Portuguese model of inclusive education sparks interest among Dutch teachers

Tuesday, November 19, 2024 - 08:59

The Escola Básica Gonçalo Mendes da Maia recently welcomed a group of Dutch secondary school teachers as part of an initiative organised by the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (FEP-UCP), in partnership with the school's management and researcher Sui Lin Goei from the University of Windesheim. The aim was to share the school's inclusive education practices, highlight the Portuguese model and promote international cooperation.

The visit, coordinated by researchers Marisa Carvalho and Rosário Serrão from the Research Centre for Human Development (CEDH) of the FEP-UCP, gave the Dutch teachers the opportunity to learn about the different strategies and resources used to promote the inclusion of all students at the school.

During a day full of activities, the visitors had the opportunity to observe inclusive education practices, talk to the Multidisciplinary Support Team for Inclusive Education about their work at the school, and learn about the role, practices and functions of the Psychology and Guidance Service.

Helena Fonseca from the Inspectorate General for Education and Science (IGEC) also took part in this visit and presented the legal diplomas that frame inclusive education in Portugal, contributing to a more complete overview of the situation.


Comparison of inclusive education systems in Portugal and the Netherlands

From the researchers' point of view, this visit was fundamental for the exchange of experiences: "It was a very rich day in which we were able to delve into inclusive education strategies at different levels in this school and in Portugal in general, but also to listen to the experiences of teachers from the Netherlands, contrasting the two education systems, their weaknesses and positive aspects.”

The Dutch teachers were able to observe some of the inclusive education practices in place at the school, including a bullying prevention programme, a specific action plan to support migrant pupils and their families, and additional support for pupils with special educational needs.

It was also possible to see the work carried out in the Learning Support Centre, with innovative facilities such as the Snoezelen room and rooms dedicated to the development of life skills.

The visit to EB Gonçalo Mendes da Maia allowed us not only to deepen our knowledge of inclusive education strategies, but also to strengthen international cooperation links, promoting the exchange of experiences and innovative practices.

Photos - Portuguese model of inclusive education sparks interest among Dutch teachers


