Patrícia Oliveira-Silva

Assistant Professor / Researcher


Patrícia Oliveira-Silva is a PhD in Clinical Psychology, Professor of Neurosciences and Director of the Human Neurobehavioral Laboratory (HNL), a laboratory committed to teaching and carrying out research in the field of neurosciences that includes post-doctoral researchers and PhD, MA and undergraduate students. The main focus of her research is to explore the interaction between psychological and neurophysiological processes. More specifically she is interested in applying Neuroscience methods, predominantly psychophysiological, peripheral measures, to a spectrum of social behaviours and clinical conditions (including empathic responding, emotion regulation, pro-environmental behaviour and dementias). He has also been committed to interdisciplinary research, initiating two lines of research in collaboration with the CBQF, one related to a multidisciplinary perspective of consumer behaviour and the other focused on the development and validation of psychophysiological protocols for the evaluation of new commercial products. Her research has received funding from the Bial Foundation, FCT and CCDRN. Furthermore, she has advocated the importance of open science, strategic partnerships with industries and the internationalisation of Higher Education, and has organised and chaired several international events (Summer Schools, international conferences, etc.). She is currently assistant editor of the APA Psychology & Neuroscience journal, an invited member of the Affect, Personality and Embodied Brain - the APE group at Nottingham Trent University (UK) and one of the three FEP board members responsible for Internationalization, Research and Social Responsibility.


Bridging the Gap: Exploring the Role of Locus of Control in the Transition from Environmental Concerns to Organic Product Consumption in North Portugal, a SmartPLS Study

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Elisabete Pinto (with Lucía Penalba-Sánchez). 2024. Sustainability

Can motivation and intentions of parental support predict musical achievement before the commencement of musical studies at the elementary school level?

Luísa Mota Ribeiro & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with António Oliveira). 2024. International Journal of Music Education

CEDH Serie - Whatever gave you that idea?

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Clédna Patrícia de Oliveira Silva). 2024.

Classification of Sleep Quality and Aging as a Function of Brain Complexity: A Multiband Non-Linear EEG Analysis

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Lucía Penalba-Sánchez). 2024. Sensors

Evaluation of the responsiveness pattern to caffeine through a smart data-driven ECG non-linear multi-band analysis

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Patrícia Batista (with Rita Domingues). 2024. Heliyon

Fucoidans: Exploring its neuroprotective mechanisms and therapeutic applications in brain disorders

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Patrícia Batista (with Patrícia Batista). 2024. Trends in Food Science & Technology

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2024.

Olimpíadas da Sustentabilidade do HNL

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Clédna Patrícia de Oliveira Silva). 2024.

Resilience Training Programs with Police Forces: A Systematic Review

Ana Moreno & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Ana F. Moreno). 2024. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology

Série Ser neurocientista é

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2024.

Video Cognitive and Affective Neurosciences

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2024.

A case study with a police officer

Ana Moreno & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Ana Moreno). 2023. 36th ECNP Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 7/10/23

Astaxanthin impact on brain

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Patrícia Batista (with Sara A. Cunha). 2023. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

Coffee consumption during the COVID pandemic in a Portuguese sample

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Patrícia Batista). 2023. Foods

Consumers’ engagement and perspectives on sustainable textile consumption

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Patrícia Batista (with Pedro Ribeiro). 2023. Sustainability

COVID-19 vaccine

Patrícia Batista & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Patrícia Batista). 2023. Revista Brasileira em Promoção da Saúde

Fall International week 2023

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Clédna Patrícia de Oliveira Silva). 2023.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental and physical health and overall wellbeing of university students in Portugal

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva, Elisa Veiga, Bárbara Cesar Machado & Elisabete Pinto (with Bárbara Freire Brito César Machado Levy Osório). 2023. PLoS one

Increased functional connectivity patterns in mild Alzheimer’s disease

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Lucia Penalba-Sánchez). 2023. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience

Já ouviram falar sobre o Human Neurobehavioral Laboratory (HNL) da FEP-UCP?

