Mariana Negrão

Assistant Professor / Researcher


Mariana Sottomayor Negrão is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education and Psychology, Catholic University of Porto. She has a degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto and a PhD from the School of Psychology of the University of Minho. Her areas of action and research are centred on the issues of Parenthood, Adversity and Development and the Promotion and Protection of Children's Rights - themes from which she develops clinical, research, training and scientific communication activity. She is a psychologist specialized in Clinical Psychology and Educational Psychology, responsible for the assessment and monitoring of children and parents, parental consultant and supervisor in foster homes.


The All4Children project to assess the initial implementation of the Integrated Model of Family Foster Care in Portugal

Mariana Negrão (with Joana Baptista). 2024. PLoS one

Development and preliminary results of the International Trauma Exposure Measure for children and adolescents (ITEM-CA)

Elisa Veiga & Mariana Negrão (with José Rocha). 2023. 17th biennial conference of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
, Belfast, Ireland, 14/06/23

Mother-child interactions in the context of socioeconomic disadvantage: predictors and the effectiveness of an attachment-based intervention program

Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Andrade de Sottomayor Negrão Novo). 2023. University of Minho; Universidade do Minho Escola de Psicologia; Universiteit Leiden

Motivações para ser família de acolhimento em Portugal

Mariana Negrão (with Luisa Pereira). 2023. Congresso Internacional Risco, Perigo e Resiliência Familiar – Vozes Cruzadas da Intervenção e Investigação, Lisboa, Portugal, 6/07/23

Trauma sensitive framework for organizations assessment

Elisa Veiga & Mariana Negrão (with José Carlos Rocha). 2023. 17th biennial conference of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
, Belfast, Ireland, 14/06/23

Cuidados sensíveis ao trauma: a importância da avaliação dos contextos para a promoção dos direitos das crianças e resiliência da comunidade

Elisa Veiga & Mariana Negrão (with Elisa Veiga). 2022. The Psychologist Practice & Research Journal

Family foster care: Perceptions of Portuguese child protection professionals

Mariana Negrão, Elisa Veiga & Lurdes Veríssimo (with Negrão, Mariana). 2022. Análise Psicológica

Perspetivas, conceitos e boas práticas de proteção e promoção do bem-estar de crianças e jovens

Elisa Veiga & Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Negrão). 2022. Porticus Global

As crianças precisam de pais… e os pais precisam de tempo e colo! [Children need parents... and parents need time and care!]

Mariana Negrão 2021. Público
Book Chapter

Cuidados sensíveis ao trauma no acolhimento residencial: Um referencial para avaliação de qualidade e promoção de mudança em Portugal [Trauma sensitive care in residential care settings: A framework to quality evaluation and change in Portugal]

Mariana Negrão 2021. Acolhimento Residencial de Crianças e Jovens em Perigo.
Book Chapter

Cuidados sensíveis ao trauma no acolhimento residencial: Um referencial para avaliação de qualidade e promoção de mudança em Portugal. [Trauma Sensitive Care in Residential Care: A framework to quality evaluation and promotion of change in Portugal]

Mariana Negrão (with Veiga, Elisa). 2021. Acolhimento Residencial de Crianças e Jovens em Perigo [Residential Care for Children and Youth]

The right to a second chance: lessons learned from the experience of early school leavers who returned to education

Filipe Martins & Mariana Negrão (with Martins, Filipe). 2020. Pedagogia Social Revista Interuniversitaria

The right to a second chance: lessons learned from the experience of early school leavers who returned to education.

Mariana Negrão 2020. Revista Interuniversitaria

A intervenção com as famílias no acolhimento residencial : perceção do impacto de um programa de formação para os profissionais

Mariana Negrão (with Pereira, Carlota Mexia Alves Teotónio). 2019.

A perspetiva das crianças e jovens em acolhimento residencial acerca da sua relação com a família

Mariana Negrão (with Prata, Ana Cláudia Silva). 2019.

Conhecimentos e perceções públicas acerca do acolhimento familiar: Contributos para o desenvolvimento da medida [Public knowledge and perceptions about foster care: Contribution to the developmet of the measure]

Mariana Negrão (with Negrão, Mariana). 2019.

