Pedro Dias

Assistant Professor / Researcher


Pedro Miguel Brito da Silva Dias is an Assistant Professor at the Education and Psychology Faculty of Católica Porto. He holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Minho and researches in the fields of Developmental Psychopathology, Psychological Assessment and Psychological Intervention.


Adolescents’ School-Based Universal Well-Being Screening: A Validation of the Student Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire in Portugal

Pedro Dias & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Rosário Serrão). 2024. School Mental Health

Music performance anxiety inventory for adolescents

Lurdes Veríssimo, Pedro Dias & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Pedro Dias). 2023. Advances in Cognitive Psychology

Perceptions of the social validity of school-based universal screening for wellbeing and psychological health, from students to principals

Rosário Serrão Cunha & Pedro Dias (with Rosário Serrão). 2023. 44th annual conference of the International School Psychology Association (ISPA), Bologna, Italy, 5/07/23

Psychometric properties and further validation of the emergency reaction questionnaire in a sample of Portuguese adults

Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2023. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

“Caught by the pandemic”: Social, academic, and psychological functioning of college students, during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic

Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Luísa Campos). 2023. Análise Psicológica


Bárbara Cesar Machado, Pedro Dias, Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Ana Moreno (with Lucia Penalba-Sánchez). 2022. Psychology and Neuroscience

A qualitative study of school professionals’ perspectives about whole-school universal wellbeing screening

Pedro Dias & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Rosário Serrão). 2022. 43rd Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association, Leuven, Belgium, 7/07/22

Academic achievement and emotional and behavioural problems: The moderating role of gender

Lurdes Veríssimo & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2022. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry

Assessment of basic family relationships

Pedro Dias (with vânia sousa lima). 2022. Journal of Child and Family Studies

Developing conjoint research work through a joint PhD programme

Pedro Dias (with Rosário Serrão Cunha). 2022. IFCU 7th International Psychology Congress "Psychology in Dialogue: Three paths, one goal", Porto, Portugal, 7/07/22

Developing conjoint research work through a joint PhD programme

Pedro Dias, Rosário Serrão Cunha & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Rosário Serrão). 2022. IFCU 7th International Psychology Congress "Psychology in Dialogue: Three paths, one goal", Porto, Portugal, 7/07/22

Kenny music performance anxiety inventory

Lurdes Veríssimo & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2022. Behavioral Sciences

Low academic achievement as a predictor of test anxiety in secondary school students

Alexandra Carneiro, Lurdes Veríssimo & Pedro Dias (with Lurdes Veríssimo). 2022. Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence

Mental health literacy questionnaire-short version for adults (MHLq-SVa): validation study in China, India, Indonesia, Portugal, Thailand, and the United States

Pedro Dias, Luísa Campos & Marisa Costa (with Pedro Dias). 2022. BMC Psychiatry

Socioemotional Skills Program with a Group of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Young Adolescents: Impacts on Self-Concept and Emotional and Behavioral Problems

Lurdes Veríssimo, Pedro Dias & Marisa Costa (with Lurdes Veríssimo). 2022. Children

The influence of in-school social relationships on school professionals’ and pupils’ wellbeing

Pedro Dias & Rosário Serrão Cunha (with Rosário Serrão). 2022. 5th International Conference on Social Identity and Health , Notthingham, United Kingdom, 22/06/22

Understanding the role of extracurricular activities in socioemotional development and its impact on young people digital involvement

Lurdes Veríssimo & Pedro Dias (with Bárbara Nobre). 2022. IFCU 7th International Psychology Congress "Psychology in Dialogue: Three paths, one goal", Porto, Portugal, 7/07/22
Book Chapter

Attachement et psychiatrie de l'enfant

Alexandra Carneiro & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2021. L'attachement
Book Chapter

Attachement et psychiatrie de l’enfant

Pedro Dias 2021. L'attachement : L'évaluation - la Clinique - la Thérapeutique

Frequency and Correlates of Picky Eating And Overeating in School-aged Children: A Portuguese Population-based Study

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Bárbara Cesar Machado). 2021. Journal of Child and Family Studies

Meta-Analysis on Parent–Teacher Agreement on Preschoolers’ Emotional and Behavioural Problems

Alexandra Carneiro & Pedro Dias (with Alexandra Carneiro). 2021. Child Psychiatry & Human Development

Protective Factors in the Use of Electronic Media According to Youth and Their Parents: An Exploratory Study

Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Luísa Campos). 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Academic achievement and internalizing problems in primary and secondary school students in Portugal

Lurdes Veríssimo & Pedro Dias (with Lurdes Veríssimo). 2020. Educação e Pesquisa

Ajustamento psicológico e desenvolvimento da linguagem de crianças em acolhimento residencial

Pedro Dias (with Joana Campos Pereira). 2020. Análise Psicológica

International Comparisons of Emotionally Reactive Problems in Preschoolers: CBCL/1½–5 Findings from 21 Societies

Pedro Dias 2020. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology

Realização académica e problemas de internalização em alunos do ensino básico e secundário em Portugal

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2020. Educação & Pesquisa

Realização acadêmica e problemas de internalização em alunos do ensino básico e secundário em Portugal

Lurdes Veríssimo & Pedro Dias (with Lurdes Veríssimo). 2020. Educação e Pesquisa

Alcohol use during pregnancy - a Portuguese study

Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Maria Xavier). 2019. 8th International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Vancouver, Canada, 6/03/19

Emotional and Behavioral Problems and Psychosocial Skills in Adolescents in Residential Care

Pedro Dias 2019.

