Mariana Barbosa

Assistant Professor / Researcher

Generic Bio

Mariana Reis Barbosa, with a PhD in Psychology of Justice from the University of Minho, is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education and Psychology at the Catholic University of Portugal. She is a researcher at the Human Development Research Centre (CEDH). She has dedicated her teaching, research and intervention activities to the area of Psychology of Peace and Human Rights. She coordinates the areas of Education and Psychology in the Interdisciplinary Post-Graduation in Human Rights. She is the national coordinator of the Heroic Imagination Project, an international project founded and led by Philip Zimbardo. She has been national coordinator of several international projects funded by the European Commission, and is currently national coordinator of the European project Safe Zone (Prevention of Radicalization and Violent Extremism) and national co-coordinator of the European project SeRV (Services and Rights for Victims of Crime). She represents the Portuguese Catholic University in the Executive Committee of the Platform for Refugee Support (PAR), having founded and coordinated the volunteering programme 'Platform for Refugee Support @ Front Line' in Lesvos, Greece.


Creating mindful heroes

Luísa Mota Ribeiro & Mariana Barbosa (with Inês Nogueira). 2023. Frontiers in Psychology

Relatório de Avaliação - MEERU Aproxima

Mariana Barbosa (with Mariana Reis Barbosa). 2023.

Prosocial tendencies measure validation for Portuguese late adolescents

Lurdes Veríssimo, Marisa Costa, Mariana Barbosa & Luísa Mota Ribeiro (with Marisa Costa). 2022. Interação em Psicologia

“From street soldiers to political soldiers”: assessing how extreme right violence has been criminalised in Portugal

Mariana Barbosa (with da Silva, R.). 2022. Critical Studies on Terrorism

Welcoming refugees in Portugal: preliminary assessment through the voices of refugee families

Mariana Barbosa (with Mariana Barbosa). 2021. International Journal of Inclusive Education

Bringing together psychology and peace

Mariana Barbosa (with Mónica Catarina Pereira Soares). 2020. Campos en Ciencias Sociales

Entre a maioridade penal e a menoridade civil: perspetivas de profissionais da área da Justiça

Mariana Barbosa & Raquel Matos (with Tiago Rocha Silva). 2020. Análise Social

Lives on hold: The experiences of asylum seekers in moria refugee camp

Mariana Barbosa (with Moreira, A.L.). 2020. Community Psychology in Global Perspective.

PROTOCOL: Psychosocial processes and intervention strategies behind islamist deradicalisation: A scoping review

Mariana Barbosa (with de Carvalho, C.). 2019. Campbell Systematic Reviews

Police officers’ perspectives on state (Police) violence: a sociomoral and psychological-driven study on disengagement

Mariana Barbosa (with Soares, M.). 2018. Journal of Social and Political Psychology

Public protest and police violence: Moral disengagement and its role in police repression of public demonstrations in Portugal.

Mariana Barbosa & Raquel Matos (with Mónica Soares). 2018. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology

Relatório de Avaliação do Programa PAR Famílias

Mariana Barbosa (with Barbosa, Mariana Reis). 2018. Plataforma de Apoio a Refugiados
Book Chapter

Descomprometimento moral e violência policial: Análise dos discursos dos agentes policiais portugueses

Mariana Barbosa 2017. Crime e segurança nas cidades contemporâneas

Public Space, Protest, and Police Violence: Moral disengagement and its role in police repression of public demonstrations in Portugal.

Mariana Barbosa 2017. Peace and Conflict: The Journal of Peace Psychology

Mecanismos de internacionalização de projetos artísticos – o caso das artes de rua

Mariana Barbosa (with Bruno Costa). 2016. Primeiros contributos para o FIGAC 2016
Book Chapter

Mulheres de nacionalidade estrangeira detidas em Portugal. Breve caracterização de trajetos de vida e envolvimento no crime

Mariana Barbosa & Raquel Matos (with Matos, Raquel). 2015. Mulheres e Crime Perspectivas sobre intervenção, violência e reclusão

Gangues Juvenis em Portugal

Mariana Barbosa (with Raquel Matos). 2014. Dias da Psicologia @ Católica, Porto, Portugal, 1/01/14

