina

Effects of prenatal exposure to amphetamine in the medial prefrontal cortex of the rat

Maria Raul Xavier (with M. A. Tavares). 1996. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience

Effects of prenatal exposure to amphetamine in the medial prefrontal cortex of the rat

Maria Raul Xavier (with Xavier, Maria). 1996. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 14, 5, 585-596

Exposição a drogas ilícitas durante a gestação - a criança em risco

Maria Raul Xavier (with Maria Xavier). 1996. Saber (e) Educar

Effects of prenatal cocaine exposure in the prefrontal cortex of the rat - A morphometric evaluation

Maria Raul Xavier (with Xavier, M.R.). 1995. Molecular Neurobiology

Effects of prenatal cocaine exposure on postnatal growth patterns of male Wistar rats

Maria Raul Xavier (with Silva, M.C.). 1995. Neurotoxicology and Teratology
Book Chapter

Álcool e gravidez – Algumas reflexões em torno de um fenómeno complexo

Maria Raul Xavier Comportamentos Aditivos. Perspetivas e desafios

EHealth early intervention programs to support premature parents transitioning from NICU to home on parental and infant outcomes

Maria Raul Xavier (with Liliana Ferraz). JBI evidence synthesis