International comparisons of autism spectrum disorder behaviors in preschoolers rated by parents and caregivers/teachers.

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Rescorla LA). 2019. Autism : the international journal of research and practice

The CBCL/1½–5’s DSM-ASD Scale: Confirmatory Factor Analyses Across 24 Societies

Pedro Dias (with Rescorla, L.A.). 2019. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Working Alliance Inventory for Children and Adolescents (WAI-CA): Development and Psychometric Properties

Pedro Dias (with Figueiredo, B.). 2019. European Journal of Psychological Assessment

Emotional and behavioural problems and psychosocial skills in adolescents in residential care

Pedro Dias (with Campos, Joana). 2018.

Is It Possible to “Find Space for Mental Health” in Young People? Effectiveness of a School-Based Mental Health Literacy Promotion Program

Elisa Veiga, Filipa Palha, Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Luísa Campos). 2018. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Mental health characteristics and needs in children and adolescents in residential care

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2018. XV International Conference “All Children, All Families Promoting Excellence in Child Welfare Research, Policy and Practice”

Mental Health Literacy in Young Adults: Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Mental Health Literacy Questionnaire

Filipa Palha, Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2018. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Moderation effect of family socioeconomic status in development

Alexandra Carneiro, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier, Pedro Dias, Marisa Costa & Mariana Negrão (with Elisa Veiga). 2018. Infant Mental Health Journal

Moderation Effect of Family socioeconomic status in development

Alexandra Carneiro, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Elisa Veiga). 2018. Infant Mental Health Journal

Moderation effect of family socioeconomic status in development

Alexandra Carneiro, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier, Pedro Dias & Mariana Negrão (with Elisa Veiga). 2018. 16th World Association for Infant Mental Health World Congress, Roma, Italy, 26/05/18

Moderation Effect of Family socioeconomic status in development: the case of premature pre-school children

Alexandra Carneiro, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier, Mariana Negrão & Pedro Dias (with Elisa Veiga). 2018. 16th World Association for Infant Mental Health World Congress, Roma, Italy, 26/05/18

Acolhimento residencial em Portugal

Pedro Dias (with Pedro Miguel Brito da Silva Dias). 2017. 1st International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence

Acolhimento residencial em Portugal

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2017. Simpósio no 1st International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence, ICCA 2017

Agreement and Disagreement on Emotional and Behavioral Problems in a Sample of Preschool-Age Children

Pedro Dias (with Alexandra Carneiro). 2017. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
Book Chapter

Bateria ASEBA para os períodos pré-escolar e escolar

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2017. Psicologia clínica e da saúde

Portuguese Adaptation and Input for the Validation of the Views on Inpatient Care (VOICE) Outcome Measure to Assess Service Users’ Perceptions of Inpatient Psychiatric Care

Filipa Palha & Pedro Dias (with João Palha). 2017. Acta Médica Portuguesa

Validation française de l’échelle de Perception des Comportements d’Attachement à l’âge préscolaire – version Professeur des écoles.

Pedro Dias 2017. Neuropsychiatrie de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence

Adolescents' Psychological Adjustment and Quality in Residential Care

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2016. XIV International Conference EUSARF

Development and psychometric properties of a new questionnaire for assessing mental health literacy in young people

Elisa Veiga, Filipa Palha, Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Campos, L.). 2016. Universitas Psychologica

Emotional and behavioral problems in children born prematurely

Mariana Negrão, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Elisa Veiga). 2016. Not available

História Reprodutiva, Evolução Clínica e Recuperação nas PCA

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Soares, F.). 2016. II Congresso Internacional do NDCA

MIPA-Mobile: Monitoring psychotherapy with adolescents using mobile applications

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2016. 5th International Psychology Congress, Los Angeles, USA

Prevalence and correlates of picky eating in preschool-aged children: A population-based study

Bárbara Cesar Machado, Pedro Dias & Vânia Sousa Lima (with Machado, B.C.). 2016. Eating Behaviors

Risk Factors for Internalizing and Externalizing Problems in the Preschool Years: Systematic Literature Review Based on the Child Behavior Checklist 1½–5

Pedro Dias (with Carneiro, A.). 2016. Journal of Child and Family Studies

Saúde mental no acolhimento residencial de crianças e jovens: prevalência, fatores de risco e fatores de proteção

Pedro Dias (with Pedro Miguel Brito da Silva Dias). 2016. 3º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses

Viabilidade da monitorização da intervenção psicoterapêutica com adolescentes com recurso a aplicações móveis

Bárbara Cesar Machado, Elisa Veiga, Pedro Dias & Vânia Sousa Lima (with Dias, P.). 2016. Analise Psicologica

Vocabulary Development in European Portuguese: A Replication Study Using the Language Development Survey.

