Rosário Serrão Cunha

Docente Convidado(a) / Researcher

Generic Bio

Rosário Serrão Cunha é Mestre em Psicologia, com especialização em Psicologia da Educação e do Desenvolvimento Humano, na Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Faculdade de Educação e Psicologia no Porto. Desde 2011, colabora em projetos de investigação nas áreas da Psicologia e Educação. Defendeu a sua Tese de Mestrado no tópico perceções de adolescentes sobre a aprendizagem em 2015. Durante o estágio ERASMUS+, colaborou em projetos de investigação europeus no Centre for Resilience and Social & Emotional Health da Universidade de Malta. Foi bolseira de investigação no projeto EDUgest – Gestão Escolar e Melhoria das Escolas, financiado pela Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo, durante 31 meses. Também trabalhou como Psicóloga Escolar em diferentes contextos e tem experiência de ensino nos níveis de Licenciatura e Mestrado em Psicologia. É investigadora júnior no Centro de Investigação para o Desenvolvimento Humano (CEDH), no qual contribui ativamente para diferentes projetos e estudos. Atualmente, é Doutoranda no International PhD Programme in Applied Psychology: Adaptation and change in contemporary societies - Joint PhD Programme: Universitat Ramon Llull (URL); Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP); Nottingham Trent University (NTU). O seu tópico de investigação de doutoramento é a promoção da saúde psicológica nas escolas, focando em processos de despiste universal desde os alunos aos diretores.


Adolescents’ School-Based Universal Well-Being Screening: A Validation of the Student Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire in Portugal

Pedro Dias & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Rosário Serrão). 2024. School Mental Health

Perceptions of the social validity of school-based universal screening for wellbeing and psychological health, from students to principals

Rosário Serrão Cunha & Pedro Dias (with Rosário Serrão). 2023. 44th annual conference of the International School Psychology Association (ISPA), Bologna, Italy, 5/07/23

School psychologists’ training to support inclusive education in Portugal

Marisa Simões Carvalho & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Marisa Carvalho). 2023. School Psychology International

Teachers’ and Parents’ Perceptions on Desired and Practised School Mission: Alignments and Misalignments

Luísa Mota Ribeiro, Marisa Simões Carvalho & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Rosário Serrão). 2023. Leadership and Policy in Schools

A qualitative study of school professionals’ perspectives about whole-school universal wellbeing screening

Pedro Dias & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Rosário Serrão). 2022. 43rd Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association, Leuven, Belgium, 7/07/22

Developing conjoint research work through a joint PhD programme

Pedro Dias, Rosário Serrão Cunha & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Rosário Serrão). 2022. IFCU 7th International Psychology Congress "Psychology in Dialogue: Three paths, one goal", Porto, Portugal, 7/07/22

Management model, leadership and autonomy in Portuguese and Spanish public schools

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Mireia Tintoré). 2022. Cogent Education

Management model, leadership and autonomy in Portuguese and Spanish public schools: A comparative analysis

Rosário Serrão Cunha, Ilídia Cabral & José Matias Alves (with Mireia Tintoré). 2022. Cogent Education

Problem-based learning in an undergraduate Psychology course

Marisa Simões Carvalho, Rosário Serrão Cunha & Diana Soares (with Marisa Carvalho). 2022. IFCU 7th International Psychology Congress "Psychology in Dialogue: Three paths, one goal", Porto, Portugal, 7/07/22

The influence of in-school social relationships on school professionals’ and pupils’ wellbeing

Pedro Dias & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Rosário Serrão). 2022. 5th International Conference on Social Identity and Health , Notthingham, United Kingdom, 22/06/22
Book Chapter

Nuevas estrategias para la formación de líderes educativos a partir de la investigación.

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Tintoré, Mireia). 2021. La nueva gestión del conocimiento

Os pais no conselho geral das escolas

Cristina Palmeirão & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with José Matias Alves). 2021. Revista Portuguesa de Educação

Os Pais no Conselho Geral das escolas: Entre a retórica da ação estratégica e a subordinação múltipla.

Cristina Palmeirão, Ilídia Cabral, José Matias Alves & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Alves, José Matias). 2021. Revista Portuguesa de Educação

Parental involvement during pandemic times


Parental Involvement during Pandemic Times: Challenges and Opportunities

Luísa Mota Ribeiro, Marisa Simões Carvalho & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Luísa Mota Ribeiro). 2021. Education Sciences

School Psychologists training in applied approaches for the construction of inclusive schools in Portugal: Process Description - Accepted March 2021

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Carvalho, Marisa). 2021. 42nd Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association

School psychologists training in Portugal: Trainers' perspectives - Accepted March 2021

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Carvalho, Marisa). 2021. 42nd Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association

A literature review of the factors associated with the mental health of schools’ employees: Contributing to whole-school mental health prevention.

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Cunha, Rosário Serrão). 2020. 42nd Annual Conference of ISPA (International School Psychlogy Association) - Postponed for 2021 (due to COVID-19)

A scoping review of problems and challenges faced by school leaders (2003-2019)

Ilídia Cabral, José Matias Alves & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Mireia Tintoré Espuny). 2020. Educational Management Administration & Leadership

A scoping review of problems and challenges faced by school leaders (2003–2019)

Rosário Serrão Cunha & José Matias Alves (with Tintoré, M.). 2020. Educational Management Administration & Leadership
Book Chapter

Bases para a construção de um referencial para a melhoria das práticas de liderança e gestão escolar [Bases for the construction of standards for the improvement of school leadership and management practices].

Rosário Serrão Cunha & José Matias Alves (with Cabral, Ilídia). 2020. Gestão Escolar e Melhoria das Escolas: O que nos diz a investigação. [School Management and School Improvement: What does the research tell us].

