Work Psychology

3 ECTS / Semestral

Work Psychology seeks the understanding and transformation of work organization, the conditions under which people work and human behaviour in organizations to give an adequate response to the intention of contextualize all interventions on human resources management HRM.

It is identified as the main objective of this CU that the students shall be able to learn and master the process of work analysis, in a real context, admitting that it helps giving an adequate response to the intention of contextualize all interventions on HRM.

It is, then, believed that an intervention on any HRM operational area cannot spare what is known about the actual work activity, its conditions and the work organization options; such knowledge pre-exists the intervention on the following domains: teamwork, leaders’ activity, organizational communication and decision-making processes, among others.


Professor(a) Associado(a)
Joana Fernandes received her PhD in Psychology (specializing in the Psychology of Labor) from the University of Porto's Department of Psychology and Education…