Pedro Dias (with Rescorla L). 2016.
Book Chapter

Clínica Universitária de Psicologia: capítulos de um projecto

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with vânia sousa lima). 2015. Clínica Universitária de Psicologia - Contributos para a prática psicológica


Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2015. 5th IFCU International Psychology Congress, Los Angeles, United States, 8/04/15


Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2015. VI Congresso Internacional de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente, Lisboa, Portugal, 22/03/15

MIPA-Mobile: Monitoring Psychotherapy with Adolescents using Mobile Applications

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2015. 5th International Psychology Congress

MIPA-Mobile: monitorização da intervenção psicoterapêutica com adolescentes com recurso a aplicações móveis ¿ resultados preliminares

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2015.


Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Elisa Veiga). 2015. Not available

Prematurity: monitoring the transition to school

Mariana Negrão & Pedro Dias (with Veiga, Elisa). 2015. 17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology
Book Chapter

School-based interventions to promote mental health literacy in Portugal

Elisa Veiga, Filipa Palha & Pedro Dias (with Luísa Campos). 2015. Innovative practices and interventions for children and adolescents with psychosocial difficulties and disabilities
Book Chapter


Pedro Dias (with Pedro Miguel Brito da Silva Dias). 2014. Clínica Universitária de Psicologia: contributos para a prática psicológica
Book Chapter

A interação diádica na psicoterapia de casal: avaliação, relevância e contributos

Pedro Dias (with Castro, Inês de Ornellas e). 2014. Clínica Universitária de Psicologia: Contributos para a prática psicológica

Abrir espaço à saúde mental – diferenças de género

Elisa Veiga, Filipa Palha & Pedro Dias (with Luísa Campos). 2014. Atas do 10 congresso nacional de psicologia da saúde

Abrir Espaço à Saúde Mental – Diferenças de género: resultados preliminares

Pedro Dias (with Campos, L.). 2014. Atas do 10º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde

Abrir Espaço à Saúde Mental – Diferenças de género: resultados preliminares.

Elisa Veiga, Filipa Palha, Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Luísa Campos). 2014. 10º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde

Alcohol use and attitudes thought pregnancy and motherhood during pregnancy in a group of Portuguese women

Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Maria Xavier). 2014. 14th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Babies: Their contributions – Our responsibilities
Book Chapter

Avaliação psicológica clínica: aspetos conceptuais, empíricos e práticos

Pedro Dias (with Pedro Miguel Brito da Silva Dias). 2014. Psicologia e psiquiatria da infância e da adolescência

Avaliação Qualitativa da Monitorização Psicoterapêutica com Adolescentes através de uma Aplicação Móvel: Resultados Preliminares dos Focus-Groups com Terapeutas

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2014. IX Congresso Iberoamericano de Psicologia e 2º Congresso das Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses
Book Chapter

Clínica Universitária de Psicologia: Capítulos de um projeto

Pedro Dias (with Pedro Miguel Brito da Silva Dias). 2014. Clínica Universitária de Psicologia: Contributos para a prática psicológica

Crisis intervention related to the use of psychoactive substances in recreational settings - evaluating the Kosmicare project at boom festival

Maria Carmo Carvalho & Pedro Dias (with Carvalho, M.C.). 2014. Current Drug Abuse Reviews

Finding Space to Mental Health - Promoting mental health in adolescents: Pilot study

Luísa Campos, Filipa Palha & Pedro Dias (with Campos, Luísa). 2014. Education and Health

Finding Space to Mental Health – Promoting mental health in adolescents (12-14 year-olds): Preliminary results of intervention’s effectiveness

Elisa Veiga, Luísa Campos, Filipa Palha & Pedro Dias (with Campos, L.). 2014. Revista de Psicología

Finding space to mental health – promoting mental health in adolescents (12 to 14 year olds)

Elisa Veiga, Filipa Palha & Pedro Dias (with Luísa Campos). 2014. Revista de Psicología

Finding Space to Mental Health – Promoting mental health in adolescents (12-14 year-olds): Preliminary results of intervention’s effectiveness

Elisa Veiga, Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Luísa Campos). 2014. Revista de Psicología

Finding Space to Mental Health<sup>1</sup> - Promoting mental health in adolescents: Pilot study

Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Campos, L.). 2014. Education and Health

Manual do Sistema de Avaliação Empiricamente Validado (ASEBA) para o Período Pré-Escolar e Escolar

Bárbara Cesar Machado, Vânia Sousa Lima, Pedro Dias & Alexandra Carneiro (with vânia sousa lima). 2014. Psiquilíbrios Edições


Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2014. Actas do IX Congresso Iberoamericano de Psicologia/ II Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses


Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2014. Actas do 5th International Psychology Congress

MIPA-Mobile: Monitorização da Intervenção Psicoterapêutica com Adolescentes através de uma Aplicação Móvel.

