The higher education experience is broader than the classroom context or the social experiences within the campus. While this academic experience at FEP-UCP is rewarding, our commitment is to build a culture of active and responsible citizenship, making the community an ideal context for learning.

As such, FEP-UCP challenges all its students to make a difference by participating in volunteering activities that add value to the community and translate into added value for all involved.
There are several volunteering options available for our students. FEP-UCP is available to find opportunities aligned with the interests of its students. Moreover, we work with several non-governmental institutions, public bodies, community projects, and associations nationally and internationally.
These volunteering experiences mark the academic journey. In addition, they allow the creation of new friendships and the development of valuable personal and professional skills, enriching curricula and guaranteeing greater attractiveness for future job opportunities.
Volunteering is all of this... and, above all, making a difference!