Conhecimentos e perceções públicas acerca do acolhimento familiar: Contributos para o desenvolvimento da medida. [Public Knowledge and perceptions about Foster Care: Contributions to the development of the measure]

Mariana Negrão 2019. Análise Psicológica

Desafios e estratégias de adaptação ao longo do processo de acolhimento familiar : perspetivas dos jovens acolhidos

Mariana Negrão (with Tavares, Mariana Marques). 2019.

Envolvimento parental no acolhimento residencial de crianças e jovens : contributo para a adaptação e validação do questionário “parent engagement measure” para a população portuguesa

Mariana Negrão (with Ferreira, Ana Paula Sousa). 2019.
Book Chapter

Jovens, género e desviância em Portugal

Alexandra Carneiro, Luísa Mota Ribeiro, Raquel Matos & Mariana Negrão (with Raquel Matos). 2019. Crime, desvio e risco na adolescência
Book Chapter

Jovens, género e desviância em Portugal: evoluções recentes e desafios atuais. [young people, gender and deviance in Portugal: Recent evolutions and current challenges]

Mariana Negrão 2019. Risco, Desvio e Crime na Adolescência
Book Chapter

Jovens, género e desviância em Portugal: evoluções recentes e desafios atuais. [Youth, gender and deviance in Portugal: recent evolutions and current challenges]

Mariana Negrão 2019. Risco, Desvio e Crime na Adolescência

Práticas disciplinares parentais : perceções e práticas dos profissionais de saúde infantil

Mariana Negrão (with Pinho, Mariana Ribeiro). 2019.

Práticas disciplinares parentais e contextos de suporte : perceções de pais de crianças em idade pré-escolar

Mariana Negrão (with Lopes, Daniela Júlio). 2019.

Sabia que todos têm direito à Infância? [Did you know everyone should have the right to infancy?]

Mariana Negrão (with Negrão, Mariana). 2019. Público

Suporte social e impacto do ativismo : estudo com jovens ativistas para a igualdade de género

Mariana Negrão (with Mota, Ana Catarina da Silva). 2019.
Book Chapter

Voluntariado Internacional – O Mundo que nos fica cá dentro! [International Volunteering - The world that remains inside us!]

Mariana Negrão 2019. Voluntariado Internacional

Acolhimento Familiar: Conhecimentos e Perceções [Family foster care: Knowledge and perceptions]

Mariana Negrão 2018. Dias da Psicologia - Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Families of Children in Residential Care: Characteristics, Obstacles and Facilitators to Intervention in the Perspective of Professionals

Mariana Negrão 2018. EUSARF Conference - All Childre, All families - Promoting Excellence in Child Welfare Research, Policy and Practice

Families of children in residential care: Characteristics, obstacles and facilitators to intervention in the perspective of professionals

Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Andrade de Sottomayor Negrão Novo). 2018. XV International Conference: All Children, All Families Promoting Excellence in Child Welfare Research, Policy and Practice

Foster Care Process: Challenges and Coping of youth and families

Mariana Negrão 2018. EUSARF Conference - All Childre, All families - Promoting Excellence in Child Welfare Research, Policy and Practice

Foster care process: Challenges and coping of youth and families

Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Andrade de Sottomayor Negrão Novo). 2018. XV International Conference: All Children, All Families Promoting Excellence in Child Welfare Research, Policy and Practice

Improving Intervention with the families in Portuguese residential care: Evaluation of a training process with professionals

Mariana Negrão 2018. EUSARF Conference - All Childre, All families - Promoting Excellence in Child Welfare Research, Policy and Practice

Improving Intervention with the families in Portuguese residential care: Evaluation of a training process with professionals

Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Negrão). 2018. XV International EUSARF Conference

Moderation effect of family socioeconomic status in development

Alexandra Carneiro, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier, Pedro Dias, Marisa Costa & Mariana Negrão (with Elisa Veiga). 2018. Infant Mental Health Journal

Moderation effect of family socioeconomic status in development

Alexandra Carneiro, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier, Pedro Dias & Mariana Negrão (with Elisa Veiga). 2018. 16th World Association for Infant Mental Health World Congress, Roma, Italy, 26/05/18