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Dias, P.). 2014. IX Congresso Iberoamericano de Psicologia e 2º Congresso das Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses


Maria Raul Xavier, Pedro Dias & Mariana Negrão (with Elisa Veiga). 2014. 14th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Babies: Their contributions – Our responsibilities, Edimburgo, United Kingdom, 14/06/14

United to Help Teachers - Intervention to promote mental health literacy in secondary school teachers: Preliminary results

Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2014. Revista de Psicología

United to help teachers: intervention to promote mental health literacy in secondary school teachers: preliminary results

Filipa Palha & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Miguel Brito da Silva Dias). 2014. Revista de Psicología

Assessment of Psychopathology in Clinically Referenced Children with Portuguese Battery ASEBA: Cross-Informant Agreement

Alexandra Carneiro, Bárbara Cesar Machado, Lurdes Veríssimo, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2013. 1st World Congress on Children and Youth Health Behaviors, Viseu, Portugal, 23/05/13

Assessment of temperament at 13 and 24 months using maternal report: Validation of the Portuguese version of the Infant Characteristics Questionnaire.

Alexandra Carneiro & Pedro Dias (with Carneiro, Alexandra). 2013. Journal of Human Growth and Development

Assessment of temperament at 13 and 24 months usingmaternal report: Validation of the portuguese version of infant characteristics questionnaire

Pedro Dias (with Carneiro, A.). 2013. Journal of Human Growth and Development

Avaliação da Psicopatologia em Crianças Clinicamente Referenciadas Portuguesas com a Bateria ASEBA: Acordo Inter-informadores

Alexandra Carneiro, Bárbara Cesar Machado, Lurdes Veríssimo, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2013. VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia

Judicial intervention with children and families: Contributions of psychology

Pedro Dias (with Matos, Raquel). 2013.


Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2013. Atención Primaria

Risk factors and attachment organization in eating disorders: Preliminary results

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias 2013. Atención Primaria

United to Help Teachers - Intervention to promote mental health literacy in secondary school teachers: Preliminary results

Pedro Dias (with Campos, Luísa). 2013.

United to help teachers : intervention to promote mental health literacy in secondary school teachers: preliminary results

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2013. IV Congreso Internacional de Psicología FIUC

Abrir espaço à saúde mental - Promoção da saúde mental em adolescentes (12-14 anos): Construção do Guião de Focus Group

Pedro Dias (with Campos, Luísa). 2012.

Abrir espaço à saúde mental - Promoção da saúde mental em adolescentes (12-14 anos): Construção do Guião de Focus Group/ Psicologia da Saúde: Desafios à promoção da saúde em doenças crónicas

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2012. Atas do 9º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde
Book Chapter

Abrir Espaço à Saúde Mental - Promoção da saúde mental em adolescentes (12-14 anos): Construção do guião de focus groups

Elisa Veiga, Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2012. Psicologia da Saúde: Desafios à promoção da saúde em doenças crónicas

Abrir Espaço à Saúde Mental - Promoção da saúde mental em adolescentes (12-14 anos): Construção do guião de focus groups

Elisa Veiga, Filipa Palha, Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Luísa Campos). 2012. 9º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde

Assessment of Psychopathology in children with the ASEBA battery: Preliminary psychometric data from the Portuguese population

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2012. 13th Biennial World Congress da World Association for Infant Mental Health

Assessment of psychopathology in preschool children with the ASEBA battery: Preliminary psychometric data from the Portuguese population

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2012. Infant Mental Health Journal

Attachment Disorder Behaviors and Psychopathology in community and institutionalized children in pre-school age: Preliminary data

Pedro Dias (with Alexandra Carneiro). 2012. 13th World Congress Babies in Mind ¿ the Mind of Babies: A view from Africa

Behavioral/Emotional Problems of Preschoolers: Caregiver/Teacher Reports From 15 Societies

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Rescorla, L.A.). 2012. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Comportamentos de Vinculação Perturbados e Psicopatologia em Crianças em Idade Pré-escolar: Resultados Preliminares

Alexandra Carneiro & Pedro Dias (with Alexandra Carneiro). 2012. 1º Congresso da OPP Afirmar os Psicólogos

Eating disorders and treatment outcome - Preliminary results

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Machado, Bárbara César). 2012. 18th Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society.

