Cristiana Vale Pires

Invited Lecturer / Researcher


Cristiana Vale Pires holds a degree in Psychology (FPCEUP), a Master in Anthropology: Globalisation, Migrations and Multiculturalism (ISCTE.IUL) and a PhD in Anthropology (ISCTE.IUL). She has relevant complementary training in the area of gender, gender diversity and prevention of gender violence. Since 2009 she has collaborated and coordinated numerous national and international projects in the area of risk reduction and nightlife environments, sex work, new psychoactive substances, binge drinking, chemsex and sexualised drug use, intersections between sexual violence, drug use and attendance of nightlife environments. She has been directly involved in the creation of numerous pioneering projects of community outreach intervention in nightlife settings, drug intervention and gender perspectives on drug use.

She is an integrated researcher of the CEDH of the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. She is also a founding member of the Kosmicare Association and an external trainer for SICAD in themes of risk reduction in the use of psychoactive substances, gender, gender diversity and sexual orientation in addictive behaviours and addictions.

She collaborates as an expert and external consultant on gender perspectives in the area of drugs with the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, with the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction and with multiple European networks, among which NEWNET, Drinking Studies and International Night Studies Network are highlighted.


A century of queerness after dark: a historicized sociology of LGBTQ+ nights in Lisbon (1920-2020)

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2024. Gender & History

A century of queerness after dark: a historicized sociology of LGBTQ+ nights in Lisbon (1920-2020)

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2024. Sexualities

CRISSCROSS Research Report - Needs analysis and joint good practices to address gender-based violence and harasment in nightlife environments

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2024.

Policy Brief - Recomendações políticas para a promoção de ações responsivas à diversidade de género e orientação sexual na área das drogas

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2024.

TOOLKIT - Recursos e competências culturais para a intervenção com pessoas LGBTQIA+ que consomem drogas

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2024.
Book Chapter

Dinâmicas de poder e o consumo social de substâncias psicoativas/ Power relations and the social use of psychoactive substances

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2023. Violências no Namoro - Programa UNi+ 3.0

Drug use among non-binary people in Europe: findings from european web survey on drugs

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana do Vale Pires). 2023. 16th European Public Health Conference 2023 Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth

Gender statistical analysis of the European Websurvey on Drugs

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2023. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
Book Chapter

Género y drogas en Europa

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Linda Montanari). 2023. La intervención en drogodependencias con perspectiva de género
Book Chapter

GÉNERO Y DROGAS EN EUROPA: EPIDEMIOLOGÍA Y RESPUESTAS POLÍTICAS / Gender and drugs: epidemiology and policy responses

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Linda Montanari). 2023. La intervención en drogodependencias con perspectiva de género
Book Chapter

Ponto lilás

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Ariana Pinto Correia). 2023. Dinâmicas criminais e de vitimação juvenis
Book Chapter

Ponto Lilás: Intervenção em violência sexual e no namoro em ambientes de lazer noturno / Lilac Points: Intervention in sexualized violence and date violence in nightlife environments

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2023. Livro Violências no Namoro - Programa UNi+ 3.0
Book Chapter

Relações de poder e construções sociais

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Ariana Pinto Correia). 2023. Dinâmicas criminais e de vitimação juvenis
Book Chapter

Relações de poder e construções sociais genderizadas sobre o uso de drogas

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2023. Dinâmicas criminais e de vitimação juvenis
Book Chapter

Taverns, Clubs and Homes. The Three Archetypes of Women Who Used Drugs in Nineteenth- and Twentieth- Century Lisbon

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2023. Narcotic Cities Counter Cartographies of Drugs and Space
Book Chapter

Taverns, clubs, and homes

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2023. Narcotic cities

A Gender Statistical Analysis of the European Questionnaire on Drug Use among People living in prison (EQDP)

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2022. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

Certificação Sexism Free Night

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2022. Ex Aequo


Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2022. Webinars DICAD -7ª Sessão : CHEMSEX: Para além do prazer…, Portugal, 6/12/22

Chemsex in Lisbon? Self-Reflexivity to Uncover the Scene and Discuss the Creation of Community-Led Harm Reduction Responses Targeting Chemsex Practitioners

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Pires, Cristiana Vale). 2022. Contemporary Drug Problems

Drug use among non-binary persons in Europe: findings from a web survey

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2022. Lisbon Addictions 2022


Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2022. LGBT+ Psychology and Related Fields: promoting Equality, Social Justice and Psychosocial Well-being in a contratisng world

EMCDDA webinar: Women and drugs in Europe — why gender matters

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2022.

