Photo of Ana Beatriz Martins

Ana Beatriz Martins

Estudante do Mestrado em Psicologia e Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos
Mestrado em Psicologia e Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos

A FEP-UCP destaca-se pela exigência, notória ao longo de toda a Licenciatura em Psicologia e no Mestrado de PDRH. Saliento o plano de estudos multidisciplinar, que prima pelo rigor e excelência, permitindo que nos tornemos excelentes profissionais. O apoio e cuidado de todos os docentes é algo vivido na FEP-UCP: além de partilharem conhecimento teórico, sempre incentivaram o pensamento crítico ao longo de todo o percurso. O Mestrado PDRH destaca-se em relação aos demais, devido às múltiplas áreas envolvidas que nos asseguram um conhecimento mais abrangente e completo. Os métodos de ensino permitiram que a transição para o mercado de trabalho fosse mais fácil, graças às competências que fui desenvolvendo durante a frequência do mestrado.
Beatriz Neves photo

Beatriz Neves

Alumna do Mestrado em Psicologia e Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos em 2020. Actual função: Human Resources Technician
Mestrado em Psicologia e Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos

A experiência na FEP foi transformadora, tive contacto com profissionais de excelência e um ambiente de aprendizagem enriquecedor. As competências adquiridas, especialmente as soft skills, foram fundamentais no meu desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, moldando a minha carreira na área dos Recursos Humanos.
Beatriz Varandas

Beatriz Varandas (Alumni)

HR Manager
Master's in Psychology of Human Resources Development

UCP's Department of Education and Psychology stands out for its competitive value, providing its students with many opportunities and beginning their journeys by offering a wide range of differentiated curriculum. In my Master's program, I had the opportunity to learn and grow through the support of excellent profesionals who, in addition to sharing their theoretical knowledge with students, required us to always think critically. It's not possible to measure all the learning I did, but I can say that this program allowed me to understand not only many facets of working in human resources, but also to become more aware of demanding obstacles that any human resources professional has to overcome.
Carla Sousa Oliveira

Carla Sousa Oliveira (Partner Corporation)

Cooridnator of the People of Porto's Water and Energy Management
Master's in Psychology of Human Resources Development

The technical and behavioral quality of invited students manifests itself not only in the curricular work performed by the students, but also in the impact these students have on the organization's work. Therefore, we believe that the curricular internships have had a positive effect on students' pre-professional experience, as they have significantly contributed to the People Management Unit through their technical and behavioral support. Notable proof we have of this effect is best described from one student's experience. After their curricular internship with us, they later joined as a Personnel Management Technician in the organization. Your contributions to this organization will be highly valued.

Diogo Moreira (Alumni)

Information Technology Recruiter
Korn Ferry
Master's in Psychology of Human Resources Development

Though my journey at Católica, I encountered many professors who contributed to my personal and academic growth, which allowed me to clearly define what I wanted to during the psychology program as well as during my time as a working professional. It was the Master's in Psychology of Human Resources Development that opened the doors for me, expanded my knowledge in HR psychology and taught me how we can best act, be it in organizations or other areas, without fear or inconsistency. The teaching methods and support fostered my successful entrance into the labor market, which is recognized, by all professionals, as a complement to the academic success provided by UCP - Porto.
Francisca Marques

Francisca Marques (First Year Student)

Master's in Psychology of Human Resources Development

UCP's Department of Education and Psychology was my first choice from the moment I decided which area of psychology I wanted to specialize in. I believe that the Master's in Psychology (HRD) stands out not only for the incredibly multidisciplinary plan of study, but also the care in which the university provided personalized support for its students. Since the beginning of my academic journey in this department, I was given the opportunity to explore a practical aspect of psychology; at the same time, I expanded my range of knowledge in these areas.
Leonor Sottomayor - Testemunho

Leonor Sottomayor (Partner Corporation)

HR Manager
Master's in Psychology of Human Resources Development

Bringing in students from UCP's Department of Education and Psychology for the curricular internship has proven to be an excellent decision. These students have stood out for their proactivity and critical thinking abilities. The questions and reflections they offer during their internships has been enriching to us; these students also serve as a driver of development for us!
Mafalda Porto photo

