Mariana Reis Barbosa, with a PhD in Psychology of Justice from the University of Minho, is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education and Psychology at the Catholic University of Portugal. She is a researcher at the Human Development Research Centre (CEDH). She has dedicated her teaching, research and intervention activities to the area of Psychology of Peace and Human Rights. She coordinates the areas of Education and Psychology in the Interdisciplinary Post-Graduation in Human Rights. She is the national coordinator of the Heroic Imagination Project, an international project founded and led by Philip Zimbardo. She has been national coordinator of several international projects funded by the European Commission, and is currently national coordinator of the European project Safe Zone (Prevention of Radicalization and Violent Extremism) and national co-coordinator of the European project SeRV (Services and Rights for Victims of Crime). She represents the Portuguese Catholic University in the Executive Committee of the Platform for Refugee Support (PAR), having founded and coordinated the volunteering programme 'Platform for Refugee Support @ Front Line' in Lesvos, Greece.
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