Moderation effect of family socioeconomic status in development

Alexandra Carneiro, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier & Mariana Negrão (with Elisa Veiga). 2018. 16th World Association for Infant Mental Health World Congress, Roma, Italy, 26/05/18

Moderation effect of family socioeconomic status in development: the case of premature pre-school children

Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Negrão). 2018. 16th World Congress World Association for Infant Mental Health: New challenges for a 3rd millennium Infant Mental Health

Moderation Effect of Family socioeconomic status in development: the case of premature pre-school children

Alexandra Carneiro, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier & Mariana Negrão (with Elisa Veiga). 2018. 16th World Association for Infant Mental Health World Congress, Roma, Italy, 26/05/18

Moderation Effect of Family socioeconomic status in development: the case of premature pre-school children

Alexandra Carneiro, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier, Mariana Negrão & Pedro Dias (with Elisa Veiga). 2018. 16th World Association for Infant Mental Health World Congress, Roma, Italy, 26/05/18

Psychometric studies of the Portuguese version of attitudes related to trauma-informed care

Elisa Veiga & Mariana Negrão (with José Carlos Rocha). 2018. ISPCAN XXII International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect

Psychometric studies of the Portuguese version of attitudes related to trauma-informed care.

Mariana Negrão 2018. ISPCAN - XXII International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect

Vinculação em Famílias de Acolhimento: Contributo para a compreensão de conhecimentos e práticas profissionais [Attachment in Foster Families: Contribution to the understandment of professionals' knowledge and practicies]

Mariana Negrão 2018. Dias da Psicologia - Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Working with the families in residential care: Evaluation of a training process with social professionals in Portugal

Mariana Negrão 2018. ISPCAN - XXII International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect

Young gender activists (case study report)

Mariana Negrão (with Raquel Maria Navais de Carvalho Matos). 2018. Research Centre for Human Development (CEDH); Porto; Faculty of Education and Psychology; European Comission

Young gender activists (case study report)

Mariana Negrão, Alexandra Carneiro, Luísa Mota Ribeiro & Raquel Matos (with Raquel Matos). 2018. European Comission

Young people with paths of psychosocial risk and deviant behaviour


Young people with paths of psychosocial risk and deviant behaviour (case study report)

Raquel Matos & Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Andrade de Sottomayor Negrão Novo). 2018. Research Centre for Psychological - Family and Social Wellbeing (CRC-W); Research Centre for Human Development (CEDH); Lisbon; Porto; Faculty of Education and Psychology

Acolhimento familiar : conhecimentos e perceções

Mariana Negrão (with Moreira, Marina Juliana Soares). 2017.

Contributo para a compreensão do conceito de família pelos técnicos de acolhimento residencial

Mariana Negrão (with Sequeira, Ana Rita Domingues). 2017.

Coparentalidade no divórcio : a perspectiva de pais com filhos na pré-adolescência

Mariana Negrão (with Pinheiro, Tânia Filipa Peixoto). 2016.

Emotional and behavioral problems in children born prematurely

Mariana Negrão (with Elisa Veiga). 2016. 15th World Congress of World Association of Infant Mental Health

Emotional and behavioral problems in children born prematurely

Mariana Negrão, Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier & Pedro Dias (with Elisa Veiga). 2016. Not available

Fatores subjacentes à tomada de decisão judicial em processos de regulação das responsabilidades parentais

Mariana Negrão (with Cunha, Maria Francisca Confraria Barbosa da). 2016.

Intervenção na parentalidade com famílias em risco psicossocial: Resultados de um programa baseado na teoria da vinculação, desafios e boas práticas

Mariana Negrão (with Negrão, Mariana). 2016.

Maternal attachment representations in relation to emotional availability and discipline behaviour

Mariana Negrão (with Negrão, M.). 2016. European Journal of Developmental Psychology

Moderation Effect of family socioeconomic status in development: The case of premature pre-school children

Mariana Negrão 2016. 16th WAIMH - World Association for Infant Mental Health Congress

National Context Report – Portugal

Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Negrão). 2016. Research Centre for Psychological - Family and Social Wellbeing (CRC-W); Research Centre for Human Development (CEDH); Faculty of Education and Psychology

Viver a espera : crenças, preocupações e stress em candidatos à adoção

Mariana Negrão (with Fernandes, Inês João Couto). 2016.