Estratégias para um sector da cultura mais inclusivo

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Alexandra Tavares). 2022.

Gender analysis of Opiod Substitution Treatment indicators

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2022. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

Género e drogas - contributos históricos

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2022.

Implementing a gender approach in drug policies

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Carine Mutatayi). 2022.

Lilac care guidelines

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2022.

Needle spiking, pinchazos ou as picadas com seringas à noite: os factos para além dos mitos

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2022. P3

Queer Nights at Lisbon. A Socio-Historical Perspective of Night as a Space-Time for Gender Liberation

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2022. III International Conference on Night Studies

Questões de género em comportamentos aditivos e dependências

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2022.

Sexism free night

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Laia Plaza Hernández). 2022. Sexism free night - research report

Sexism free night standards

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2022.

SHINE expert insight: Cristiana Vale Pires, Expert in harm reduction

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2022.

Videoconferência SICAD Questões de Género em Comportamentos Aditivos e Dependências

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2022.

Data quality considerations: recommendations for including a gender perspective in drugs data

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2021. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
Book Chapter

Drug Checking em Portugal : do proibicionismo às politicas baseadas na evidência

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Helena Valente). 2021. Redução de danos em contexto de festas
Book Chapter

Drug Checking em Portugal: do proibicionismo às políticas baseadas na evidência

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2021. Redução de danos em contexto de festa

Gender differences in drug treatment in Europe: needs and responses (

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2021. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
Book Chapter

Governing ‘the Night’ in Post-COVID-19 Lisbon:

Cristiana Vale Pires 2021. Volume 4: Policy and Planning
Book Chapter

Transformational and experimental social contexts

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Maria Carmo Carvalho). 2021. Tamera ecovillages and Boom Festival as analysers
Book Chapter

Transformational and experimental social contexts

Cristiana Vale Pires & Maria Carmo Carvalho (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2021. The transformational wave
Book Chapter

Transformational and experimental social contexts: Tamera ecovillage and Boom festival as analysers

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2021. The Transfromational Wave - Beyond Covid-19
Book Chapter

Transformational and experimental social contexts: Tamera ecovillages and Boom Festival as analysers

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2021. The transformational wave: beyond Covid-19

Viagens à zona com Núria Romo Avilés

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2021.

A noite já não é o que era

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Garcia-Ruiz, Manuel). 2020. Publico
Opinion article

A vida nocturna, uma prioridade de Estado em tempos de pós-pandemia

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2020. P3 - Megafone
Opinion article

Chega de assédio! É tempo de desconfinar as mulheres na esfera pública

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2020. - Dossier 317: Resgatar o corpo: perspetivas feministas
Opinion article

Chemsex, Redução de Riscos e acompanhamento clínico durante a pandemia

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2020. Dezanove

Consumo esporádico excessivo em consumidores/as de álcool: Contributos para uma análise compreensiva do risco

Cristiana Vale Pires 2020. Revista Portuguesa de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental
Opinion article

Consumos Sexualizados de Drogas: um olhar diverso

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2020. Dezanove
Opinion article

E depois de uma grande festa... vem a ressaca moral?

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2020. P3 - Megafone

Esperanças e incertezas na indústria da vida noturna da Europa pós-covid-19

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2020. Finisterra

Hopes and uncertainties in the nightlife industry of post-Covid-19 Europe

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Jordi Nofre). 2020. Finisterra

Liminal governance in the Lisbon night

Cristiana Vale Pires 2020. Forum Sociológico

O consumo de substâncias e a violência sexual em ambientes de lazer noturno

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2020. V videoconferência SICAD, Portugal, 9/07/20

Quem és tu quando sais à noite?

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2020.

Sexism Free Night

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2020.