Finding Space to Mental Health - Promoting mental health in adolescents (12-14 year-olds): Preliminary results of the pilot study

Elisa Veiga, Filipa Palha, Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Luísa Campos). 2012. 11th Congress of World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Finding Space to Mentl Health - Promoting mental health in adolescents (12-14 year-olds): Preliminary results of the pilot study

Pedro Dias (with Campos, Luísa). 2012. 11th Congress of World Associtaion for Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Formação Graduada e Pós-Graduada de Psicólogos: Faculdade de Educação e Psicologia Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Centro Regional do Porto

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2012. 2ª Mostra Nacional de Práticas em Psicologia

Formação graduada e pós-graduada de psicólogos: Faculdade de Educação e Psicologia¿da Universidade Católica Portuguesa ¿ Centro Regional do Porto

Pedro Dias (with Palha, Filipa). 2012. 2ª Mostra Nacional de Práticas em Psicologia

Gravidez e depressão pós-parto

Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with vânia sousa lima). 2012. Not available

Gravidez e depressão pós-parto

Maria Raul Xavier, Pedro Dias & Mariana Negrão (with vânia sousa lima). 2012. Libro de resúmenes de los trabajos aceptados en el V Congreso Internacional y X Nacional de Psicología Clínica

Gravidez e depressão pós-parto: programa de intervenção cognitiva-narrativa e de intervenção de casal baseada na vinculação

Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier, Pedro Dias & Mariana Negrão (with Vânia Sousa Lima). 2012. V Congreso Internacional y X Nacional de Psicología Clínica

Mental health awareness intervention in schools

Elisa Veiga, Filipa Palha, Luísa Campos, Pedro Dias & Vânia Sousa Lima (with Campos, L.). 2012. Journal of Human Growth and Development

Mood Disorders and Family Functioning: Couple’s Perspective

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2012. 12th International Forum on Mood and Anxiety Disorders

Psicopatologia da Infância e a Bateria ASEBA: Resultados Preliminares da Amostra Clínica Portuguesa

Alexandra Carneiro & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2012. VIII Congresso Nacional de Psiquiatria 2012

Relatório final do projecto “Upa faz a diferença – Acções de sensibilização pró-saúde mental”

Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Campos, L.). 2012.

Relatório final do projecto “Professores Upa fazem a diferença – Acções de sensibilização pró-saúde mental”

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2012.

Relatório final do projecto “Upa faz a diferença – Acções de sensibilização pró-saúde mental”

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2012.

UPA (United to help movement) makes a difference: A school-based intervention to promote mental health literacy and combat mental illness stigma in young people

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2012. Refocus on Recovery 2012 Conference

UPA faz a diferença - Acções de sensibilização pro-saúde mental junto de jovens entre os 15 e os 18 anos: Diferenças de género

Pedro Dias (with Campos, Luísa). 2012.

UPA Faz a Diferença - Acções de sensibilização pró-saúde mental: Resultados preliminares de acções de sensibilização pró-saúde mental.

Elisa Veiga, Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2012. SPESE
Book Chapter

UPA Faz a Diferença – Acções de sensibilização pró-saúde mental junto de jovens entre os 15 e os 18 anos: Diferenças de género

Pedro Dias & Elisa Veiga (with Dias, Pedro). 2012. Psicologia da Saúde: Desafios à promoção da saúde em doenças crónicas
Book Chapter

UPA Faz a Diferença – Acções de sensibilização pró-saúde mental junto de jovens entre os 15 e os 18 anos: Diferenças de género

Elisa Veiga, Filipa Palha, Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2012. Psicologia da Saúde: Desafios à promoção da saúde em doenças crónicas

UPA Makes the Difference A school-based intervention to promote mental health literacy and combat mental illness stigma in young people

Pedro Dias (with Campos, Luísa). 2012.

Abrir ¿Espaços¿ à Saúde Mental nas Escolas

Pedro Dias (with Campos, Luísa). 2011.

Assessment of psychopathology in Portuguese referred children: preliminar psychometric data with the ASEBA battery

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2011. 25th European Health Psychology Conference, Creta, Grécia

Attitudes Towards People With Mental Disorders and Psychiatry: Impact of Mental Health Residence on a Sample of Portuguese Medical Students

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2011. World Psychiatric Association - Thematic Conference

Attitudes Towards People With Mental Disorders and Psychiatry: Impact of Mental Health Residence on a Sample of Portuguese Medical Students

Pedro Dias (with Campos, J.B.L.M.). 2011. World Psychiatric Association - Thematic Conference - Re-thinking Quality in Psychiatry: Education, Research, Prevention, Diagnosis, Istambul, Turquia

Attitudes towards people with mental disorders and psychiatry: Impact of mental helath residence on a sample of portuguese medical students

Pedro Dias (with Campos, Luísa). 2011. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry

Autonomic correlates of attachment insecurity in a sample of women with eating disorders.

Pedro Dias (with Dias P). 2011.