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2023.

Kombucha: Challenges for Health and Mental Health

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Patrícia Batista (with Patrícia Batista). 2023. Foods

Music performance anxiety inventory for adolescents

Lurdes Veríssimo & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Pedro Dias). 2023. Advances in Cognitive Psychology

Music performance anxiety inventory for adolescents

Lurdes Veríssimo, Pedro Dias & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Pedro Dias). 2023. Advances in Cognitive Psychology

Nodes of the default mode network implicated in the quality of empathic responses

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Patrícia Oliveira-Silva). 2023. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology

Online holistic program to foster health amongst students

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Elisa Veiga). 2023.

Overview about Oral Films in Mental Disorders

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Patrícia Batista (with Patrícia Batista). 2023. Pharmaceuticals

Perceptions of probiotics and Kombucha consumption in relation to emotion regulation

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Patrícia Batista (with Maria Góis). 2023. Beverages

Sons da mudança: E se tocássemos a um ritmo diferente?

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, P.). 2023.

Testemony International Teachers' Day

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2023.

The impact of visual display of human motion on observers’ perception of music performance

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Nádia Moura). 2023. PLoS one

Understanding the motives behind the consumption of organic products in North Portugal

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Lucia Penalba-Sánchez). 2023. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems


Bárbara Cesar Machado, Pedro Dias, Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Ana Moreno (with Lucia Penalba-Sánchez). 2022. Psychology and Neuroscience

An Exploratory Study about the Characterization of Caffeine Consumption in a Portuguese Sample

Patrícia Batista & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Patrícia Batista). 2022. Behavioral Sciences

Anxiety and coping stress strategies in researcher during COVID-19 pandemic

Patrícia Batista & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Patrícia Batista). 2022. Frontiers in Public Health

Anxiety, stress and coping stress strategies in researchers

Patrícia Batista & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Patrícia Batista). 2022. Proceedings of the 14th international conference on humanities, psychology and social sciences

Developing conjoint research work through a joint PhD programme

Pedro Dias, Rosário Serrão Cunha & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Rosário Serrão). 2022. IFCU 7th International Psychology Congress "Psychology in Dialogue: Three paths, one goal", Porto, Portugal, 7/07/22

Early detection of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases using multiband nonlinear EEG analysis.

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Gabriel Silva). 2022. Psychology & Neuroscience

EEG and ECG nonlinear and spectral multiband analysis to explore the effect of videogames against anxiety

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Miguel Ferreira). 2022. 3rd online APE Conference, United Kingdom, 22/09/22

International affect, personality, and embodied brain (APE) network

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Alexander Sumich). 2022. Psychology and Neuroscience

Interplay Between the Salience and the Default Mode Network in a Social-Cognitive Task Toward a Close Other

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Ribeiro da Costa, Cátia). 2022. Frontiers in Psychiatry

Kenny Music Performance Anxiety Inventory: Contribution for the Portuguese Validation

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Dias, Pedro). 2022. Behavioral Sciences


Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Patrícia Batista). 2022. Foods

Mental Health Force: Assessing and promoting mental health among police officers

Ana Moreno & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, P.). 2022. 14th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences

Psychophysiological measures as a parameter for oral films characterization

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Batista, Patrícia). 2022. Bioengineering

Validation of psychophysiological measures for caffeine oral films characterization by machine learning approaches

Patrícia Batista, Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Ana Moreno (with Patrícia Batista). 2022. Bioengineering

Disentangling motivation within instrumental music learning: a systematic review

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira, António). 2021. Music Education Research

Estilos de vida em jovens universitários: aplicação do “FANTASTICO”

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with João Amado). 2021. Brazilian Journal of Global Health

Mental health force

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Ana Moreno (with Ana Moreno). 2021. 63rd Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Ulm, Germany, 14/03/21

Musical achievement during a lockdown: The parental support miracle

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira, António). 2021. Research Studies in Music Education

Neuropsychophysiological measurements as tool for neuromodulator oral films evaluation