Sexism Free Night - quem és tu à noite?

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2020.

Sexism Free Night Website

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2020.
Opinion article

Só (vinho) em casa: o álcool é o teu companheiro em tempos de isolamento social?

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2020. P3 -Megafone
Opinion article

Traveling Without Moving During COVID-19 Lockdown

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2020.
Opinion article

Vamos falar sobre os impactos de género da COVID-19?

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2020. P3 - Megafone
Opinion article

Vamos ter conversas honestas sobre drogas?

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2020. P3 - Megafone

Videoconferência SICAD “CHEMSEX Estratégias de Intervenção em Lisboa”

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2020.

Videoconferência SICAD “CHEMSEX Estratégias de Intervenção em Lisboa”

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2020.
Opinion article

Why nightlife should be a state priority in post-COVID19 Europe and beyond

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2020.

03) Quem és tu quando sais à noite?

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2019. Seminário Sexism Free Night, Porto, Portugal, 28/06/19
Book Chapter


Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana do Vale Pires). 2019. Advances in psychedelic medicine: state-of-the-art therapeutic applications

2) Quem és tu quando sais à noite?

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2019. Seminário Sexism Free Night, Porto, Portugal, 28/06/19
Opinion article

A guerra contra as drogas é uma guerra contra as pessoas. Mas que pessoas?

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2019. P3, Megafone
Book Chapter

Community-based full-spectrum harm reduction approaches when caring for psychoactive- and psychedelic-related problems in a transformational festival

Cristiana Vale Pires & Maria Carmo Carvalho (with Maria Carmo Carvalho). 2019. Advances in psychedelic medicine
Book Chapter

Community-based full-spectrum harm reduction approaches when caring for psychoactive- and psychedelic-related problems in a transformational festival

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Maria Carmo Carvalho). 2019. Advances in psychedelic medicine
Book Chapter

Community-based full-spectrum harm reduction when caring for psychoactive and psychedelic-related problems at a transformational festival

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2019.

Evaluation of a drug checking service at a large scale electronic music festival in Portugal

Cristiana Vale Pires & Maria Carmo Carvalho (with Helena Valente). 2019. International Journal of Drug Policy
Opinion article

Guia Kosmicare para sobreviveres aos festivais de Verão

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2019. VICE Portugal

Manual de recomendações para a publicidade não-sexista de bebidas alcoólicas

Cristiana Vale Pires & Maria Carmo Carvalho (with Pires, Cristiana Vale). 2019.
Opinion article

Para uma noite livre de sexismo.

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2019. Sociedade Portuguesa de Sexologia Clínica

Protocolo de atuação para a prevenção e intervenção em casos de sexismo e violência sexual em ambientes de lazer noturno

Cristiana Vale Pires & Maria Carmo Carvalho (with Pires, Cristiana Vale). 2019.

Relatório Final: Intervenção do projeto Ponto Lilás

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2019. Secreataria de Estado para a Cidadania e Igualdade

Relatório final: intervenção do projeto Ponto Lilás

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2019. Research Centre for Human Development (CEDH); Faculty of Education and Psychology

The role of breathalyzer test for understanding drinkers' patterns and behaviors: a study conducted in Porto party settings

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Helena M. Carvalho). 2019. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education


Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2019.


Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2019.
Opinion article

“A culpa é toda dela”: Sesismo e violência sexual nas semanas académicas.

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2019. P3 - Megafone
Opinion article

“Ponto Lilás: a tua zona segura esta Queima das Fitas”

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2019. P3 - Megafone

Liminal Village 2018

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2018. Boom Festival 2018, Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal, 22/07/18
Opinion article

O assédio sexual não é trivial nem normal: é violência!

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2018. P3 - Megafone
Book Chapter

Party settings as educational settings: the harm reduction perspective

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2018. Exploring nightlife: space, society & governance
Book Chapter

Party Settings as Educational Settings: the harm Reduction Perspective

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2018. Exploring Nightlife: Space, Society & Governance
Opinion article

Porque é que o feminismo deve sair à noite?

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2018. P3 - Megafone
Opinion article

Se a Manada Sai à rua, nós também sairemos

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2018. P3, Megafone

Sex-Related Differences in Heavy Episodic Drinking among Young Adults Living in Porto, Bologna and Tarragona: Patterns, Protective Behaviors and Negative Consequences

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Pires). 2018. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education
Opinion article

Só um sim é um sim: o consentimento não é um conceito ambíguo

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2018. P3 - Megafone

Violência sexual e consumo de substâncias psicoativas: podem os contextos festivos ser educativos?

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Pires,Cristiana). 2018. ex aequo - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres

Drug Checking: Recommendations for a pilot implementation and technique update - Raman spectroscopy.

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana do Vale Pires). 2017.

Gender differences on heavy episodic drinking among southern European youth and young adults: drinking patterns, risky and protective behaviours, consequences and effects.

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana do Vale Pires). 2017. Lisbon Addictions

Harm reduction by changing environment - considerations and evaluation of the implementation of safernightlife label in a nightlife district in Lisbon

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2017. Lisbon Addictions 2017, 2nd European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies

The detection and prevention of unintentional consumption of DOx and 25x-NBOMe at Portugal's Boom Festival

Cristiana Vale Pires 2017. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental

VI Congresso Internacional de Patologia Dual e Aditiva

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2017. VI Congresso Internacional de Patologia Dual e Aditiva

Web-research: Cross-national Final Report. Project BAONPS

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana do Vale Pires). 2017.


Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2017. European Union; Porto; Research Centre for Human Development (CEDH)

ALLCOOL - Raising awareness and action-research on Heavy Episodic Drinking among low income youth and young adults in Southern Europe - Final Research Report

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2016. European Union; Porto; Research Centre for Human Development (CEDH)
Book Chapter

Comunidades intencionais e estilo de vida – éticas e práticas de cuidado individual, comunitário e global

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2016.

Linhas de orientações Técnicas para a intervenção em redução de Riscos e Minimização de Danos: competências e intervenções

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana do Vale Pires). 2016. Serviço de Intervenção nos Comportamentos Aditivos e Dependências

Netreach Work: Implementing Web-based Harm Reduction Interventions with Online Drug Users

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Pires, Cristiana). 2016. Adiktologie

NPS policy: Moving Forward, Reporting the Seminar

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Costa, Ana L.). 2016. Adiktologie

A avaliação dos programas de substituição opiácea em Portugal – Apontamentos para (um)a reflexão

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Pires). 2015. Revista Adictologia
Book Chapter

Between street and screen ¿ Traditions and innovations in the drugs field

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2015. Between street and screen ¿ Traditions and innovations in the drugs field

CHECK!N – 8 anos de Investigação-ação em Contextos Festivos

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2015. Encontro Lusogalaico - Adições no século XXI

CHECK!NG: a última fronteira para a redução de riscos em contextos festivos

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Daniel Martins). 2015. Saude e Sociedade
Book Chapter

Netreach Work in Europe: responses to developments on the dark web and the use of new psychoactive substances

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2015. Between street and screen - Traditions and innovations in the drugs field

NPS in Europe project: 5-country Rapid Assessment & Result,

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Costa, Ana L.). 2015. Internacional Lisbon Addictions

Permacultura: consciência ética e mudança intencional de modos de vida

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana Vale Pires). 2015. Congresso da Associação Internacional das Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Língua Portuguesa

Permacultura: consciência ética e mudança intencional de modos de vida

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Vale Pires, Cristiana). 2015. Congresso da Associação Internacional das Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Língua Portuguesa (XII Conlab)

Empowerment Through Non-Formal Education among vulnerable individuals, Groups and Communities.

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Cristiana do Vale Pires). 2014.

Ecoaldeias: práticas de cuidado a nível global e local

Cristiana Vale Pires 2013. Configurações

Outreach Project to support Indoor Sex Workers

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Soares, Isabel). 2013. PREVIH International Conference

Ecoaldeias: construindo alternativas : estudo exploratório do movimento social das ecoaldeias através do global ecovillage network, Tamera e Los Angeles Ecovillage

Cristiana Vale Pires (with Pires, Cristiana do Vale). 2012.