FEP researchers among the young European talents selected for EU TalentON 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2024 - 17:14

Ana Moreno and Pedro Ribeiro, from the Human Neurobehavioural Laboratory (HNL) of the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (FEP-UCP), are about to embark on a unique experience. The young researchers have been selected to take part in the 2nd edition of the EU TalentON 2024 competition, which will take place in Poland from 9 to 14 September. Together with other young European talents, they will develop innovative solutions to some of the European Union's biggest challenges: climate change, cancer, oceans, cities and soil.

Under the guidance of Patrícia Oliveira-Silva, Director of HNL, the researchers, who are also part of the Research Centre for Human Development (CEDH), were selected from hundreds of candidates from across Europe to take part in this prestigious competition, which focuses on finding innovative solutions to today's most pressing challenges. 

Ana Moreno and Pedro Ribeiro's participation in this international competition is the result of the applied and multidisciplinary training they have received at HNL and reflects their genuine interest in actively participating in the search for solutions to global challenges.

This experience is much more than an opportunity, we feel privileged that our application has been accepted and we embrace this initiative with great enthusiasm. Joining forces with other young European researchers in the search for answers to the challenges facing our generation and which, if left unresolved, will have an impact on future generations, is part of the commitment to science that we see as a researcher's duty”, says Ana Moreno.

Pedro Ribeiro adds: “It is incredible to feel that I have the opportunity to contribute to the European sustainable development agenda, and to do so by working with brilliant minds like those selected”.

Both will travel to Katowice, Poland, from 9 to 14 September 2024 to take part in the competition. They will be part of teams of international researchers and will have to develop projects in a high-pressure environment to find innovative solutions for their fields.

Ana Moreno is part of a working group dedicated to finding solutions for “Cancer Prevention and Care” and Pedro Ribeiro is part of a group that will focus on “A Soil Deal for Europe”.

Innovative solutions for global challenges

The big challenge will take place next week, but the two researchers from FEP-UCP have already had the opportunity to meet the teams they will be part of, as well as the European Commissioner involved in the project. During the week of the competition, they will meet in person and work in smaller groups to develop specific dynamics.

Ana Moreno and Pedro Ribeiro are the only Portuguese representatives from their respective fields taking part in the competition. Both stress the importance of EU TalentON 2024: "We definitely believe that this is the kind of initiative that can be the basis for international cooperation. In fact, the knowledge that we will end this competition with a proposal that is ready to be implemented and recognised by international experts in each of the fields, with strategic value for the European agenda, is something that excites and motivates us much more than the prize money”.

It should be noted that the prize pool for the competition is 75,000 euros, to be shared between the members of the winning team.

We are committed to using our energy, creativity and interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of neuroscience to develop solutions that will have a positive impact on scientific and social progress", they say.

Participation in EU TalentON 2024 is an important step in the careers of HNL researchers and demonstrates the FEP-UCP's commitment to training young talent and producing knowledge of excellence.

In this 2nd edition, 108 young researchers aged between 21 and 35 were selected from hundreds of applicants from all European Member States.
