Fotografia de Domingos Fernandes

Domingos Fernandes

Professor Catedrático no Departamento de Ciência Política e Políticas Públicas do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa - ISCTE e investigador integrado no CIES-IUL - Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia. É Presidente do Conselho Nacional de Educação, eleito pela Assembleia da República, desde 9 de junho de 2022. Ao longo de 17 anos foi coordenador de programas de Mestrado e de Doutoramento na especialidade de Avaliação em Educação na Universidade de Lisboa. Os seus principais interesses nos domínios da investigação e do ensino são a Avaliação de Políticas Públicas de Educação, as Políticas de Formação de Professores e Políticas Curriculares, a Teoria da Avaliação, as Políticas e Práticas de Avaliação Pedagógica e as Relações entre Currículo, Pedagogia e Avaliação. Foi professor visitante numa diversidade de universidades internacionais tais como a Texas A&M University, nos Estados Unidos, a Universidade de São Paulo (USP), a Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) e a Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), no Brasil, e a Universidade de La Salle, na Colômbia. Tem sido investigador principal de projetos de investigação e de avaliação, nacionais e internacionais, financiados no âmbito de concursos públicos, e de contratos de prestação de serviços. É autor de cerca de 200 publicações e de 300 comunicações nacionais e internacionais. Nos últimos três anos coordenou os seguintes projetos de investigação:  Políticas educativas e desempenho de Portugal no PISA (2000-2015), financiado pelo POCH, Fundo Social Europeu e Portugal 2020 (2017-2018); Avaliação de Competências dos Professores do Ensino Secundário de São Tomé e Príncipe, financiado pelo Instituto Camões (2018-2019); e Monitorização, Acompanhamento e Investigação em Avaliação Pedagógica (Projeto MAIA), financiado pelo POCH, Fundo Social Europeu e Portugal 2020 (setembro 2019-março 2022). O seu artigo mais recente intitula-se Educação, sociedade e democracia: o legado de John Goodlad, publicado em maio de 2022 na revista Estudos Avançados do Instituto de Estudos Avançados da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. O seu livro mais recente, intitulado Avaliar e aprender numa cultura de inovação pedagógica, foi publicado em abril de 2022 pela Editora Leya. O seu relatório de investigação mais recente, que coordenou e redigiu em co-autoria, intitula-se Para uma avaliação pedagógica: dinâmicas e processos de formação no âmbito do Projeto MAIA e foi publicado em linha em setembro de 2021.

Domingos Fernandes
Full Professor at the Department of Political Science and Public Policy of the University Institute of Lisbon - ISCTE and integrated researcher at CIES-IUL - Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology. He has been President of the National Education Council, elected by the Portuguese Parliament, since June 9, 2022. For 17 years he was coordinator of Master's and PhD programs in the specialty of Evaluation in Education at the University of Lisbon. His main interests in the fields of research and teaching are the Evaluation of Public Education Policies, Teacher Training Policies and Curriculum Policies, Evaluation Theory, Pedagogical Evaluation Policies and Practices and the Relations between Curriculum, Pedagogy and Evaluation. He has been a visiting professor at a variety of international universities such as Texas A&M University in the United States, the University of São Paulo (USP), the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) and the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) in Brazil, and La Salle University in Colombia. He has been principal investigator of research and evaluation projects, national and international, funded under public tenders, and service contracts. He is the author of about 200 publications and 300 national and international communications. In the last three years he has coordinated the following research projects: Educational policies and Portugal's performance on PISA (2000-2015), funded by the POCH, European Social Fund and Portugal 2020 (2017-2018); Skills Assessment of Secondary School Teachers in São Tomé and Príncipe, funded by the Camões Institute (2018-2019); and Monitoring, Follow-up and Research in Pedagogical Evaluation (Project MAIA), funded by the POCH, European Social Fund and Portugal 2020 (September 2019-March 2022). His most recent article is entitled Education, society and democracy: the legacy of John Goodlad, published in May 2022 in the journal Adanced Studies of the Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. His most recent book, entitled Assessing and Learning in a Culture of Pedagogical Innovation, was published in April 2022 by Leya Publishing. His most recent research report, which he coordinated and co-authored, is entitled Towards a Pedagogical Evaluation: Dynamics and Training Processes within the MAIA Project and was published online in September 2021.

Joanna Madalińska-Michalak

Joanna Madalińska-Michalak

Is a Full Professor of Social Sciences (Education, Education Research). She is based at the Faculty of Education, University of Warsaw, Poland. In 2020 she was awarded the honorary title of Distinguished Professor at the University of Warsaw. She is a Honorary Professor at Aarhus University, Denmark, and a Visiting Professor at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Professor Madalińska-Michalak has long-standing research and consultancy experience in the fields of teacher education, teachers’ role and continuing professional development, teachers’ professionalism and ethics, and educational leadership. Her research work focuses on educational leadership, school development, teacher education, teachers’ and school principals’ learning and development, teachers' competences, and research ethics. She is an author of more than 250 scientific publications, mainly articles in journals and books.

She serves for global, international, and national scientific organisations. She is a vice-president of International Association of Educators (INASED), a member of the Board of Directors of International Council of Education for Teaching (ICET, since 2017), and a member of Council Board of European Educational Research Association (EERA, since 2008). She is representative of the Polish Ministry of Education and Science in European Network on Teacher Education Policy, ENTEP (since 2018). She was a Vice-President of World Education Research Association (WERA, 2018-2022), a President of Polish Educational Research Association (PERA, 2014-2019), Chair of Teacher Education Policy in Europe Scientific Network (TEPE, 2016-2020), and a member of the Executive Body of the Board of Scientific Associations at the Polish Academy of Science (since 2017). She serves as a member of editorial boards for such scientific international journals as Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, and South African Journal of Education.

Professor Madalińska-Michalak received the 2022 the Institute De Republica Award honoring her outstanding achievements in the social sciences and international activities. In 2022 she was also awarded the Medal of the Polish Educational Research Association in recognition of her special merits for the development of educational research and the popularisation of their achievements in Poland and abroad.