Isabel Baptista (with Baptista, I.). 2011. a Página da educação
Assessment of psychopathology in Portuguese referred children: preliminar psychometric data with the ASEBA battery
Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2011. 25th European Health Psychology Conference, Creta, Grécia
Assessment of psychopathology in Portuguese referred children: preliminar psychometric data with the ASEBA battery.
Bárbara Cesar Machado (with Dias, P.). 2011. 25th European Health Psychology Conference Engaging with Other Health Professions: Challenges and Perspectives.
Assessment of psychopathology in Portuguese referred children: preliminar psychometric data with the ASEBA battery.
Alexandra Carneiro (with Dias, Pedro). 2011. 25th European Health Psychology Conference Engaging with Other Health Professions: Challenges and Perspectives
Attention problems and language development in preterm low-birth-weight children
Attitudes Towards People With Mental Disorders and Psychiatry: Impact of Mental Health Residence on a Sample of Portuguese Medical Students
Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2011. World Psychiatric Association - Thematic Conference
Attitudes Towards People With Mental Disorders and Psychiatry: Impact of Mental Health Residence on a Sample of Portuguese Medical Students
Pedro Dias (with Campos, J.B.L.M.). 2011. World Psychiatric Association - Thematic Conference - Re-thinking Quality in Psychiatry: Education, Research, Prevention, Diagnosis, Istambul, Turquia
Attitudes towards people with mental disorders and psychiatry: Impact of mental health residence on a sample of portuguese medical students.
Luísa Campos (with Campos, L.). 2011. World Psychiatric Association Thematic Conference - Re-thinking Quality in Psychiatry: Education, Research, Prevention, Diagnosis
Attitudes towards people with mental disorders and psychiatry: Impact of mental helath residence on a sample of portuguese medical students
Pedro Dias (with Campos, Luísa). 2011. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry