Daniel Silva

Docente Colaborador(a)


Daniel Silva holds an MSc in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP) and is currently completing his PhD in Work Psychology.

His main research interests focus on (i) new configurations of human-machine interaction in automated work contexts; the role of professional experience in contexts characterised by changes linked to Industry 4.0; and (iii) the impact of emerging technologies on health and well-being, considering their implications and resources for the sustainability of work.

He has been a member of FPCEUP's Work Psychology Consulting Service since 2017, where, following an activity-centred approach, he has participated in different hands-on research and organisational consulting projects, especially in the areas of health and safety at work.

He is a member of the Direction of the scientific journal Laboreal, published by the FPCEUP.

Different Shades of Green: An Analysis of the Occupational Health and Safety Risks Faced by Wind Farm Workers

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2024. Sustainability

Different Shades of Green: An Analysis of the Occupational Health and Safety Risks Faced by Wind Farm Workers

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2024. Preprints

Entre mim e a máquina: o papel da experiência profissional em contextos em mudança pela automação e os seus contributos para pensar o futuro do trabalho

Daniel Silva (with Daniel José Rocha Silva). 2024.

Factory fieldwork informing the design research process

Daniel Silva (with Ana Correia de Barros). 2023. Nordes 2023: This Space Left Intentionally Blank

Industry 4.0 and new forms of work organization: an analysis of the perspective of decision-makers from an automotive manufacturer

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2023. Social and Occupational Ergonomics

When technology reinforces other forms of labour segmentation: a contrasted analysis between work activity and training processes in the cork sector

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2023. 6th International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2023): Integrating People and Intelligent Systems

Aside from Deterministic Prophecies, What Is Missing in the Contemporary Debate on Automation and the Future of Work? The Case of Automated Vehicles

Daniel Silva (with Daniel Silva). 2022. Social Sciences

Design and Evaluation of a Device for Ecological Momentary Assessment with Workers in a Garment Factory

Daniel Silva (with Ana Correia De Barros). 2022. Affective and Pleasurable Design

Exploring the status of the human operator in Industry 4.0: A systematic review

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2022. Frontiers in Psychology

Genre et transformations technologiques: analyse de l'activité dans deux secteurs d'activité traditionnels

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2022. 56ème Congrès de la Société d’Ergonomie de Langue Française (SELF): «Vulnérabilités et risques émergents: penser et agir ensemble pour transformer durablement»

Genre, technologie et risques émergents

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2022. 56ème Congrès de la Société d’Ergonomie de Langue Française (SELF): «Vulnérabilités et risques émergents: penser et agir ensemble pour transformer durablement»

More than a Machine at Work: Exploring the Impacts of Technological Change on Mental Health

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2022. Social and Occupational Ergonomics

Pleasure and Suffering at Work in the Technical Act: A Case Study From a Garment Factory in a Context of Technological Transformation

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2022. Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2022) Integrating People and Intelligent Systems

Thinking about the technique, thinking about the work activity: a psychological view on human-machine relationships in an era of automation

Daniel Silva (with Daniel Silva). 2022. WOS.net 2022 - 11th International Conference: "Focus on Humans in a Technological World"

Who Really Wants Automated Vehicles? Determinant Factors of Acceptability Profiles in Portugal

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2022. Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2022) Integrating People and Intelligent Systems

‘My whole body is at work’: the silence of gendered body techniques in cork industry in an era of automation

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2022. Ergonomics

“Looking for the defect”: The emerging frontiers between the work activity and automation in a cork industrial district

Daniel Silva (with Daniel Silva). 2022. Work

"The machine has not learnt the trick yet”: the new boundaries between human work activity and automation in a Portuguese industrial cluster

Daniel Silva (with Daniel Silva). 2021. Journées internationales de sociologie du travail (JIST) 2021: "Les frontières du travail: déplacements, brouillages et recompositions"
Book Chapter

A Focus Group Research in the Frame of the AUTODRIVING Project Under Lockdown Conditions

Daniel Silva (with Anabela Simoes). 2021. Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation

A transformação da cortiça como património de um território e a construção de um "projet-héritage" a partir do legado da atividade

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2021. Ergologia

Automation and the Future of Human Work: An Everlasting Debate Renewed by the Work Activity

Daniel Silva (with Daniel Silva). 2021. Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021)


Daniel Silva (with Camilo Valverde). 2021. Laboreal

Entre o recurso à automação e a experiência de uso de si: o que faz património?

Daniel Silva (with Daniel Silva). 2021. V Congresso da Sociedade Internacional de Ergologia (SIE): “Trabalho, Património e Desenvolvimentos”

Opportunities to enhance collective activity to meet the demands of a task: A case of job rotation among port workers

Daniel Silva (with Arlete Ana Motter). 2021. Work

Quando o trabalho é património de uma região: como pensar o desenvolvimento de um “projet-héritage”?

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2021. V Congresso da Sociedade Internacional de Ergologia (SIE): “Trabalho, Património e Desenvolvimentos”

The Challenges of Automated Driving Contributions Towards a Human-Automation Research Agenda from the Lens of the Activity

Daniel Silva (with Daniel Silva). 2021. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control

Trabalho, Património e Desenvolvimentos - Travail, Patrimoine et Développements - Trabajo, Patrimonio y Desarrollos

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2021. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação

Work intensification in the road transport industry: An approach to new working scenarios with automated vehicles

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2021. Work
Book Chapter

“Automated but Not Alone”: How the Possible Forms of Future Human Activity Are Analyzed in the Advent of Automated Vehicles?

Daniel Silva (with Daniel Silva). 2021. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

“This Is a Job for Women, Isn’t It?”: The Evolution of a Traditional Gendered Occupational Segmentation in a Portuguese Industrial Cluster

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2021. Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021)

Do we want to keep working in 12-h shifts? The follow-up of the work schedule change in a Portuguese industrial company

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2020. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics

On the road to automated vehicles: from perception to use

Daniel Silva (with António Lobo). 2020. 8th Transport Research Arena: Rethinking transport – towards clean and inclusive mobility
Book Chapter

The User and the Automated Driving: A State-of-the-Art

Daniel Silva (with Anabela Simões). 2020. Advances in Human Factors of Transportation

Work and health in the road transport sector: how to address professional drivers’ health issues in the design of the future automated vehicles?

Daniel Silva (with Daniel Silva). 2020. EUGLOH Annual Student Research Conference: “Global Health Challenges: Diseases of Modern Life”

Comfort and Safety Challenges of Automated Driving: Literature Review

Daniel Silva (with Anabela Simões). 2019. 32nd ICTCT Conference – "Vision zero for traffic fatalities and serious injuries: research questions and challenges"

Developing a mentoring programme in the chemical industry

Daniel Silva (with Marta Santos). 2019. Journal of Workplace Learning
Book Chapter

Preparing the Future Scenario of Automated Vehicles: Recommendations Drawn from the Analysis of the Work Activity of Road Transport Workers

Daniel Silva (with Daniel Silva). 2019. Health and Social Care Systems of the Future: Demographic Changes, Digital Age and Human Factors

Reconfiguração do horário de trabalho para turnos de 12h: que impactos na saúde?

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2019. Tempus Actas de Saúde Coletiva
Book Chapter

The User and the Automated Driving: A State-of-the-Art

Daniel Silva 2019. Advances in Human Factors of Transportation

Quand le travail posté en 2x12h est une revendication des travailleurs: quels défis dans la soutenabilité de l'intensification?

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2018. 53ème Congrès International de la Société d’Ergonomie de Langue Française (SELF): "L’Ergonomie à quelles échelles? Quelles pratiques pour quelles tailles d’entreprises, et d’établissements publics?"
Book Chapter

Segurança alarmante: impactos da tecnologia na segurança «gerida» por operadores de controle de processos industriais de risco

Daniel Silva (with Daniel Silva). 2018. Ergologia, trabalho, desenvolvimentos
Book Chapter

When the working hours become a risk factor: The debate about 3 × 8h and 2 × 12h shifts

Daniel Silva (with L. Cunha). 2018. Occupational Safety and Hygiene VI

Entre a (pre)determinação e as possibilidades de regulação: Uma proposta metodológica para interpretar a adoção e uso de tecnologias enquanto escolhas organizacionais

Daniel Silva (with Daniel Silva). 2017. Laboreal

Trabalho por turnos 2x12h: estratégias de regulação coletiva na gestão dos impactos no trabalho, na saúde, e na vida fora do trabalho

Daniel Silva (with Liliana Cunha). 2017. 1ª Conferência Internacional de GRH em Língua Portuguesa

Um programa intergeracional de formação em contexto industrial

Daniel Silva (with Marta Santos). 2017. 1ª Conferência Internacional de GRH em Língua Portuguesa
Book Chapter

A formação como palco de debates (trans)formadores entre tecnologia e segurança em indústrias de risco

Daniel Silva (with Ricardo Vasconcelos). 2013. Saber e formação no trabalho profissional relacional

"Attentifs sans savoir à quoi": débats à la croisée de l'automatisation et de la sécurité dans l'activité de contrôleurs de processus industriels à risque

Daniel Silva (with Ricardo Vasconcelos). 2012. Seminário Internacional Ergologia, Trabalho, Desenvolvimentos

Evaluating work and training within an intercommunicating process of change: reflections drawn from a case study on a chemicals industrial company in Portugal

Daniel Silva (with Ricardo Vasconcelos). 2012. Work

A transformação das condições de trabalho enquanto critério para a avaliação da formação em segurança: reflexões e desafios a partir de um estudo de caso

Daniel Silva (with Ricardo Vasconcelos). 2011. International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene - SHO 2011

Health and safety hands-on training and work transformation: two faces of the same coin

Daniel Silva (with Daniel Silva). 2011. Seminário Universidade do Porto – Université Paris Descartes: "Learning and training: current perspectives; prospects for the future"

O psicólogo do trabalho e a organização de sistemas de actividades: uma investigaçãointervenção para a promoção de segurança no trabalho.

Daniel Silva (with Daniel Jose Rocha Silva). 2010.

O psicólogo do trabalho e a organização de sistemas de atividades: uma investigação-intervenção para a promoção da segurança no trabalho

Daniel Silva (with Daniel Silva). 2010.