Forças familiares nas famílias multidesafiadas : a perceção das famílias e dos técnicos

Mariana Negrão (with Fernandes, Sónia Cristina). 2015.
Book Chapter

Intervenção parental na infância baseada na teoria e investigação da Vinculação: Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline [Attachment based parenting intervention: Video-feedback Intervention to promot...

Mariana Negrão 2015. Promoção da Parentalidade Positiva: Intervenções Psicológicas com pais de crianças e adolescentes
Book Chapter

Intervenção parental na infância com base na teoria e investigação da vinculação: video-feedback intervention to promote positive parenting and sensitive discipline (VIPP-SD)

Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Pereira). 2015. Promoção da Parentalidade Positiva: Intervenções Psicológicas com pais de crianças e adolescentes

Predicting Harsh Discipline in At-Risk Mothers: The Moderating Effect of Socioeconomic Deprivation Severity

Mariana Negrão (with Pereira, M.). 2015. Journal of Child and Family Studies

Prematurity: monitoring the transition to school

Mariana Negrão & Pedro Dias (with Veiga, Elisa). 2015. 17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology

Tomada de decisão judicial em situações de negligência parental

Mariana Negrão (with Ferreira, Inês Lopes Vieira Gomes). 2015.

Decreasing harsh discipline in mothers at risk for maltreatment: A randomized control trial

Mariana Negrão (with Pereira, M.). 2014. Infant Mental Health Journal

Enhancing positive parent-child interactions and family functioning in a poverty sample: a randomized control trial

Mariana Negrão (with Negrão, M.). 2014. Attachment and Human Development
Book Chapter

Intervenção com crianças e jovens em acolhimento institucional

Mariana Barbosa & Mariana Negrão (with Luísa Ribeiro). 2014. Clínica Universitária de Psicologia: Contributos para a prática psicológica
Book Chapter

Intervenção com crianças e jovens em acolhimento institucional: Da teoria à prática. [Interveening with residential care children and youth: From theory to practice]

Mariana Negrão 2014. Clínica Universitária de Psicologia: Contributos para a prática psicológica
Book Chapter

Intervenção com crianças e jovens em acolhimento institucional: Da teoria à prática. [Intervention with children and youth in residential care: from theory to practice]

Mariana Negrão 2014. Clínica Universitária de Psicologia: Contributos para a prática psicológica


Maria Raul Xavier, Pedro Dias & Mariana Negrão (with Elisa Veiga). 2014. 14th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Babies: Their contributions – Our responsibilities, Edimburgo, United Kingdom, 14/06/14

Prematurity: developmental trajectories and the interplay of biological and environmental factors

Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Andrade de Sottomayor Negrão Novo). 2014. 14th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Babies: Their contributions – Our responsibilities

Prematurity: Developmental trajectories and the interplay of biological and environmental factors

Mariana Negrão 2014. 14th Conference of World Association for Infant Mental Health

Attachment styles and attitudes towards entrepreneurship

Mariana Negrão 2013. International Attachment Conference, Universidade de Pavia

Attachment styles and attitudes towards entrepreneurship

Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Andrade de Sottomayor Negrão Novo). 2013. 6th International Attachment Conference

Intervenção Psicológica na Gravidez [Psychological interevention during pregnancy]

Mariana Negrão 2013. Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Universidade de Aveiro.

Literacia empreendedora: Impacto da implementação de um programa de empreendedorismo na escola [Enterpreneuship literacy: Impact of the implementation of an enterpreneurship program in school context]

Mariana Negrão 2013. I Congresso Envolvimento dos Alunos na Escola: Perspetivas Internacionais da Psicologia e Educação. Universidade de Lisboa.

Mother-Child interaction in the context of socioeconomic disadvantage: Predictors and the effectiveness of an attachment based intervention program

Mariana Negrão 2013. Universidade do Minho Escola de Psicologia; Universiteit Leiden

Contributos para o estudo dos desafios e satisfações da parentalidade adoptiva

Mariana Negrão (with Tavares, Bruna Carina Valenzuela Sampaio). 2012.