Avaliação da psicopatologia em crianças e adolescentes portugueses com a bateria ASEBA: resultados preliminares com amostra normativa

Pedro Dias & Alexandra Carneiro (with Dias, Pedro). 2011. VIII Congresso Iberoamericano de Avaliação/Evaluación Psicológica: XV Conferência Internacional Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos

Finding Space to Mental Healh - Promoting mental health in adolescents (12-14 year-olds): Development and evaluation of an intervention

Pedro Dias (with Palha, Filipa). 2011. 25th European Health Psychology Conference

Finding Space to Mental Health - Promoting mental health in adolescents (12-14 year-olds) in secondary schools: Development and evaluation of an intervention

Elisa Veiga, Filipa Palha, Luísa Campos & Pedro Dias (with Luísa Campos). 2011. 25th European Health Psychology Conference

Finding Space to Mental Health - Promoting mental health in adolescents (12-14 year-olds) in secondary schools: Development and evaluation of an intervention

Pedro Dias (with Campos, L.). 2011. C. Interactive poster session: "Work in progress", Psychology & Health

Finding space to mental health Promoting mental health in adolescents (12-14 year-olds): Development and evaluation of an intervention

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2011. European Health Psychology Conference, Creta, Grécia

Finding Space to Mental Helath - Promoting mental health in adolescents (21-14-yars-olds) in secondary schools: Development and evalutation of an intervention

Pedro Dias (with Campos, Luísa). 2011. Psychology & Health

International comparisons of behavioral and emotional problems in preschool children: parents' reports from 24 societies.

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Rescorla LA). 2011. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

Kosmicare Research Project – Process Evaluation Report on the 2010 Edition

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2011.

O Upa faz a diferença: Acções de sensibilização pró-saúde mental.: Resultados preliminares

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2011. II Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo da Saúde Escolar - Da Investigação às Boas Práticas

Predictors of Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors in a Sample of Portuguese Preschool Children

Alexandra Carneiro & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2011. 2001 SRCD Biennal Meeting

Predictors of externalizing and internalizing behaviors in a sample of portuguese preschool children SRCD

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2011. Biennial Meeting 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Problemas de internalização e de externalização no período pré-escolar: Estudo exploratório sobre factores de risco

Bárbara Cesar Machado, Pedro Dias & Alexandra Carneiro (with Dias, Pedro). 2011. I Congresso Internacional de Psicologia do Desenvolvimento

Sensibilização pró-saúde mental em contexto escolar em Portugal

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2011.

Sexual communication in intimate relationchips: Comparative study with sexual dysfunction sampleand a nonclinical sample

Pedro Dias (with Lima, V. S.). 2011. 20th World Congress for Sexual Health, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Sexual communication in intimate relationchips: Comparative study with sexual dysfunction sampleand a nonclinical sample

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2011. The Journal of Sexual Medicine

Strategies of maternal discipline in at-risk and not-at-risk groups

Mariana Negrão, Elisa Veiga & Pedro Dias (with Maria João Coelho). 2011. Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Educacional

Syndromes of pre-school psychopathology reported by teachers and caregivers in 14 societies using the Caregiver Teacher Report Form (C-TRF)

Vânia Sousa Lima & Pedro Dias (with vânia sousa lima). 2011. Journal of Early Childhood and infant Psychology

Syndromes of Pre-Scool Psychopathology Reported by Teachers and Caregivers in 14 Societies Using the Caregiver Teacher Report Form (C-TRF)

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2011. Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology

UPA faz a diferença

Filipa Palha & Pedro Dias (with Luísa Campos). 2011. II Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo da Saúde Escolar, Ermesinde, Portugal, 6/04/11

UPA Faz a Diferença: Acções de sensibilização pró-saúde mental: Resultados preliminares

Elisa Veiga, Filipa Palha & Pedro Dias (with Campos, Luísa). 2011. Actas do II Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo da Saúde Escolar – Da investigação às Boas Práticas

UPA Faz a Diferença: Ações de sensibilização prósaúde mental: Resultados preliminares

Pedro Dias (with Campos, Luísa). 2011. II Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo da Saúde Escolar - Da investigação às boas práticas

A representação social do psicólogo em Portugal: Um olhar de diferentes estudantes e profissionais

Pedro Dias (with Arrochella, M.). 2010. VII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia - Braga, Portugal

Attachment disordered behaviours in Portuguese institutionally-reared infants

Pedro Dias (with Soares, I.). 2010. XVIIth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS) Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Attachment in institutional reared children and caregivers’ narrative competence: A study on children's cardiac activity during an interaction with the caregiver, using BioBeams 2.0

Pedro Dias (with Soares, I.). 2010. 8º Simpósio da Fundação Bial

Attachment in institutionally-reared children and caregivers’ narrative competence: Child’s cardiac activity during interactions with the caregiver

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2010. World Association for Infant Mental Health12th World Congress

Avaliação do temperamento aos 13 e aos 24 meses através do relato do educador: Validação da versão portuguesa do Infant Characteristics Questionnaire

