Maria Adélia Monarca

Invited Assistant Professor

Generic Bio

Maria Adélia de Jesus Monarca is a Psychologist and Invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education and Psychology, Catholic University of Portugal (FEP-UCP), in Porto.

She holds a PhD in Psychology by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCE-UP), a Master in Work and Business Psychology by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCE-UP) and a Degree in Psychology by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra (FPCE-UC).

She has professional experience in several organizations and companies, and in several projects of organizational intervention, training action and implementation processes of integrated systems of quality management, health and safety at work, environment and social responsibility, according to several references (namely ISO-International Organization for Standardization). 


Validação da Self-Perceived Employability Scale em estudantes universitários portugueses e a sua relevância na procura de emprego

Maria Adélia Monarca (with Vitor Manuel Gamboa). 2022. Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación

Caraterísticas do trabalho e relação trabalho-família: Um estudo de caso no setor da saúde.

Maria Adélia Monarca 2019. Conferência - Investigação E Intervenção Em Recursos Humanos, (9).

Big Data in Family Business Marketing Activities Decisions

Maria Adélia Monarca 2018. GAMMA - Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo

How entrepreneurial orientation and stakeholder engagement shape innovation at family business.

Maria Adélia Monarca 2018. 11th Annual EuroMed Academy of Business. Valletta, Malta

Creation of a tacit knowledge scale in succession process of family business.

Maria Adélia Monarca 2017. 14th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational .The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Knowledge Management in the Succession Process – the case of North Portuguese Family Business.

Maria Adélia Monarca 2017. ECKM Conference 2017

Knowledge Transfer in Succession of Family Business.

Maria Adélia Monarca 2017. 21st EBES Conference, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), January, 12-13-14, Budapest, Hungary.

Estudo de mapeamento de competências, com reconfiguração de cargos e grelhas salariais, no âmbito da criação de empresa local. (Augusto Mateus & associados, Sociedade de consultores, Lda. Porto.)


Gender differences in the perception of the importance of transfer and knowledge management systems

Maria Adélia Monarca (with Rodrigues, P.). 2016. Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM

Gender differences in the perception of the importance of transfer and knowledge management systems.

Maria Adélia Monarca 2016. ECKM Conference 2016, September 1-2, Ulster University, Northern Ireland, UK.

Tese de doutoramento: O que fica na sombra dos processos de certificação dos sistemas de gestão da qualidade da produção


Tese de mestrado: Psicologia do trabalho, gestão da qualidade e formação: análise da atividade de controlo visual. O contributo de um estudo no sector da cortiça.


Contribution to the Analysis of Quality Control in Cork Industry. Vol.1, p. 393-395.

Maria Adélia Monarca 1997. 3 th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. Tampere, Finland.