Mafalda Porto

Aluna do 2º ano do Mestrado em Psicologia e Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos
Mestrado em Psicologia e Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos

A minha experiência na Faculdade de Educação e Psicologia foi extremamente positiva. Destaco a forte componente prática, o acompanhamento próximo dos professores e o desenvolvimento de soft skills essenciais, como a comunicação, o trabalho em equipa e a resolução de problemas. Esta educação diferenciada certamente me capacitou para o meu futuro profissional.
Magda Gomes

Magda Gomes (Alumni)

Business Developer
PTC Group
Master's in Psychology of Human Resources Development

Completing a Master's in Psychology of Human Resources Development was, without a doubt, the best decision I made. From the excellence of the teaching staff to the breadth of knowledge in the lecture materials, a connection was fostered amongst the students. The transition into the labor market was made much easier thanks to the skills that I developed during my program. I recommend the Department of Education and Psychology to everyone who wants to have an academic experience of such a high quality.
Manuel Dala

Manuel Dala (Alumni)

Professor and Coordinator of Scientific Events in the the Department of Human Sciences (Catholic University of Angola)
Catholic University of Angola
Master's in Psychology of Human Resources Development

I didn't know that, when I was accepted as a student in the Department of Education and Psychology, there would be someone helping me adapt to the university. It was a fantastic welcome that I want to replicate in my professional life. The professors are always available to closely help and monitor our performance. It was fantastic.
Photo of Rafael Pinto Nunes

Rafael Pinto Nunes

Mestrado em Psicologia e Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos

O Mestrado em Psicologia e Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos da Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Porto foi uma experiência marcante. Proporcionou-me ferramentas essenciais para enfrentar os desafios do mercado de trabalho, graças a uma formação prática, multidisciplinar e ao apoio de professores altamente qualificados e sempre disponíveis.

A perfeita combinação de teoria e prática, aliada a um ambiente acolhedor e estimulante, tornou este mestrado um marco no meu crescimento profissional e pessoal. Recomendo a todos os que se interessam pelas áreas de organizações e recursos humanos.

Rita Soares

Rita Soares (First Year Student)

Master's in Psychology of Human Resources Development

I chose to pursue my Bachelor's in Psychology in UCP's Department of Education and Psychology due to the versatile / flexible curriculum, which made it possible to be exposed to a vast field of studies. The supportive atmosphere fostered by the teaching staff is also something that stood out, as well as the tools offered to help foment critical thinking skills. In Master's in Psychology of Human Resources Development, there are professionals in many areas who help us to develop a comprehensive knowledge and motivate us to be more complete students and professionals.
Photo of Rui Sérgio Fontes Moura

Rui Sérgio Fontes Moura

Mestrado em Psicologia e Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos

Durante os dois anos de Mestrado na Católica tive a oportunidade de participar em disciplinas que me prepararam para o mercado de trabalho de forma completa. O Mestrado oferece uma estrutura equilibrada entre teoria e prática, expondo os seus alunos a estágios com empresas bem estabelecidas no mercado português. Após vários anos de experiência de trabalho estou confiante que o sucesso que tive adveio parcialmente dos ensinos e experiências a que fui exposto neste mestrado.
Photo of Sofia Silva Santos

Sofia Silva Santos

Mestrado em Psicologia e Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos

Frequentar o Mestrado em Psicologia e Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos (PDRH) na Universidade Católica Portuguesa foi uma experiência verdadeiramente enriquecedora, tanto a nível académico como profissional.  As competências desenvolvidas ao longo do curso foram fundamentais para a minha evolução enquanto profissional, permitindo-me enfrentar os desafios do mercado de trabalho com confiança e conhecimento especializado.
Sylvia Marques

Sylvia Marques (Second Year Student)

Master's in Psychology of Human Resources Development

This new phase of my academic journey has contributed immensely to my life. I had the opportunity to obtain knowledge that I believe will be fundamental to supporting my previously garnered professional experience. Pursuing this Master's degree has been a personal and professional achievement after many years away from academia. Furthermore, I could find academic and personal support from the teaching staff and other professionals.



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