Developmental Psychopathology

5 ECTS / Semestral

This CU addresses developmental psychopathology as a scientific domain allowing a developmental understanding  of  psychopathology, using a lifelong perspective on individual trajectories and in(adaptive) processes.

Learning outcomes:

  1. To know the concept of Developmental Psychopatology (DP) and its relation with other related scientific areas
  2. To identify and understand the main theoretical concepts and principles of DP
  3. To apprehend theoretical and conceptual framework of DP and its implications on individual differences
  4. To recognize the contribution and specificities of research in DP
  5. To critically think about implications of DP approach to psychotherapeutic intervention


Assistant Professor / Researcher
Vânia Sousa Lima has a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Minho where, in July 2009, she publicly presented her thesis on Bonding, Representation…