Gangues Juvenis em Portugal: Contextualização do fenómeno na perspetiva de profissionais

Raquel Matos & Mariana Barbosa (with Matos, Raquel). 2014. Dias da Psicologia na Católica Porto
Book Chapter

Intervenção com crianças e jovens em acolhimento institucional

Mariana Barbosa & Mariana Negrão (with Luísa Ribeiro). 2014. Clínica Universitária de Psicologia: Contributos para a prática psicológica

O papel da sociedade civil na des(legitimação) da violência de Estado

Raquel Matos & Mariana Barbosa (with Barbosa, M.). 2014. Barómetro Social
Book Chapter

Percursos de Integração de Refugiados em Portugal

Mariana Barbosa 2014. Género, Nacionalidade e Reclusão. Olhares Cruzados sobre migrações e reclusão feminina em Portugal

Violência de Estado

Mariana Barbosa (with Raquel Matos). 2014. Dias da Psicologia @ Católica, Porto, Portugal, 1/01/14
Book Chapter

Violência de Estado: da definição e normalização do fenómeno à intervenção com vítimas

Raquel Matos & Mariana Barbosa (with Mónica Soares). 2014. Vítimas de crime e violência: Práticas de intervenção

Violência de Estado: Mecanismos de Descomprometimento Moral em Agentes de Forças de Segurança e Militares

Raquel Matos & Mariana Barbosa (with Matos, Raquel). 2014. Dias da Psicologia na Católica Porto

A Psicologia da Paz

Mariana Barbosa & Raquel Matos (with Mariana Barbosa). 2013. Psicologia, XXVII (1), 47-61

A Psicologia da Paz

Mariana Barbosa & Raquel Matos (with Barbosa, M.). 2013. Psicologia

Apology and reconciliation in Western Europe

Mariana Barbosa (with Hellqvist, K.). 2013. International Handbook of Peace and Reconciliation

Cidadãos estrangeiros em Portugal: migrações, crime e reclusão

Mariana Barbosa & Raquel Matos 2013. Psicologia, XXVII (1), 33-45

Cidadãos estrangeiros em Portugal: migrações, crime e reclusão

Mariana Barbosa & Raquel Matos (with Matos, Raquel). 2013. Psicologia

Definitions of peace and reconciliation in Western Europe

Mariana Barbosa (with Salmberg, M.). 2013. International Handbook of Peace and Reconciliation

Definitions of war, torture, and terrorism in Western Europe

Mariana Barbosa (with Salmberg, M.). 2013. International Handbook of War, Torture, and Terrorism

Perspectives on invasion in Western Europe

Mariana Barbosa (with Machado, C.). 2013. International Handbook of War, Torture, and Terrorism

Perspectives on protest in Western Europe

Mariana Barbosa (with Corgan, M.). 2013. International Handbook of Peace and Reconciliation

Perspectives on torture in Western Europe

Mariana Barbosa (with Koenig, J.). 2013. International Handbook of War, Torture, and Terrorism

Views on national security in western Europe

Mariana Barbosa (with Corgan, M.). 2013. International Handbook of War, Torture, and Terrorism

Western european perspectives on peace and reconciliation

Mariana Barbosa (with Fischer, E.). 2013. International Handbook of Peace and Reconciliation

Social discourses about state violence: A qualitative study | Discursos sociais sobre a violência de estado: Um estudo qualitativo

Mariana Barbosa & Raquel Matos (with Barbosa, M.). 2012. Analise Psicologica

Social discourses about state violence: A qualitative study,Discursos sociais sobre a violência de estado: Um estudo qualitativo

Mariana Barbosa (with Barbosa, M.). 2012. Analise Psicologica
Book Chapter


Mariana Barbosa & Raquel Matos (with Carla Machado). 2009. State Violence and the Right to Peace
Book Chapter

State Violence and the Right to Peace: German Perspectives

Mariana Barbosa 2009. State violence and the right to peace: an international survey of the views of ordinary people
Book Chapter

State violence and the right to peace: Portuguese perspectives

Mariana Barbosa & Raquel Matos 2009. State violence and the right to peace: an international survey of the views of ordinary people.