Patrícia Batista & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Patrícia Batista). 2021. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

When our hearts beat together: Cardiac synchrony as an entry point to understand dyadic co-regulation in couples

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Coutinho, Joana). 2021. Psychophysiology
Opinion article

A arte do Ensino e o ensino da Arte

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2020. Público Online

Changes in the effective connectivity of the social brain when making inferences about close 0thers vs. the self

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Sofia Esménio). 2020. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Changes in the effective connectivity of the social brain when making inferences about close others versus the self

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2020. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Fraudes Académicas: Vamos responsabilizar os “jovens aldeões”

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2020. Publico Online

Mental health force

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Ana Moreno (with Ana Moreno). 2020. Affect, Personality and the Embodied Brain, United Kingdom, 23/09/20

Searching for better 3D Baseline Stimuli

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Manuel Silva). 2020. Affect, Personality and Embodied Brain (APE), Portugal, 23/09/20
Opinion article

Vamos responsabilizar os jovens aldeões

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2020. Público Online

Brain circuits involved in understanding our own and others internal states in the context of Romantic Relationships

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2019. Social Neuroscience

Brain circuits involved in understanding our own and other’s internal states in the context of romantic relationships

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Sofia Esménio). 2019. Social Neuroscience

Development a neuropsychophysiological protocol to evaluate oral films for the delivery of neuroactive substances.

Patrícia Batista, Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Ana Moreno (with Batista, Patrícia). 2019. Annual Meeting for the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience (BACN)

Development of a neuropsychophysiological protocol to evaluate oral films for the delivery of neuroactive substances

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Patrícia Batista). 2019. Annual Meeting for the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience (BACN), Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2/09/19

Emotional induction through music: Measuring cardiac and electrodermal responses of emotional states and its persistence

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2019. Frontiers in Psychology

Emotional Induction Through Music: Measuring Cardiac and Electrodermal Responses of Emotional States and Their Persistence

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Ribeiro, Fabiana Silva). 2019. Frontiers in Psychology

Is intake of caffeine via a oral film as effective as an expresso?

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Eugénia Fernandes). 2019. Annual Meeting for the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience (BACN), Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2/09/19

Neurociências e educação: Como o cérebro aprende?

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2019. Marketeer Kids

Psychophysiological synchrony during verbal interaction in romantic relationships

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Joana Coutinho). 2019. Family Process

Using resting-state DMN effective connectivity to characterize the neurofunctional architecture of empathy

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Esménio, Sofia). 2019. Scientific Reports

Empathy by default

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Patrícia Oliveira-Silva). 2018. Psicothema

Empathy by default: correlates in the brain at rest

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2018. Psicothema

MusicalMente: O que nos pode ensinar a psicologia sobre a música?

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2018. Marketeer Kids

Neurobiological correlates of empathy in couples: a study of central and peripheral measures” grant 87/12

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Coutinho, Joana). 2018.
Book Chapter

Olhar a educação a partir das neurociências

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Patrícia Oliveira-Silva). 2018. Conhecimento e ação: transformar contextos e processos educativos
Book Chapter

Olhar a educação a partir das neurociências

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Patrícia Oliveira-Silva). 2018. Conhecimento e ação


Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Ana Moreno (with Ana Moreno). 2018. 4º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Braga, Portugal, 12/09/18

Psychophysiological Synchrony During Verbal Interaction in Romantic Relationships

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva 2018. Family process

A influência da expressividade emocional na sincronia psicofisiológica

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Mendes, Tânia Catarina Oliveira). 2017.

A influência da sincronia psicofisiológica na satisfação conjugal e no desempenho de tarefas cooperativas e competitivas numa díade romântica

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Lopes, Ana Catarina da Silva). 2017.

A influência do contágio emocional na qualidade da resposta empática em alunos de psicologia

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Gonçalves, Mariana Vieira Miranda). 2017.

Empathy by default: correlates in the brain at rest

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva 2017. Psicothema

Is the relationship between mind wandering and attention culture-specific?

