Advanced Seminars in Psychology I

3 ECTS / Semestral

The main goal of the CU Advanced Seminars in Psychology I is to promote students contact with professionals operating in several specialized applied fields of Psycholog), namely in the area of psychological assessment. It is intended that studenst are able to:

  • Consolidate knowledge regarding psychological assessment, such as good practices, procedures, and limitations ;
  • Use information from several informants, from varied contexts, to deeply understand the problem and its impact on client’s adaptive functioning;
  • Select methodologies and measures of psychological assessment of intelligence that fit the client, his/her needs, and his/her contexts;
  • Write a psychological assessment report that reflects the psychological assessment process, the collected information among different informants, and sistematize the most important results;
  • Guide their professional practice accordingly core ethic principles.


Invited Assistant Professor / Researcher
Alexandra Manuela Paiva Carneiro is an Invited Assistant Professor in Psychology and Integrated Researcher at the Research Centre for Human Development…