Alexandra Carneiro & Pedro Dias (with Carla Magalhães). 2010. Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Educacional

Avaliação do temperamento aos 13 e aos 24 meses: validação da versão portuguesa do Infant Characteristics Questionnaire

Pedro Dias (with Carneiro, A.). 2010. VII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia - Braga, Portugal

Comunicação sexual nas relações íntimas em indivíduos com disfunção sexual

Pedro Dias (with Coelho, L.). 2010. VII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia - Braga, Portugal

Desenvolvimento, psicopatologia e apego: estudo exploratório com crianças institucionalizadas e suas cuidadoras

Pedro Dias (with Mariana Pereira). 2010. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica

Development, psychopathology and attachment: An exploratory study with institutionalized children and their caregivers,Desenvolvimento, psicopatologia e apego: Estudo exploratório com crianças institucionalizadas e suas cuidadoras

Pedro Dias (with Pereir, M.). 2010. Psicologia: Reflexao e Critica

Implementação e avaliação de um modelo de monitorização da intervenção psicológica com crianças e adolescentes

Pedro Dias (with M. Rosas). 2010. VII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação Psicológica, Braga, Portugal, 4/02/10

Implementação e avaliação de um modelo de monitorização da intervenção psicológica com crianças e adolescentes: Estudo de caso -

Elisa Veiga & Pedro Dias (with Rosas, M.). 2010. VII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação Psicológica.
Book Chapter

Não há saúde sem saúde mental!

Alexandra Carneiro & Pedro Dias (with Pedro Dias). 2010. Aprender a Educar

Problemas de Internalização e de Externalização no Período Pré-Escolar numa Amostra Clínica: Estudo Exploratório acerca da Prevalência e Factores de Risco

Alexandra Carneiro & Pedro Dias (with Santos, Sónia). 2010. 2ªs Jornadas de Iniciação à Investigação Clínica

Sexual communication and attachment styles in intimate relationships of individuals with sexual dysfunctions.

Pedro Dias (with Coelho, Leonor Guedes). 2010. X Congress of European Federation of Sexology

Temperamento e psicopatologia em crianças em idade pré-escolar

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2010. VII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia - Braga, Portugal

Attachment organization in eating disorders: an exploratory analysis to the narrative content

Pedro Dias (with Barbosa, F.). 2009. 2009 International Attachment Conference. Barcelona, Espanha

Impacto das perturbações de humor no funcionamento familiar: perspectiva do casal

Pedro Dias (with Lima, Vânia Sousa). 2009. VII Simposium sobre Perturbações Afectivas

Temperament and psychopathological symptoms in preschool children

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2009. International ASEBA Conference on Empirically Based Mental Health Knowledge - Burlington, Vermont, USA
Book Chapter

A unidade de consulta psicológica clínica e da saúde para crianças e adolescentes

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2008. Intervenção psicológica no ensino superior.
Book Chapter

A Unidade de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde para Crianças e Adolescentes do Serviço de Consulta e Desenvolvimento Humano do Departamento de Psicologia da Universidade do Minho

Pedro Dias (with Figueiredo, Barbara). 2008. Intervenção Psicológica no Ensino Superior
Book Chapter

A unidade de psicologia clínica e da saúde para crianças e adolescentes do serviço de consulta psicológica e desenvolvimento humano do departamento de psicologia da Universidade do Minho

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with Bárbara Figueiredo). 2008. Intervenção Psicológica no Ensino Superior

Attachment and autonomic regulation in eating disorders

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2008. 39º International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research - Barcelona, Espanha

Attachment and autonomic regulation: Development of BioDreAMS - Version 2.0 and applications to a non-clinical group

Pedro Dias (with Soares, I.). 2008. 7º Simpósio da Fundação Bial “Aquém e Além do Cérebro”
Book Chapter

Bindung und Ess-Storungen

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2008. Bindung und Psychopathologie
Book Chapter

Escalas de Percepção do Comportamento de Vinculação aos 6 anos: Versão para Mães (PCV-M) e Versão para Professores (PCV-P)

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2008. Avaliação Psicológica: Instrumentos validados para a População Portuguesa

Psychophysiological correlates of attachment organization: Linear and non-linear analysis of autonomic regulation during the AAI

Pedro Dias (with Klein, J.). 2008. 39º Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research - Barcelona, Espanha

Questionário pediátrico de bem-estar, satisfação e qualidade de vida (QPBS): Estudo psicométrico com amostra não-clínica

Bárbara Cesar Machado & Pedro Dias (with M. G. Oliveira). 2008. Actas da XIII Conferência Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos

Questionário Pediátrico de Bem-Estar, Satisfação e Qualidade de Vida (QPBSQ): Estudo psicométrico com Amostra Não-Clínica

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2008. XIII Conferência Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica: Formas & Contextos

Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders: Tradução para a População Portuguesa e Avaliação das Propriedades Psicométricas

