Specialization in the Psychology of Justice and deviant Behavior

Specialization in the Psychology of Justice and deviant Behavior

Program Description

The Master's in Psychology (Justice and Deviant Behavior) degree has the following main objectives:

  • Think critically about deviant behavioral theories and about the phenomeons of social control in a transdisciplinary perspective
  • Gain knowledge in the intersection of psychology and justice with the possibilitiy of psychological actions in assessments, intervention and scientific research as they pertain to the psychology of justice and deviant behaviors
  • Acquire knowledge in the intersection of psychology and human rights with the possibility of psychological involvement in humanitarian intervention and intervention in the context of crises and emergencies
  • Gain skills in evaulation and intervention in the field of Psychological Forensics
  • Gain skills in psychological assessments and intervention in the field of deviant behaviors and victimology (the study of victims)
  • Acquire research skills, particularly in the areas of the psychology of justice and deviant behavior
  • Deepen skills for socio-emotional development and for working in a group in a variety of disciplines
  • Promote an ethical, critical, reflective attitude, in view of the reality of research and intervention in the psychology of justice and deviant behavior

Why a Master's of Psychology?

  • Students and the job market recognize the quality of our teaching
  • Our curriculum offers a strong foundation in the psychology profession in a wide array of contexts and for scientific research
  • We have adopted innovative pedagogical  approaches (e.g., service-based learning), which are available through our Pedogogical Innovation Lab
  • We ensure that students get to perform work that relates to real issues in the community (e.g., study trips and field work)
  • Through the Research Center for Human Development and the Neuroscience Lab, we promote student involvement from the very first year. Students pursue research projects that intend to tackle emerging social problems
  • A tightknit community fosters relationships between professors and students
  • We offer a tutorial for all students where we offer pedagogical assistance throughout their time in the department
  • We have a University Psychology Clinic that contributes information about real cases to better students' studies and training
  • We have a diverse network of partners who can offer curricular internships
  • We offer short-term international internships that allows one to develop professional expertise and to expand their horizons
  • We have students of many nationalities and visiting through the Erasmus Program, fostering an enriching cultural exchange
  • Our students can take advantage of a dynamic and intertwined campus that offers many initiatives for personal and professional development
  • We offer services to help students transition into the labor market


Our program is accredited by the Higher Education Assessment and Accreditation Agency (A3ES)
Registo DGES n.º
: R/A-Ef1213/2011/AL02 | Data: 18.01.2019 | Publicação em Diário da República disponível aqui



E-mail: admissions.porto@ucp.pt
Phone: 00351 939 450 000 / 00351 939 450 012
Monday to Friday: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM


Maria Pintado Teixeira

Maria Pintado Teixeira

Second Year Student
UCP not only offered me a safe space, in which I had the opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge through highly competent and exemplary teaching staff, but also gave me the possibility of building lasting relationsihps marked by help and support.