Researchers Club Logo

The labour market is in permanent mutation, requiring academic training that favours the integral development of students, promoting opportunities for the acquisition of transversal skills.

In this sense, the Researcher's Club of FEP-UCP aims to involve students in research projects from the early stages of their academic training, thus generating an opportunity for curricular enrichment.

This club emerges as part of the FEP-UCP's research agenda and the ODS and OLS agendas, oriented towards the greater involvement of students in the research carried out by the research groups of the Research Centre for Human Development - CEDH. Strengthening this partnership between students and researchers is fundamental for the sustainable success of the academic mission of the faculty.

The participation in the Researcher's Club allows:

  • Consolidate learning and scientific knowledge;
  • Develop research, writing, and science communication skills.
  • To learn to work in teams with senior and junior researchers;
  • To develop the capacity for critical and reflective analysis;
  • To develop the "investigator's spirit" and an essential attitude of questioning in relation to scientific knowledge and its implication
  • The Researcher's Club fits in the activity of the CEDH, supporting the process of integration of students in research projects and recognition of research experiences.


Research projects and activities

The research projects and activities will be presented in the "Researcher's Club Forum" on a date to be set annually.

For more information, contact: