Bolsas e prémios

Faculty of Education and Psychology Merit Scholarships

Annually, the FEP-UCP awards merit scholarships to the most outstanding candidates (based on their application grade) and students (based on their academic performance in the previous academic year). These scholarships are awarded automatically and there is no need to apply or demonstrate household income.

What are the conditions for obtaining a merit scholarship?

The awarding of scholarships for each program is governed by specific regulations which are updated on an annual basis.



Sponsored Scholarships from the Directorate General for Higher Education (DGES)

These scholarships are awarded by the Government and granted to students pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's degree in both public and private universities; qualification is determined based on family income.

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Other Scholarships offered by Católica

Católica also offers various other options adapted to and available for each student and their situation.

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CADOS Scholarships

These scholarships are financed by the Amélia de Mello Foundation in collaboration with the protocol signed between the foundation and UCP-Porto.

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Monday to Friday: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM