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Mariana Negrão: "The need for a trauma-sensitive care system in childhood"

Thursday, April 6, 2023 - 16:57

Opinion article by Mariana Negrão, a lecturer at the Faculty of Education and Psychology at the Catholic University.

We see the "unruly," the "provocative," and the "anxious" - we label the behaviour - but the essential remains, many times, invisible to our eyes: we fail to recognise the origin of these signs.

We like to think that violence lives far away, that adversity is distant from us, and that trauma is a heavy and remote word, more applicable to the films we watch than our lives. But the truth is different. We live very close to stories of adversity and its effects, but we often don't see them or recognise them, and (so much of) what is essential remains invisible to our eyes.

Read the full article here (in Portuguese).