Internationalisation is essential for any higher education institution, anywhere in the world, carrying the core of the meaning of the word 'university.'

The FEP-UCP community has dedicated significant effort to implement a wide-spectrum international collaborative project and position internationalization at its strategy's forefront. This effort has had an impact on three key indicators:

  1. Attractiveness to international students and professionals
  2. Scientific publications in the English language
  3. International collaboration in teaching, research, and science communication

Through its strategic internationalisation initiative, FEP-UCP seeks to promote greater involvement of its students, lecturers, and researchers in a global-local dynamic, instigating them to leave their national comfort zones and experience a global reality without losing their connection and proximity to their local communities. This dynamic is catalyzed by European research and education programmes, in particular the ERASMUS+ programme, which has been an essential partner for the success of FEP-UCP's strategic approach to internationalisation.

Today, FEP-UCP faculty members are regularly invited as speakers for international events, develop research funded by international agencies, are members of scientific committees of international journals and conferences, are editors, authors, and reviewers of international scientific journals, offer study cycles in partnership with universities from other countries, and collaborate at various levels with universities and other international institutions.