Patrícia Oliveira-Silva

(Department of Education and Psychology: UCP-Porto)

Scientific and Pedagogical Coordinator

She received her PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Minho (Braga) and now serves as the coordinator of the Human Neurobehavioral Laboratory (HNL) and as an instructor in the Department of Education and Psychology. Throughout her academic career, she has been predominantly involved in research that explores neurophysiological mechanisms as they relate to behavior. In particular, there's a focus on questions pertinent to the regulation and description of biological bases as they relate to social behavior. She has participated in research projects financed by national and foreign agencies; established scientific cooperation among national and international groups; supervised research projects at the graduate and post-graduate level; carried out research in many national and international labs; organized scientific events and summer programming for a national and international audience; been a guest for graduate and post-graduate training programs; taught in the fields of neuroscience, language, attention, emotions and psychophysiology. She has also published many dissertations that explored the connection between neurophysiological bases and human behavior.

Rosana Magalhães

(Academic Clinic Center | 2CA – Hospital of Braga)

Rosana Magalhães received her PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Minho (2014) as well as her joint Bachelor's / Master's degree in 2009 (also known as an Integrated Master's Degree program). She has conducted research in neuropsychology with a focus on cognitive deficits associated with neurodegenerative illness. Another area of interest for her is analyzing behavioral changes that occur after brain damage for adults and children. In the past years, she garnered practice in neuropsychological assessment and cognitive rehabilitation. She was an instructor at Lusíada University (2015-2017) in the Bachelor's and Master's program in courses such as Introduction to Life Sciences, Neuropsychology, Psychology of Language, and Psychological and Clinical Assessment of Adults. Now, she works at the Hospital of Braga.

Diana Pereira

(Department of Education and Psychology: UCP-Porto)

Diana Pereira earned her PhD in Basic Psychology from the University of Minho, her Master's in Clinical and Health Psychology from the Department of Psychology and Education Science at the University of Porto and completed her post-graduate work in clinical intervention with a focus on Psychogerontology and Neuropsychogerontolgy. Diana Pereira serves as a member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists and an Associate / Visiting Professor at Católica – Porto. She has conducted research about memory using behavioral, neuropsychological and neuroimaging data. She also collaborated on projects pertaining to the aging proecess – conducting neuropsychological assessments – and studies tracking the impact of cognitive training and cognitive rehabilitation strategies. More recently, she has collaborated on a clinical study through Project MindGAP with the Portuguese Institute of Oncology (Porto). This project aims to explore the effects of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness through a number of psychosocial and biological lenses, namely in the context of extracellular vesicles from the central nervous system. Her present areas of interest include: (1) the study of memory throughout one's development and with clinical conditions (e.g., cognitive changes connected with cancer), (2) the study of the impact of neuropsychological intervention not based in pharmacology (e.g., cognitive training and compensatory strategies) on cognitive function and cerebral indicators and (3) the study of innoative markers and asssessment devices that are sensitive to changes in health, as well as gauging changes in response to neuropsychological adjustments.

Carla Pais-Vieira

(Institute of Health Science: UCP-Porto)

Carla Pais-Vieira is a visiting Psychology professor at UCP and a collaborative researcher of the Translational Neuroscience Platform of the Interdisciplinary Health Research Center (CIIS) at UCP. Now, she is the coordinator of the project "Thertact-Exo: A brain controlled exoskeleton for spinal cord regeneration," which is part of a national and international consortium. She is also a clinical neuropsychologist of the Action Plan for Supporting Disabled Veterans (PADM) in the Minstiry of National Defense. She has garnered experience in multidisciplinary research areas that aim to explore neurophysiological mechanisms that connect to human behavior through behavioral, immersive experience, virtual reality and neuroimaging techniques. Specifically, her research focuses on mechanisms between bodily sensations, cognitive processes and the effects on the determination of pre-clinical indicators of illness / well-being. She serves as a mentor for Master's theses,  jury for academic degree programs, scholarly journals and international research projects. From 2010-2016, she carried out a doctoral research project in Psychology, with a Cognitive Neuroscience specialization, between the University of Aveiro and Duke University (USA), where she was a pioneer researcher in the study of neuronal correlates' effect on emotional memories, which are in turn influenced by interoceptive sensory states. Previously, she earned her Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology as well as her Bachelor's degree in Psychology from UCP.

Miguel Pais-Vieira

(Department of Medical Sciences – University of Aveiro)

He receieved his nursing degree from the Institute of Health Science's School of Nursing. After finishing his Master's Degree in Cognitive Science from Católica – Braga's Department of Philosophy, he completed his PhD in Human Biology from the University of Porto's Department of Medicine. During his post-doctoral work, he went to Duke University (USA) to learn real time electrophysiological recording techniques and analysis in Professor Miguel Nicolelis's lab. Now, he works with sensory-motor integration and brain-machine interfaces.

Amable Muñoz

(University of Madrid, Spain)

He received his degree in Philosophy and Education Science (concentrating in Psychology) in 1988 and his PhD in Psychology (1997) from the University of Oviedo. He earned his Master's in Psychopharmacology from the University of Valenica (2015) and is currently working toward his Master's in Pediatric Neurology and Neurodevelopment. Since 2005, he has been an adjunct professor in the Department of Psyschology at the University of CEU San Pablo's School of Medicine (Montepríncipe campus, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid).