
Álvaro Almeida dos Santos

Escola Secundária: Dr. Joagquim Gomes Ferreira Alves
Master's of Education Science – Specialization in Academic Administration and Organization

The rise of intersecting factors, which have come to make the actions of academic directors more complex, increases, simultaneously, the need of a permanent update and training to respond to renewed challenges in the realm of administrative actions and strategic management of schools. This means that academic leaders, throughout all levels of schools, should be capable of seeking out new methods to act based on the best technical and scientific knowledge, so that they will be most successful and the best skilled leaders and managers.

The questioning and reflection about these aforementioned actions made me decide to pursue this Master's Degree. Having just taken the opportunity, it corresponded to my initial needs and expectations. The program helped me to better comprehend our daily reality, to act with old and new forms of knowledge in much more perfected forms, to determine more sustainable methods and to identify means to solidify projects, from a systematic approach, that helps to support those who work with us. Skill and quality were defining words of this Master's Program. In addition to enabling us to become more competent and proficient for the future,  it gave me the key to understand trends and to identify and anticipate scenarios beyond simply the desire for continuous improvement and learning.


Maria Sousa Soares

Pedagogical Director
College of Our Lady of Peace
Master's of Education Science – Specialization in Academic Administration and Organization

For personal and professional reasons, I could only begin my Master's in Academic Organization and Administration a few years after I had initially planned… which caused a considerable increase in [my] expectations and demand for it.

Both exceeded my expectations. The professors, themes, readings, the material and refleections pursued and the dialogue among colleagues fostered tremendous professional and personal development, revision of paradigms, organizational synthesis and implementation of changes.

The results of my time spent here are easily recognizable.



E-mail: candidaturas.porto@ucp.pt | admissions.porto@ucp.pt

Phone: 00351 939 450 000 / 00351 939 450 012