Effects on mother-child interactions of an attachment based program with severely disadvantage families: The VIPP-SD

Mariana Negrão 2012. ISSBD

Effects on mother-child interactions of an attachment-based program with severely disadvantage families: the VIPP-SD

Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Andrade de Sottomayor Negrão Novo). 2012. International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development

Factores de satisfação e stress no pai divorciado com filhos em idade pré-escolar

Mariana Negrão (with Cruz, Joana Maria Pinho). 2012.

Gravidez e depressão pós-parto

Maria Raul Xavier, Pedro Dias & Mariana Negrão (with vânia sousa lima). 2012. Libro de resúmenes de los trabajos aceptados en el V Congreso Internacional y X Nacional de Psicología Clínica

Gravidez e depressão pós-parto: programa de intervenção cognitiva-narrativa e de intervenção de casal baseada na vinculação

Elisa Veiga, Maria Raul Xavier, Pedro Dias & Mariana Negrão (with Vânia Sousa Lima). 2012. V Congreso Internacional y X Nacional de Psicología Clínica

Obstacles in delivering a parenting intervention in highly disadvantaged families: an analysis of dropout rates

Mariana Negrão 2012. 13th WAIMH - World Association for Infant Mental Health Conference

Obstacles in delivering a parenting intervention in highly disadvantaged families: an analysis of dropout rates

Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Andrade de Sottomayor Negrão Novo). 2012. 13th World Association for Infant Mental Health

Serviço comunitário na licenciatura em Psicologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa: Um programa com reconhecidas vantagens na qualidade da formação dos futuros psicólogos

Mariana Negrão (with Luísa Ribeiro Trigo). 2012. II Mostra Nacional de Práticas em Psicologia

Serviço Comunitário na licenciatura em Psicologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa: Um programa com reconhecidas vantagens na qualidade da formação dos futuros psicólogos [Community service in Psychology degree: a program with bennefits for ...

Mariana Negrão 2012. 2ª Mostra Nacional de Práticas em Psicologia, Universidade de S. Paulo

Strategies of maternal discipline in at-risk and not-at-risk groups

Mariana Negrão, Elisa Veiga & Pedro Dias (with Maria João Coelho). 2011. Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Educacional

Uma escolha de futuro - Empreendedorismo e capacitação de Jovens - Manual dos técnicos [ A choice for future - enterpreneurship and youngsters training - Professionals Manual]


Uma escolha de futuro - Empreendedorismo e capacitação de Jovens - Manual para alunos[ A choice for future - enterpreneurship and youngsters training - Students Manual]

Book Chapter

Adopção Internacional e a Psicologia [International Adoption and Psychology]

Mariana Negrão 2010. Adopção Internacional

Community Service at Catholic University of Portugal - A personal, social and academic development program for Psychology Students


Community Service at Catholic University of Portugal: A Personal, Social and Academic Development Program for Psychology Studentss

Mariana Negrão (with Trigo, Luísa Ribeiro). 2010.

Perfil de Risco e Forças da Família, versão curta [Family Risk and Strengths Profile, short version] - translation and adaptation of the original questionnaire form Rodrigo, Rodriguez, Camacho, Martín & Maiquez, 2006


Perfil de risco e forças da família, versão curta [Family risk and strengths profile, short version] - translation and adaptation of the original questionnaire form Rodrigo, Rodriguez, Camacho, Martín & Maiquez, 2006

Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Andrade de Sottomayor Negrão Novo). 2009.

The video-feedback intervention to promote positive parenting and sensitive discipline (VIPP-SD) in Portugal: a randomized controlled trial

Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Pereira). 2009. International Attachment Conference

Video-feedback intervention to promote positive parenting and sensitive discipline - translation and adaptation of the intervention manual

Mariana Negrão (with Mariana Andrade de Sottomayor Negrão Novo). 2009.

Questionário de Atitudes Parentais (Negrão & Soares, 2008) - trasnlated and adapted from the original Maternal Attitudes Questionnaire (Bakermans-Kranenburg & van IJzendoorn, 2003)


Questionário de Fatores de Stress Quotidiano (Negrão, Pereira & Soares 2008) - translated and adapted from the original Daily Hassles Questionnaire (Kanner, Coyne, Shaffer & Lazarus, 1981)


Community service in university: personal and social skills, career knowledge and career development

Mariana Negrão (with Lurdes Veríssimo). 2007. IAEVG International Conference - International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance