André Maia

André Maia

Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Program in Human Rights

Studying Human Rights at Católica was a fantastic and necessary experience in my life; it expanded my opportunities both in Portugal and beyond. The program was well-designed for whoever wants to practice and study justice. I reccomend this program to anyone no matter what because of the teaching staff's role in offering indispensable knowledge toward my academic and professional development. I left feeling a sense of high gratitude, respect, love and humility.
Haua Embalo

Haua Embalo

Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Program in Human Rights

There was ample flexibility in scheduling and the possibility of interacting with professors and colleagues from many countries.
Joana Mendes

Joana Mendes

Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Program in Human Rights

This program is a unique experience that allowed us to personally and professionally enrich ourselves in the fields of Psychology, Law, Education and Social Economics at all once thanks to the transversal curriculum. This program also allowed us to learn and share experiences with the most respected professors, professionals and students at the national and international level in many areas. I would do it all over again!
Marcela Endres Balbão

Marcela Endres Balbão

Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Program in Human Rights

As a student from this program, I felt that the diversity of people in the program greatly enriched the experience. It's possible to understand distinct experiences about the world through hearing these people's vast range of perspectives, which was made possible thanks to the diverse context of the program.
Matilde Cortez Pinto

Matilde Cortez Pinto

Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Program in Human Rights

Enrolling in this program fulfilled an old desire of mine, and my expectations were exceeded on various fronts.

On the one hand, learning online brought some challenges, but in reality it was this same format that offered an enriching experience. It brought together professors and students from many countries with their own unique life experiences as to how they understood Human Rights.

Nilda da Mata

Nilda da Mata

Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Program in Human Rights

It was possible to interact with faculty and colleagues as if we were all in the same classroom together.
Group Photography of Vilma Silvestre

Vilma Silvestre

Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Direitos Humanos

Estudar Direitos Humanos na Universidade Católica Portuguesa foi uma decisão muito acertada, que, indubitavelmente, me acrescentou valor a nível profissional e pessoal, contribuindo para me tornar uma cidadã mais atenta e comprometida com a promoção e proteção dos Direitos Humanos em todas as suas dimensões. 

Cativou-me a abordagem interdisciplinar deste curso de Pós-Graduação, desde a perspetiva do Direito, da Educação, da Economia Social e da Psicologia, conciliando este plano de estudos, de forma exemplar, a teoria e a prática. Com efeito, realço a excelência do corpo docente, bem como a de todos os profissionais convidados para lecionar e partilhar o “saber de experiência feito”.  

Do mesmo modo, reconheço que a integração de alunos com distintas formações de base, oriundos de vários pontos geográficos – nacional e internacionalmente –, muito enriqueceu o curso, ampliando a visão do mundo, potenciando o debate e a reflexão, mas também promovendo o respeito, a empatia e a valorização das diferenças ideológicas e culturais.  Considero que esses são aspetos essenciais para que todos nós adotemos abordagens mais inclusivas e adequadas na atuação em contextos globais.  

Sinto-me muito grata por ter tido a oportunidade de frequentar esta formação, que ultrapassa as fronteiras disciplinares, e que se revelou uma experiência transformadora, abrindo-me horizontes e caminhos para prosseguir estudos nesta área. Assim, sinto-me mais capaz, consciente e habilitada para servir na construção de uma sociedade mais justa e equitativa, que respeite efetivamente os Direitos Humanos. 



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