FEP Professor takes part in Conference Cycle on "Innovating in Education"

Thursday, February 1, 2024 - 10:10

Lurdes Veríssimo, Professor at the Faculty of Education and Psychology (FEP) of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), took part in the "5th Innovating in Education Conference Cycle. Citizenship and Networking", in the city of Viseu, where she spoke about the opportunities and challenges of interculturality at school.

The FEP Professor spoke to an audience of around 250 teachers from pre-school to secondary education.

The presentation focused on strategies for promoting the inclusion of diversity in the classroom and on intercultural skills at school, namely, on the ability of students and members of the school community to value, understand and interact with people from different cultures.

Lurdes Veríssimo has been studying the pedagogical relationship, academic achievement and socio-emotional skills of students. 

The “5th Innovating in Education Conference Cycle. Citizenship and Networking” took place in the Aula Magna of the Polytechnic of Viseu, on the 6th and 13th of January 2024.