Creando relatos de vida para desarrollar líderes y contextos educativos

Rosário Serrão Cunha 2020. Llibre d’actes de la I Conferència Internacional de Recerca en Educació. Educació 2019: reptes, tendències i compromisos (4 i 5 de novembre de 2019, Universitat de Barcelona).

Culturas escolares, lideranças, processo de ensino aprendizagem e resultados: apresentação de dados de um estudo duplo comparativo

Rosário Serrão Cunha 2020. Llibre d’actes de la I Conferència Internacional de Recerca en Educació. Educació 2019: reptes, tendències i compromisos (4 i 5 de novembre de 2019, Universitat de Barcelona).

Developing conjoint research work through a Joint PhD Programme

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Serrão Cunha, Rosário ). 2020. 7th FIUC Congress - postponed for 2021 (due to COVID-19)
Book Chapter

Enquadramento do projeto de investigação EDUgest [Introduction to the research project EDUgest]

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Cabral, Ilídia). 2020. Gestão Escolar e Melhoria das Escolas: O que nos diz a investigação. [School Management and School Improvement: What does the research tell us]

From face-to-face to online and distance learning in a psychology bachelor’s degree: challenges and opportunities from students’ and teachers’ perceptions

Marisa Simões Carvalho & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Carvalho, Marisa). 2020. 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation

Giving voice to problems faced by school leaders in Portugal

Ilídia Cabral, José Matias Alves & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Mireia Tintoré Espuny). 2020. School Leadership & Management
Book Chapter

Narrativas de liderazgo educativo en Portugal. Voces desde la direccíon

Rosário Serrão Cunha & José Matias Alves (with Mireia Tintoré). 2020. Gestão escolar e melhoria das escolas
Book Chapter

Nuevas estrategias para la formación de líderes educativos a partir de la investigación

José Matias Alves & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Mireia Tintoré). 2020. La nueva gestión del conocimiento

Portuguese Principals’ Professional Development Needs and Preferred Learning Methods

Ilídia Cabral, Rosário Serrão Cunha & José Matias Alves (with Rosário Serrão Cunha). 2020. Education Sciences

Problem-based learning in an undergraduate Psychology course: A description of a possible implementation.

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Marisa Carvalho). 2020. 7th FIUC Conference

School leadership practices of Portuguese principals: Matching perceptions of principals and teachers

Ilídia Cabral, José Matias Alves & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Cabral, I.). 2020. International Journal of Management in Education

School leadership practices of Portuguese principals: Matching perceptions of principals and teachers.

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Cabral, Ilídia). 2020. International Journal of Management in Education (IJMIE).

Student's Online Learning Readiness in Times of Covid-19: Self-Report of Undergraduate Psychology Students in Portugal: Student's Online Learning Readiness in times of Covid-19

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Carvalho, M.). 2020. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Student’s Online Learning Readiness In Times Of Covid-19: Self-Report Of Undergraduate Psychology Students In Portugal

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Carvalho, Marisa). 2020. 9th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion

What makes learning easier and more difficult? The perspective of teenagers [O que facilita e dificulta a aprendizagem? A perspetiva de adolescentes]

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Cunha, Rosário Serrão). 2020. Psicologia em Estudo

What makes learning easier and more difficult? The perspective of teenagers,O que facilita e dificulta a aprendizagem? A perspetiva de adolescentes

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Cunha, R.S.). 2020. Psicologia em Estudo


Rosário Serrão Cunha & José Matias Alves (with José Matias Alves). 2019. ICERI2019 Proceedings


Rosário Serrão Cunha (with José Matias Alves). 2019. ICERI2019 Conference 11th-13th November 2019, Seville, Spain
Book Chapter

Dando voz a los directores escolares: 19 historias de vida de directores portugueses [Giving voice to school leaders: 19 life stories of Portuguese principals]

Rosário Serrão Cunha, José Matias Alves & Cristina Palmeirão (with Tintoré, Mireia). 2019. EBIBLOX- Guía para la gestión de centros educativos

First-Year Law Students’ and Teacher’s Questioning in Class

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Ribeiro, Luísa Mota). 2019. Frontiers in Psychology

First-Year Law Students’ and Teacher’s Questioning in Class



Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Ilídia Cabral). 2019. ICERI2019 Proceedings

Perceções de alunos sobre a (des)motivação e a (des)atenção no aprender [Students perceptions’ on (de)motivation and (in)attention in learning], IV OPP Congress | Abstracts Book | Braga, 2018

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Ribeiro, Luísa Mota). 2018. IV OPP Congress | Abstracts Book | Braga, 2018

Exploring Portuguese teachers’ perceptions of the challenges they face in schools

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Ribeiro, Luísa Mota). 2017. 39th Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association

Perceções de alunos do 3º ciclo sobre a aprendizagem : um estudo com grupos de discussão focalizada [Perception of students from third cycle about learning: a focus group study]

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Cunha, Maria do Rosário de Valadares Serrão Brito da). 2015.

Ensinar e aprender no século XXI: Um olhar sobre as preocupações relatadas por professores

Luísa Mota Ribeiro & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Luísa Ribeiro). 2014. IX Congresso Iberoamericano de Psicologia e 2º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses

Ensinar e aprender no século XXI: Um olhar sobre as preocupações relatadas por professores [Teach and learn in XXI century: a view on teachers concerns].

Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Luísa Mota Ribeiro). 2014. IX Congresso Iberoamericano de Psicologia/2º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses [Latin American Meeting on Psychology and 2nd Portuguese Psychologists Association Congress]