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2008. XIII Conferência Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica: Formas & Contextos

Therapeutic alliance with children and adolescents and their parents: Results using the Portuguese WAI version for children and adolescents (WAI-CA)

Pedro Dias (with Figueiredo, B.). 2008. 39º Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research - Barcelona, Espanha

Attachment and psychopathology in adults: Recent contributions from research | Apego y psicopatología en jóvenes y adultos: Contribuciones recientes de la investigación

Pedro Dias (with Soares, I.). 2007. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
Book Chapter

Vinculação e Psicopatologia

Pedro Dias (with Pedro Miguel Brito da Silva Dias). 2007. Relações de vinculação ao longo do desenvolvimento: Teoria e avaliação

Vinculação e regulação autonómica nas perturbações alimentares

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2007. Universidade do Minho

A avaliação da vinculação do adulto: Uma revisão crítica a propósito da aplicação da Adult Attachment Scale-R (ASS-R) na população portuguesa

Pedro Dias (with Canavarro, M. Cristina). 2006. Psicologia

Attachment organization and their psychophysiological correlates: A comparison of clinical and non-clinical groups

Pedro Dias (with Klein, J.). 2006. V Congreso Español de Psicofisiologia - Granada, Espanha

Psychophysiological correlates during the Adult Attachment Interview: Preliminary data with clinical and non-clinical groups

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2006. 2006 International Association for Relationship Research Conference - Rethymnon, Grécia

Sleep complaints in school-aged children: what implications for families?

Pedro Dias (with Klein, J.). 2006. 2006 International Association for Relationship Research Conference - Rethymnon, Grécia

Attachment organization and autonomic regulation in eating disorders assessed by a digital multimedia system

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2005. Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research - Lisboa, Portugal

Autonomic correlates of attachment organization in eating disorders

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2005. Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research - Montréal, Canadá

Autonomic Correlates of Attachment Organizations and Experiences: Preliminary Data

Pedro Dias (with Klein, J.). 2005. Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research - Lisboa, Portugal

Freiburgh Personality Inventory-Revised (FPI-R): Validation study with a Portuguese sample of university students | Inventário de Personalidade de Freiburg-Revisto (FPI-R): Estudo de validação junto de amostra de estudantes universitários

Pedro Dias (with Soares, I.). 2005. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology

Attachment and autonomic regulation in eating disorders

Pedro Dias (with Soares, I.). 2004. 10 Conferências The Future of Mind and Behavior Sciences - Lisboa, Universidade Lusófona

Percepção do comportamento de vinculação da criança aos 6 anos: construção de uma escala para professores

Elisa Veiga & Pedro Dias (with Teresa Freire). 2004. Revista Portuguesa de Educação

Attachment and autonomic regulation in eating disorders

Pedro Dias (with Soares, I.). 2003. Encontro da Eating Disorders Research Society - Ravello, Itália

Actividade fisiológica durante o AAI em doentes com perturbações alimentares: estudo preliminar com análise de casos

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2002. Psicologia: Teoria, Investigação e Prática

Actividade psicofisiológica durante a AAI em pacientes com perturbações alimentares: estudo preliminar com análise de casos

Raquel Matos & Pedro Dias (with Soares, Isabel). 2002. Psicologia: Teoria, Investigação e Prática

Attachment organization and autonomic regulation in eating disordered patients

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2002. International Conference of the Society for Psychotherapy Research - Santa Barbara: USA

Percepção Materna do comportamento de vinculação da criança aos 6 anos: Construção de uma escala

Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 2002. Psicologia: Teoria, Investigação e Prática

Physiological activity during the adult attchment interview in patients with eating disorders: a preliminary study with case analysis [Actividade fisiológica durante o AAI em doentes com perturbações alimentares: estudo preliminar com análise de ...

Pedro Dias (with Soares, Isabel). 2002. Psicologia: teoria, investigação e prática

Psychological variables in pregnancy: does age matter? An exploratory study

Pedro Dias (with Graça Pereira). 2002. Revista Portuguesa de Psicossomática

Eating Disorders Treatment in S. João Hospital, Porto: Patterns of Service Utilization

Pedro Dias (with Roma Torres, A.). 2000. CINP Oporto Regional Meeting "The heritage of the XXth century in the area of Neuropsychopharmacology" = "A heranca do seculo XX na areada Neuropsicofarmacologia"

Avaliação da Ansiedade e da depressão em crianças e adolescentes (STAIC-C2, CMAS-R, FSSC-R e CDI): Estudo normativo para a população portuguesa

Pedro Dias (with Dias, P.). 1999. VII Conferência Internacional “Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos”

Dificuldades de Adaptação e de Realização Académica no Ensino Superior: Análise de Acordo com as Escolhas Vocacionais e o Ano de Curso

Elisa Veiga & Pedro Dias (with Dias, Pedro). 1998. Revista Galego-Portuguesa de Psicoloxía e Educacíon