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Gonçalves, Ó.F.). 2017. Psychology and Neuroscience

Mind wandering and the attention network system

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Gonçalves, Ó.F.). 2017. Acta Psychologica

Neurophysiological Diadical Agreement in a Naturalistic Context: Do We Need to Be Concordant to Be Able to Empathize?

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Ana Moreno (with Ana Moreno). 2017. Dias da Psicologia 2017, Portugal, 8/03/17

Psychophysiological Reactivity in Couples During a Marital Interaction Task

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Coutinho, J.). 2017. Applied Psychophysiology Biofeedback

Reatividade interpessoal e regulação emocional em estudantes em psicologia : estudo exploratório

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Gonçalves, Mariana da Silva). 2017.

Sincronia psicofisiológica e neuroticismo na díade de casal

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Soares, Patrícia Isabel Caetano). 2017.

Sincronia psicofisiológica entre terapeuta e cliente em acontecimentos significativos em psicoterapia

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Silva, Vânia Cristina Martins da). 2017.

Vagal modulation of 1-month-old infants to auditory stimuli is associated with self-regulatory behavior


Co-Regulation between Romantic Partners as Expressed through Cardiac Synchrony

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2016. 3rd International Conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

Conflict Resolution skills: are we capable of being concordant?

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Ana Moreno (with Ana Moreno). 2016. 3rd Conference of European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience , Portugal, 23/06/16

Conflict Resolution skills: are we capable of being concordant?

Ana Moreno & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, P.). 2016. 3rd Conference of European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN)

Is Stress Making Us Less Empathethic?

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Sara Reis). 2016. 3rd International Conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

Parents’ Influence on the Sexual Processing

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Sofia Rocha). 2016. 3rd International Conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

Physiological Synchrony in Electrodermal Activity during a Couple ´s Interaction Task

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Coutinho, Joana). 2016. 3rd International Conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

Sincronia psicofisiológica durante uma tarefa de empatia em casais

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Correia, Diogo João Batista). 2016.

Therapeutic Collaboration and Psychophysiological Arousal: A Comparative Study of a Dropout and a Terminated Therapy Cases

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2016. 3rd International Conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

Within couple neurophysiological concordance in naturalistic context : do we need to be concordant to empathize?

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Moreno, Ana Filipa Neves Valente Geraldes). 2016.

Differential activation of the default mode network in jet lagged individuals

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Coutinho, J.F.). 2015. Chronobiology International

Empathy and heart rate variability: a need and a mechanism of emotion regulation

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Barbosa, Marta Judite Magalhães). 2015.

Evidências de validade da versão portuguesa do Índice de Reatividade Interpessoal para Casais

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia). 2015. Análise Psicológica

Validity evidence of the Portuguese version of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index for Couples | Evidências de validade da versão portuguesa do Índice de Reatividade Interpessoal para Casais

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Vânia Sousa Lima (with Coutinho, J.). 2015. Avaliacao Psicologica

Effects of empathy and conflict resolution strategies on psychophysiological arousal and satisfaction in romantic relationships

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Perrone-Mcgovern, K.M.). 2014. Applied Psychophysiology Biofeedback

Neurosciences, empathy, and healthy interpersonal relationships: Recent findings and implications for counseling psychology.

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Coutinho, Joana Fernandes). 2014. Journal of Counseling Psychology

The Neuropsychophysiological basis of empathy

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Silva, Clédna Patrícia de Oliveira). 2014.

The psychology and cognitive neuroscience: Implications for understanding the basic processes and their applications | A psicologia como neurociência cognitiva: Implicações para a compreensão dos processos básicos e suas aplicações

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Gonçalves, Ó.F.). 2014. Analise Psicologica

Responding empathically: A question of heart, not a question of skin

Patrícia Oliveira-Silva (with Oliveira-Silva, P.). 2011. Applied Psychophysiology Biofeedback

Education for sustainability

Ana Moreno, Patrícia Oliveira-Silva & Patrícia Batista (with Patrícia Batista). Mind, Brain, and Education