Bárbara Nobre

Bárbara Nobre

Costa Maia – Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

My experience while a student in the Master's of Psychology program - specializing in Education Psychology and Human Development – was marked by the quality and the care fostered in classrooms, the opportunities for real world applications and the possibility to complement my training with other activities offered by the department.

This program allowed me to understand the multidisciplinary and transversality of psychologoical work in different contexts and with different target audiences.

It was a process of personal and professional growth, of developing not only technical skills but also soft skills, all of which are invaluable to me as I adapted to a constantly transforming job and world.

Inês Loureiro

Inês Loureiro

First Year Student
Master's of Psychology - Specialization in Education Psychology and Human Development

Pursuing my degree felt like I the realization of a dream every single day. Therefore, I began this academic journey believing that it would be an enormous and complex challenge but a great learning opportunity.

Later during my first semester we carried out many projects that allowed us to intervene and observe in a diverse array of contexts, such as schools, kindergartens, nursuing homes and sports clubs, among others. The other major benefit is the personal support that each student can receive through the tutorials. Meetings are held between the tutor and the student in which various topics are discussed, such as learning, fears, challenges, potential opportunities and feedback from professors that are considered relevant for each of us to achieve our full potential. This opportunity was extremely enriching, both academically and personally, and the training I will receive will no doubt be beneficial in my professional journey.

Mariana Rossi

Mariana Rossi

First Year Student
Master's of Psychology – Specialization in Education Psychology and Human Development

Choosing UCP's Department of Education and Psychology for my Master's program was an easy decision, as doing my Bachelor's degree here allowed me to participate in a wide range of volunteer activities that fostered personal growth, which paired with the program itself. The closeness between students and faculty, both in the Bachelor's degree and the Master's program, was also a defining factor, which without a doubt, further facilitated the learning experience. Combining a climate of proximity, personal development and opportunities, all of which were promoted by the department, made me believe that studying at UCP has enhanced my academic career, enriching it at various levels.
Sofia Fernandes

Sofia Fernandes

CEDH Researcher

My academic journey with the Department of Education and Psychology was very fulfilling, promoting my growth and acquisition of essential technical and personal skills that are essential for the labor market. I consider  the training process of the Master's degree in Psychology to be of high quality, and it meets the needs and challenges of psychological practice, as seen through the merits of the curriculum, the highly specialized professors and also the wide range of partners for the pursuit of internships.

Furthermore, the Department of Education and Psychology offers extracurricular activities to strengthen our intervention skills, be it through training events, guest speakers or seminars.



E-mail: admissions.porto@ucp.pt
Phone: 00351 939 450 000 / 00351 939 450 012
Monday to Friday: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM